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Vanguard DOES do a lot of dps


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This clip was not made by me, all credit goes to 3 SNIPERJAY, the maker of the video.


In this clip, the vanguard burns down enemies soo fast, and also solos multiple enemies. Notice how the vanguard is using ion cell, not plasma or high energy. Please tell me your thoughts.


P.S. the vanguard is specced into assualt.


lol, i forgot to link the video, here it is.

Edited by Sallastar
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Well missing the video.


But I can confirm one thing. I have just started to play full assault but using ion cell and having points into shield for snare and dot effect from ion proc.


My current spec is 8/2/31

Can only afford 40% arp on HIB with this spec, but better then 6% more aim imo.


The spec is extremly strong, high damage, great burst and survival as a tank.


yes, I do I would estimate around 15% lower damage then a full assault/tactics spec using plasma cell and a generator. Im using a shield and loose some techpower just there, but I trade 15% damage for around 50% better survival, if not even more then 50%, possibly 75% better survival.


The spec is EXTREMLY fun, as Im jumped and they think Im a squishy vanguard in assault spec, and realize I have defence as a tank, but burst as assault.


All I say is...Ohh..Myy..God:-) Love this spec.

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Well missing the video.


But I can confirm one thing. I have just started to play full assault but using ion cell and having points into shield for snare and dot effect from ion proc.


My current spec is 8/2/31

Can only afford 40% arp on HIB with this spec, but better then 6% more aim imo.


The spec is extremly strong, high damage, great burst and survival as a tank.


yes, I do I would estimate around 15% lower damage then a full assault/tactics spec using plasma cell and a generator. Im using a shield and loose some techpower just there, but I trade 15% damage for around 50% better survival, if not even more then 50%, possibly 75% better survival.


The spec is EXTREMLY fun, as Im jumped and they think Im a squishy vanguard in assault spec, and realize I have defence as a tank, but burst as assault.


All I say is...Ohh..Myy..God:-) Love this spec.


Can you link your spec?

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Nice use of stims/relics.


But one question though, are you a clicker? Your bottom row is not key bound - if you are a clicker I'm impressed.


Assault Burst with timed stims are beastly - Incendiery, Plastique, HIB, Ion, Stockstrike and the fight could be over, right there.

Edited by Tanyala
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Thanks for posting my video.


I gotta say, I'm glad I didn't record any of my 5k crits though with what this topic is about... did I just say that? oops? ;)


And yeah, I'm a partial clicker. Do have about 7 or 8 moves bound, but my stims and self buffs are not.

Edited by Loveshock
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Nice video.


I don't know why people think Vangaurds/Powertechs are a poor choice for PvP/DPS. Maybe it's because they think all of us are tanks?


Edit: Also Loveshock, one of your other video's uses a track from Bastion (I'm more partial to Spike on a Rail myself). This means you are a good person. Congratulations.

Edited by MaxDeeps
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Isnt assault spec prone to dispels making it useless?

I mean if they dispel your dots what dmg you do?


Yeah, I've been concerned about that. I don't think the game has quite reached the stage where people are good at removing debuffs from friendly players YET. At least in the PUG situation.

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Yeah vs a bad pug or vs a bad player in a 1v1 situation dot removal isnt an issue since bad players dont do it

But vs a good premade or a good player in 1v1 wont dot removal make this spec useless? or in the very least gimp its dmg by a lot?

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Yeah vs a bad pug or vs a bad player in a 1v1 situation dot removal isnt an issue since bad players dont do it

But vs a good premade or a good player in 1v1 wont dot removal make this spec useless? or in the very least gimp its dmg by a lot?


I run a 4/6/31 spec on my Vanguard in PvP.


1v1, this is not a problem even against the best of players.


The reasoning is largely due to the talent Ionised Ignition (tier 1 of the Assault tree), which guarantees Ion Pulse to apply Plasma Cell's DoT on the target.


By far and away the majority of my damage output comes from HiB. This means that I can use IP immediately followed by HiB, there is simply no time for my target to remove PC's DoT.


Also, since I can apply a DoT through a low cost, spammable ability (in addition to the standard 16% chance on all my other attacks, not to mention Incendiary Round), if a player were to dedicate all efforts to remove every Dot applied, they would not be able to activate any other ability.


All the while, I'm happily continuing through my rotation of HiB, SS and IP whilst their activity is nullified through futile endeavours to dispel every DoT.


In a pinch, I can even call upon Cryo Grenade or Ion Surge to ensure the use of HiB.



In a group scenario with more than one player dedicated to removing DoTs, it does become a little more problematic, but nothing to the extent of rendering the spec useless.

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What cell u use? And isnt survability an issue with that spec?

Also what class gives u the most trouble 1v1?


I use Plasma Cell, as it is a necessity to maximise HiB's uptime and enable the snare granted through Sweltering Heat.


I am, naturally, significantly less durable than a Shield Specialist, but this is actually due to the absence of specific skills (Ion Shield, Power Armour etc.) rather than Ion Cell.


The loss of the flat 5% damage reduction is the only real disadvantage in terms of survivability in pvp, seeing as somewhere in the region of 70% of incoming damage is neither shieldable nor affected by armour.


The addition of a combat log is needed to discover the exact difference in survivability between the two trees. However, based on the numerical values given by certain skills, shield, absorption and armour rating (and their application in pvp environments) I'd estimate to go down 15-20% faster than a SS Vanguard running IC.


In my opinion, the lower mitigation is easily off set by damage output gains, particularly burst.


1v1, Vanguard (both SS and Assault) are near the top of the food chain.

If I had to pick a class I'd rather not face, it'd be the mirror, Powertech.

Edited by Peytona
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If you run loveshock's spec with ion cell, you have to stock strike or incendiary round to dot. There are circumstances where IR is too costly or it is too dangerous or difficult to get into melee. Then dispelling can be annoying.


When running plasma cell in full assault, ion pulse is part of your normal rotation, and it applies a dot. Most of the time you are using ion pulse in an attempt to refresh HIB, so they have very little time to debugging. As was stated, if they attempt to consistently remove the dots, they will do nothing else.

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I have tried so hard to get used to Plasma Cell, seeing that 1200 dmg over 6 seconds is pretty crazy, but i gotta say, it is NOT worth it for me man. TBH, dispelling has rarely been an issue for me yet, including pre-mades vs pre-mades and countless 1v1's with those who can dispel.


I have spent spent probably around 4 mil on respecing back and fourth between assault ion, assault plasma, tactics ion and tactics plasma, and so far, assault with ion cell is whats bringing the most success.

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