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Fix LOLSLAM Juggs / Knights


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No, people just post things without understanding anything more than "SKILL HIT ME FOR A LOT". Then they post stupid things that aren't true such as "It's a tank" class, when a Focus specced, offensively geared Guardian/Jugg is most definitely not a tank. Given the brief history, Bioware caves into these things. They got their way when your class got hit. Ours will be next, I'm sure.


Meh bioware seems to be pretty capable of testing **** to see if it actually does need a nerf or not.


Idk why, but before the ops got nerfed i was being 2 shotted by 5k hits as a full defensive tank, so obviously some thing was up.


Though i think they should of reduced it by 10%, not 20

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Meh bioware seems to be pretty capable of testing **** to see if it actually does need a nerf or not.


Idk why, but before the ops got nerfed i was being 2 shotted by 5k hits as a full defensive tank, so obviously some thing was up.


Though i think they should of reduced it by 10%, not 20



You have a lot of faith in BW. The same testing they did on things that went through beta. The same testing they did on Illum. Cool.



Now how in the heck would you know that?


You got a combat log we don't know about?


I got screenshots?

Edited by Treplos
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What you say isnt impossible.


But a Guardian/Jug hitting you that hard is not a tank.


Thats the whole point of this thread, the OP thinks that Guardians and Jugs with DPS spec some how retain the Godlike defense when they dont.


Its one or the other



Does it matter if they are a tank or not? One class got nerfed for bursting for that much, but it's ok for other classes to do it. Ok lol. At least you bring other things to the table.

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I've come out of fights where i have had less than 30% hp half the time. Maybe its not "godlike" but its certainly the best tank class ive played in an MMO to date.


Agreed I do enjoy it. PvE threat is a lil silly against more than 2 targets, but that's why there's CC n stuff

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Does it matter if they are a tank or not? One class got nerfed for bursting for that much, but it's ok for other classes to do it. Ok lol. At least you bring other things to the table.


Translation: I don't care if I have a valid point or not. I'm upset I was nerfed and therefore every class should have a nerf.


Suggestion: Roll an alt. You'll feel less defensive about one class being adjusted.


Like I said - I have a 50 scoundrel. I got hit with this nerf. I'm not happy about it because it affects my PvE end game runs, but it is what it is. I'm not for dissing other classes 'just because.'

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Does it matter if they are a tank or not? One class got nerfed for bursting for that much, but it's ok for other classes to do it. Ok lol. At least you bring other things to the table.


Operative/Scoundrel burst could only be countered by one ability: your CC breaker. There was no other way to avoid it.


If this was on cooldown, you're guaranteed to be dead/nearly dead against a geared Operative/Scoundrel. You can't see when their burst is coming because they are stealthed.


Juggernaut/Guardian burst can be countered by SEVERAL different methods that aren't based on one single ability.


- CC them

- Knockback

- Run away. Their Smash/Sweep animation is very buggy and often will completely miss moving targets

- Pop your defensive CD when they use Smash/Sweep and take anywhere between 0-2k dmg depending on CD and laugh as the Jugg/Guardian has to spend another 10-30 seconds building charges again


There's 4 perfectly viable methods of avoiding Guardian/Juggernaut burst.

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The funny thing is they didn't just lower the damage for the OP/Scoundrel. The also decreased the amount of resolve of ability generation. You hit 700 doing the same rotation of CC that you did before over 1000 (maxing resolve.) But I guess we only look at damage numbers and not CC elements of a heavy CC/utility class. But w/e.
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Does it matter if they are a tank or not? One class got nerfed for bursting for that much, but it's ok for other classes to do it. Ok lol. At least you bring other things to the table.


The one burst skill they have is not the same as what Operatives had. I still don't think Operatives needed a nerf, but they can still burst and DPS more and in a shorter period of time than a Sweep-bomb Guardian/Jugg. They have that one situational/conditional skill that can hit for a lot (assuming adrenals/relics popped and all skills used at the right time, in the right order, and without being CC'ed, avoided), but their follow up attacks are not on par with what a Scoundrel/Operative can put out.


It's not like we can just run around spamming Force Sweep and get tons of kills. You have to build the ability up and a lot of players will avoid it, or they won't get hit to due to lag if they're moving, or we don't have the 3-minute surge adrenal up and it hits for 25% less, or plenty of other things. This is why I don't like it when other classes call for nerfs on something that they don't play. Unless you have a lot of information and have researched the class in question, basing it off of one ability, one player, a few select situations or a PvP video in which the creator surely posted only their best clips, it's not useful to the discussion.

Edited by vindianajones
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You don't nerf a skill solely on the basis that it hits hard. You nerf a skill because it hits TOO hard AND no one can defend it.


If this move is easily defensible, then no nerf is needed. The high dam is the reward for being able to successfully pull it off.

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You don't nerf a skill solely on the basis that it hits hard. You nerf a skill because it hits TOO hard AND no one can defend it.


If this move is easily defensible, then no nerf is needed. The high dam is the reward for being able to successfully pull it off.


Tell that to an operative.

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They had 1 ability nerfed to 20% damage.


Id hardly call that a "Class nerf"


20% damage reduction and 40% nerf to armor penetration.


I have guildies that are still hitting 6-7k on Slam. With the way the combat flag works, saying the Slam spec takes any amount of time/skill to setup is laughable. If you're not hitting that hard, then you're not min/max on gear, and not stacking buffs --- like all SM/Ops did to hit the higher numbers. A good crit for me on a Scoundel is in the 4k's on SF post-nerf.

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20% damage reduction and 40% nerf to armor penetration.


I have guildies that are still hitting 6-7k on Slam. With the way the combat flag works, saying the Slam spec takes any amount of time/skill to setup is laughable. If you're not hitting that hard, then you're not min/max on gear, and not stacking buffs --- like all SM/Ops did to hit the higher numbers. A good crit for me on a Scoundel is in the 4k's on SF post-nerf.


^Oh look, someone who isn't completely delusional.

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I play Rage spec for pvp.


I can Crit for 3-4k dmg with my gear.





I get knockback while im using slam.. it doesnt work.


If target is moving, most of the time slam doesnt hit them.



Im not tanky, im squishy as a merc and i have to be up close.


If i ran tank stance, i lose dmg.


The AoE size is tiny.



I hit for 3-4k ever 10-15 sec.





I have to charge my skill up, keep you in range.. to do it.



You can nerf this, thats fine.


Give me a 3k-4k dmg ability on a 3 sec cooldown to match what Mercs can spam.

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I play Rage spec for pvp.


I can Crit for 3-4k dmg with my gear.





I get knockback while im using slam.. it doesnt work.


If target is moving, most of the time slam doesnt hit them.



Im not tanky, im squishy as a merc and i have to be up close.


If i ran tank stance, i lose dmg.


The AoE size is tiny.



I hit for 3-4k ever 10-15 sec.





I have to charge my skill up, keep you in range.. to do it.



You can nerf this, thats fine.


Give me a 3k-4k dmg ability on a 3 sec cooldown to match what Mercs can spam.




Arrow in the knee?

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