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Why the arrogance of healers?


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I play a tank and a healer, whats your point? I get top medal or damn close to it so far on every char I have played including my healer because of the simple fact you don't always need to be healing.


someone spec'd for heals that isn't healing is a waste of space. if you're "healer" is stopping heals to pad your medals then you're bad

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Well this is my First Healer ever in a MMO I am a scout class tank mostly. Healing in a wz or an open world pvp fight as a sorc is hard as hell. And you the I am the best pvper and all others suck that yell if the Healers would heal me we would win I respond keep the other team off my ___ and I will heal you. I don't ever ask for a MVP vote I tell other healers nice heals in a wz and I vote for the person I think did the most for the team. Like the guy that died 15 times protecting my behind or the guy that scored the only point. I saw more DPS and tanks saying vote for me before the wz starts than I see healers, FACT I have never noticed a Healer saying VOTE for me. And with that point those pvp gods out there, and QUITTERS if you communicated more in the wz's other than Huttball your team would not suck as bad to quit or yell at and you would win more
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The whole medal system encourages selfish, often uselessly disorganized play a lot.


On my healer, the more tactically and intelligently I play, the more likely I am to wind up with 1, maybe 2 medals. If I go around just doing whatever and DPSing as best I can on anything moving while spamming heals with no thought given towards keeping heat (BH Merc healer is me) in reserve, I can pretty consistently pull 5 or 6 medals.


I don't like it very much. I've never asked a PVP team for anything, I don't even tend to notice who gets MVP'd and, frankly, I don't much care if anyone else does or doesn't.


If someone stands out in a warzone I'm in, or manages to get some semblence of organization going, I'll usually make a point of tagging them with MVP. Sometimes I'll do so just for an attempt at such made.


Otherwise, I very often don't even vote, and if there's some abundance of healers being arrogant about themselves, I haven't seen it, and I'd be baffled if someone accused me of so being.

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I think the real problem is that there's always X-many people that find their _1_ thing to constantly whine about and do it over and over and over and over.


For Healers, it seems to be whining about MVPs. I'm a healer, MVP votes are cool but I'm not bummed if I don't get it, but I have seen other people whining away about how "healers never get mvp"


But stop and look at other classes. DPSers complain about healers not healing them or tanks not protecting them. Others will rage about the blankety blank pugs on a regular basis.


So I think its more like you've hit a whiner/rager that happens to be a healer, and welcome to the "Whine Healer Party Line".

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I just did an alderan where we had two amazing healers and we totally dominated. I only wished i could have awarded two mvps. Healers can have a massive impact and get the least glory.


People who know how hugely important good healing is want to reward and encourage those who do it. I don't want to do it and i would give up any potential MVP vote ever to get good healing in Warzones.


The question is why is your pride interfering with your desire to win. Those two healers won the match for us and both were in the bottom half for medals.

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someone spec'd for heals that isn't healing is a waste of space. if you're "healer" is stopping heals to pad your medals then you're bad


I agree with this. I have never played a game where a healer was not focused on healing except in total face roll was doing it wrong.


Rarely have I been in a Warzone where I thought yeah that healer shouldn't bother healing

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All three roles are important. Healers keep people alive. Tanks let people being focused stay a live long enough to receive heals. Damage burns down the enemy so the healers don't run out of resource.


It's all a nice little circle. I love healing, I love doing damage, and I love tanking. I'll give props to whoever I saw doing a good job. Usually there's at least 3 people who deserve an mvp for some reason or another, but hey, I only have one to give out.

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Also, I see a lot of people saying "a healer playing properly". Aren't there different styles? Some people spam heal, some "hybrid" more or less.


I'm more of a hybrid. Healing is my first priority, but if everyone around me is above 75% health, then why heal them? I'll toss up a couple dots and then some force-conservative attacks to help burn their target. Then once they drop a bit, I'll go back to healing. Tossing out stuns and CC is amazing for helping the team as well.


My style of play usually allows me to get at least 5-6 medals per round with the killing blow, and two kill medals. If there's a pure healer in the group, sure I won't be top healing, but I usually have around 100k damage to match my 150k+ healing. I guess I just don't see the problem with non-spam healers.

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MVP medals aside, I try to acknowledge and thank any healer(s) that keep my *** alive even for an extra 3 seconds that I would've spent crumpled in a lifeless ball on the ground.


Also, a good healer usually has a big target painted on his/her head and will often be the victim of brutal violence and the very same teammates they were frantically trying to keep alive are suddenly nowhere in sight to help them. If I see any healers in trouble I will go out of my way to help them because I know how tough and thankless the role can be.


A lot of healers I have met enjoy healing because they have a helpful nature and even if not all healers are like this I just assume they are and they will always have my gratitude for putting their *** on the line to keep me alive. Tanks and dps are important too but there will always be a special place in my heart for healers. THANKS.

Edited by Barnacleface
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I don't understand it. Yes I love getting heals, but I also love getting protected by tanks, and I love dpsing someone into the ground.......... why do healers think they are something special? I played main heals in all other mmos I've played and not once thought I deserved to be voted mvp for this and that. I almost purposely not vote healers mvp because they ask so much. Instead just to spite them I'll mvp the guy who just joined or did 10k damage and 0 healing.


Man I can't wait to see the hate messages this post will bring. Anyway, stop thinking you're something special because you keybind moves the same as everyone else.


Because that healer who's doing just as good a job as that dps or that tank is getting 5 medals, the dps is getting 7, and the tank is getting 10.

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The actual benefit of MvP votes is trivial -- that extra commendation isn't getting anyone to Champion gear at a noticeably quicker pace. I view them more as a "nice job." Particularly when pugging, it's nice to see that someone noticed you did your job well.


You can accomplish the same thing with a /whisper after the match.

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The actual benefit of MvP votes is trivial -- that extra commendation isn't getting anyone to Champion gear at a noticeably quicker pace. I view them more as a "nice job." Particularly when pugging, it's nice to see that someone noticed you did your job well.


You can accomplish the same thing with a /whisper after the match.


Actually an mvp vote gives the same valor as a medal, thus speeding up your BM grind.

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I only mvp vote healers if they're good. Many are terrible. But I think their complaint with medals is valid. To actually get kills in wz or Illum you have to tag stuff, which requires a gcd. In that time you could have healed someone instead. Someone might die in the time you take to tag a couple of people. Also, tagging at range costs resources for sage.


I am ok with the extra medals tanks can get for protection, tho I guess is a bit unfair in premade situation. Seems they are just trying to get pug tanks to guard and use their 30% dmge reduction abilities which imo many don't even know exist.

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Who said it's their job to solely heal, if it was they wouldn't have so many viable damage and cc tools.


Viable damage? what are you smoking, CC yes, but the damage capacity for a pure healer in this game is a waste of a gcd. Take a look at them when soloing most of us prolly let our companions kill crap and just heal. My companion kills faster than i do by far. Do we have damaging abilites yes, but you wouldn't let someone drive your car just because they have feet would you?


Mind you I am not of the give me MVP vote crowd, I think you should vote for whoever did the most to help you win, which is sometimes the guy that stood at east turret and called incs all game. What I want is a way for healers to be earning the 6-7 medals dps and tanks earn consistantly, by doing what our job is, and not doing yours. Personally my damage is so pitiful the only reason i would throw a dot or and damage ability out is to get the medal, and its time better spent making sure a dps lives longer as they will do more in that 1.5 seconds than i will.

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