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Stop making female gear have bare midrifts!


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Eh I have fun with it (I am female). It's a pixelated avatar. I duo with a friend and he dresses his female guardian in a very revealing outfit too. I find it hilarious when we're doing dailies and we're both in metal bikinis. If I could keep my dancer's outfit while raiding I would =P Where's all the outrage when it's the boys that are topless?


Conservative dress is for my work, I'll let it all loose in a game, thanks!


Plus, I have to wear this http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/7154/pveconsulargear.jpg Anyway. :( At least it looks better on a female consular.

Edited by Barleigh
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As an adult male human being I can honestly say to the OP, stop being a prude. This isn't a Barney's playland, and it's not your personal video game. You don't like that kind of armor? Don't put it on your characters. I personally hate the big bulky, bug on crack, WOW reject armor that 90% of people wear, but I don't come on here and tell them to stop wearning it, because I do exactly what I suggest you do... Edited by Sireene
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Dude come make a Trooper, there's absolutely Nothing I can craft in armormech i have found yet that makes Elara show her midrift and i just hit 400 armormech. If you really wanna show skin here you have to hit CE, Security, Social outfit but they are all light armor so you loose too much armor for it.


Also SERIOUSLY Can my MALE counselor have some frakkin PANTS. I'm just sick and tired of looking like a granny in a dress when this is a male.

Edited by Nitblade
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As a female playing a female, I am playing a dark sith lord as well, and I'm really annoyed at the fact that my gear makes me look like an easy target A. and B like I work in the cantina on my off days. I hate it. This is endgame pve gear, ok? Make it look like real armor, not like you can easily chop my arms off.


What is real armour? Well let's examine that for a min. Real armour would be a full or partial suit of riveted metal, covering and protecting the wearer.


Now we are talking about a game, one that has been created around a universe that started back in the 70's. Where certain rules sets seem to have been created from what has been set throughout the years of this universe growing.


The armour (what is covered etc...)that you are talking about has been in this universe longer then this game has been in development and is "Real Armour" within this game.


There is nothing stopping you from taking it off and going with something else.

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I want to be a female DARK LORD OF THE SITH - not a frakkin belly dancer! I realize Star wars comes with a decent amount of sexism and racism imbued in it from the outset but seriously guys - get your art department in order.


Your gogo girl female chest pieces are horrible. Just my 2 cents.



There's barely any sexy armor in this game.... If you don't want to be sexy then roll a Republic Sage, these nuns don't show any skin and should be right up your ally....


If anything they need to add in more sexy armor for all the different armor types, Med and Heavy is lacking big time in this department


BTW armor that shows more skin means you have faster movement and able to be more agile Vs someone who is wearing movement restricted full body armor.... just throwing that in there for the " Sexy armor is not realistic" crowd....


BTW when I say sexy armor I don't mean a metal bikini....

Edited by Monoth
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There are no Jedi and Sith wearing bikinis/bare midriffs in Star Wars, because there are no female Jedi or Sith in Star Wars to begin with. Not in the movies, at least, which are the base and ultimate canon.


Actually, in Episode III atleast there is a female twilek jedi master on the jedi council named Aayla Secura who sports a bare midriff.

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I would prefer if some female armor had more nudity.


While the slave girl skirt/top if fun to put mako in, it's not really used very often considering most people(including myself) don't want to have to switch or carry around two sets of wears.

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As a Republic Jedi Consular I cannot wait for 1.2. The day 1.2 goes live is the day I rip all the mods and set bonuses out of my shadow's goofy looking tier tanking gear and throw it into a slave girl or dancer outfit (until I get crit oranges and have to go back to being a prude.)
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Hi, I am a female who plays as female characters. I was happily surprised with the specialty goods armor I purchased for my Jedi Knight that showed off my midriff, and my first thought was "Dang, I look cute!" So far I have not seen anything that you wouldn't find on Prime Time or on a Cheerleader at a pro football game. If you don't like it, then don't wear that particular armor!
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If I was 20 years younger I'd yell "U GAY OR WUT!!?!?!?" but well, I'll spare you (and me) the embarrasment and cut to the chase.


Your statement is illogical. What does being gay have to do with anything? I'm a guy who is 1000% into guys and I love the way my female Knight looks in belly shirt armor. Can't she feel sexy too?

Edited by Ketchum
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Seeing as you use the force and energy shields to avoid damage, it really shouldn't matter what clothing you're wearing from a defense perspective.


I do support more gear variety though. All the 'best' gear looks the same. There is no real variation in stats, no gear of comparable quality but different looks. Orange gear is fun, but not yet the best gear.


I'm also a bit annoyed at the female/male only gear. If my male Sith Sorcerer wants to get around in a bikini I don't see why I shouldn't be allowed to. I can already wear eye shadow and maskara. And male Twileks do the same sexy bar dance as the female as their racial ability. More bare midriffs for boys! Have you see the six packs in this game?!?!


(Also would like to see ears on female Twileks... the males have ears... the females don't... What the ...?!?!?)

Edited by Verasmis
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I have no problem with the midriff showing armor. In fact several of my characters wear the slave girl outfit~ However, I DO have a problem with the fact that guys don't have any revealing armor too. I want to make my boyfriend's characters run around in a male dancer's outfit~ People who like guys need eye candy too!
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I want to be a female DARK LORD OF THE SITH - not a frakkin belly dancer! I realize Star wars comes with a decent amount of sexism and racism imbued in it from the outset but seriously guys - get your art department in order.


Your gogo girl female chest pieces are horrible. Just my 2 cents.


I can't bring myself to support this. Especially since I just got a top with a bare midriff for Vette to wear onboard ship.... ;)

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