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AOE channel ability queue


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For those of you who used ability like Force Storm that require you to click a button, select the target area, and then fire, have you noticed the following:


1. If you are channeling and you select the ability again to continue casting, when it is done channeling it removes your target again and you have to reclick the ability and do it all over again

2. As a follow up to the above, you cannot queue channeling abilities like you can with Force lightning etc.


Am I the only one experiencing this?

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Thats the way they work....


When you click the ability the first, fourth, or twentieth time you still have to select where it is going.


Say you wanted to use force storm on a different pack of people. Wouldnt make sense if it continued to fire off on your original target area.

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Maybe I am not explaining it well. I should be able to Queue the next ability and place where I want it to go. If I have the ability selected and am ready to place but have not clicked it yet, the ability to set the area STILL goes away and I have to reclick again
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Thats the way they work....


When you click the ability the first, fourth, or twentieth time you still have to select where it is going.


Say you wanted to use force storm on a different pack of people. Wouldnt make sense if it continued to fire off on your original target area.


You missed the point. You cannot queue up another targeted AOE attack while still channeling. If you bring up the marker ahead of time it disappears at the end. If you try to select the next location before you're done channeling it does nothing (or just disappears , I forget which).


I would really like to see this improved. There are times where I just want to lay down a couple sweeping blasters to clear some adds and it's rather annoying that I can't set up the follow up attack while waiting for the current one to finish.

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Thats the way they work....


When you click the ability the first, fourth, or twentieth time you still have to select where it is going.


Say you wanted to use force storm on a different pack of people. Wouldnt make sense if it continued to fire off on your original target area.


For the 2nd point yes.


But that doesn't explain why the 1st one happens. I've noticed it on Force Quake as well.

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not sure what problem you're having. when i channel force pebbles then use the force in balance, i click TFIB and place my cursor where I want it to hit while force pebbles is being channeled. just before the force pebbles ends, I click to activate TFIB and it works perfectly.
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YES, and I'm becoming increasingly annoyed with this!


On my commando Ill throw out an incendiary grenade at a trash mob pack. While my toon is in the throwing animation Ill select hail of bolts, place it at the mobs feet, but as soon as the global CD is off the grenade I threw and now I SHOULD be able to cast the hail of blots, the blue symbol disappears and I have to re-select hail of bolts.


This issue should be easily fixable I would hope, and for no reason see why this is intended. This has nothing to do with the ability delay, but on top of it, these are the little things that really hurt gameplay.


EDIT: I shouldn't say when the GCD is done because that's when I'm able to select the hail of bolts, but rather when the animation is complete. Basically you cant cue up a spell until another one is completely finished.

Edited by cujojax
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not sure what problem you're having. when i channel force pebbles then use the force in balance, i click TFIB and place my cursor where I want it to hit while force pebbles is being channeled. just before the force pebbles ends, I click to activate TFIB and it works perfectly.


Right, but if you fail to click to activate before the channel ends, you lose the template.


Basically the ability queue system doesn't seem to work perfectly with template attacks.

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Yep, noticed it with Force Quake almost immediately.


Not sure if it's a bug or intentional. They might not want you to be able to chain Force Quakes back to back to back to back to back.


Sometimes happens with Kolto Bomb (template disappears when the cast of the previous heal finishes). That bothers me a lot more than when it's a DPS ability. Of course I just hate the heck out of placed-template healing anyhow.

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