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Official Q&A Thread for February 10th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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We know that Accuracy reduces the chance attacks will miss, and that Accuracy above 100% reduces the enemy's chance to avoid an attack.


For purposes of determining how much Accuracy Rating is "enough" in PvE (the "Accuracy soft cap"), we also need to know the maximum Melee/Ranged and Force/Tech avoidances for Flashpoint/Operation bosses.


So the question: What is the maximum Melee/Ranged and Force/Tech avoidance a Flashpoint/Operation boss may currently have, neglecting short-term, temporary defensive buffs the NPC may place on themselves?

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My question is will we every see less human characters? Star was has some of the most unique humanoid character in that would still fit the Bioware need to keep the player "Relatable". Examples are master Ki-Adi-Mundi the Cerean, master Plo Koon the kel Dor, master Shaak Ti the Togruta, master Kit Fisto the Nautolan, and my personal favorite the Chagrians. Most of which already found in game.
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This is a big concern with the tanking community.


It is known that both Tech and Force attacks, which consist of the most widely used attacks used in PvP, completely bypass all defense stats. Because of this, these stats (Shield, Absorption and Defense) are less than desirable. We were told pre-launch that Tanks specifically would be useful in PvP. However, thanks to this mechanic we are currently the weakest class role in PvP because everything we build ourselves around is essentially negated by the majority of classes found in PvP. Unless you count the few seconds of "uber" we have if we blow all of our cooldowns at once.


So my question is:


Since both Tank gear and a large chunk of Tanking talent trees focus around survival and buffing these survival stats, which are by and large neutered in PvP, will BioWare be doing something to bring Tank spec'd characters more in line with their DPS counterparts who are completely unleashed/unrestricted in PvP?

Edited by Gankstah
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Currently the description of the vanguard/power-tech says mid to close range, yet all the trees require the character to be in melee to be optimal, are there any plans to change this, or to change the description to match it being a melee class? Edited by kajind
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are there plans to merge servers? less servers but more populated is better than what we have now. if needed splits could be done, but meanwhile it couldnt hurt


having 10 people in a whole planet is pretty boring

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Would BioWare consider breaking through the dev/consumer information gap and publishing their reasoning on major class/crew skill/flashpoint/ops to the community at large before patching said changes (giving the community the game it was promised -- ala, "it's your game, we listen to you," etc)?
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Why once we've reached max affection with a companion and they send us the one or two emails after do we hear nothing rom them, can't we something like a random daily quest from our companions that have max affection? They are such a huge part of the leveling process then are just an after thought in endgame, they can't raid with us, they can't pvp with us, they are basicly servants that craft for us. Edited by lambandmartyre
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Well since I just realized that my other post was canceled due to too many questions:(

(I wish I could have been notified so I could have taken a picture of my post, and retyped it on general discussion, because of the time I spent doing it but.. I guess not)

Well... I guess my question could be .... will y'all ever put any gambling aspect into the game like betting who you think will win a pod race, or which team will win a duel?

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Will you fix the class story for Sith Warrior



with Malavai Quinn betrayal. And add an option to torture or deform his body after Darth Baras is defeated? It will make bigger sense, since we arent allowed to kill him.


Edited by DarthSandro
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Why are hard modes just normal modes with enrage timers? Why wasn't time spent developing interesting encounters instead of making everything hit harder or require things to be killed in a shorter amount of time? Is this what we have to look forward to as challenging content? Enrage timers?
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