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whats wrong with the boots already on? although...I personally dont like those..so I wouldve made them all dark so I dont see the horrible round like shape..of the foot .

I just don't think they fit the top part of the outfit that well + both the boots and leggings have white stripes that can't be dyed. I'd like to use Advanced Slicer leggings but they don't dye well either :p

Edited by MFollin
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I'd love some suggestions for other leggings + boots I could use on this set: http://imgur.com/a/ZaLbX#7
Well, if you don't mind going at it with the Outfit Designer, the Electrum Onslaught pants made by Armormechs would be a good match for that set.


As for boots...look for any that share the same model as the Jedi Battlelord boots. I think those would match pretty well. (NOT the Jedi Battlelord boots themselves, mind you; those have this weird green tint to them and they don't dye very well. That said, I'm sure my Synthweaver makes some similar medium- and heavy-armor boots.)

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daaaaaamn she look Good :D


what hair are you using? and that armor! NAME PWEAse!


Thank you for the compliment. My character wears the sith recluse breastplate with a secondary medium grey dye, along with the recluse greaves and bracers. She also sports a mantellian privateer headband, eradicator's belt, satele shan's gloves and the battlefield commander boots. The hairstyle is shaggy, I understand it's usually available on the GTN.


Just need to get to level 50 so I can bust my white colour crystal out. Hopefully Bioware will see the light and release a dark side eyes appearance option.

Edited by AarenJ
forgot to mention hairstyle
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Thank you for the compliment. My character wears the sith recluse breastplate with a secondary medium grey dye, along with the recluse greaves and bracers. She also sports a mantellian privateer headband, eradicator's belt, satele shan's gloves and the battlefield commander boots. The hairstyle is shaggy, I understand it's usually available on the GTN.


Just need to get to level 50 so I can bust my white colour crystal out. Hopefully Bioware will see the light and release a dark side eyes appearance option.


She would look good as a BH....Me want one! :D

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Well, if you don't mind going at it with the Outfit Designer, the Electrum Onslaught pants made by Armormechs would be a good match for that set.


As for boots...look for any that share the same model as the Jedi Battlelord boots. I think those would match pretty well. (NOT the Jedi Battlelord boots themselves, mind you; those have this weird green tint to them and they don't dye very well. That said, I'm sure my Synthweaver makes some similar medium- and heavy-armor boots.)


The Electrum Onslaught leggings are really close, sadly they dye quite differently from the rest of the gear :( I'm not sure there's a dye that can make up for the color difference.

Instead, I went with the Remnant Yavin Knight's Greaves. They don't look as good as Electrum Onslaught but they fit better in terms of color.




The boots are Eradicator, couldn't really find Jedi boots with decent dye setup.


I also tried using Remulus Dreypa's boots, looks decent IMO: http://imgur.com/a/ZaLbX#7

Edited by MFollin
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I created an overview over my main characters in different games, mostly based on the respective loading screen, except for TERA, where I used a wardrobe mode (which provides toggle-able depth of field). I used whatever gear they are carrying at the moment. The idea was to have those shots as unbiased as possible, even though the energy I invested in them varies, course.


Unfortunately my main character in SWTOR is always displayed with the wrong colour for the pants in the loading screen. The pants are actually black. The actual look is displayed here: http://tor-fashion.com/auset-the-progenitor-2/


Rabenschwinge's main characters:

Characters FullHD (1920x906)

Characters WXGA (2560x1208)

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I couldn't pass up the opportunity to make a Santa themed character after seeing the Vectron J0-1Y speeder on the Life Day vendor. My apologies to all the players I had to pepper with snowballs to get enough snow covered parcels to afford it.


This is my "Dark Santa", a bounty hunter that keeps all the good stuff for himself. He's definitely not a nice guy. Poor Mako complained all the time, but now he's got the slick Gault to be his "helpful elf".


Pics and info: Dark'santa

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I usually play damage type characters, so I decided to try my hand at playing a healer.


He'lar (yes, pronounced "healer") is designed to make his chosen role obvious to anyone seeing him. White and red colors, First Responder title (from rakghoul events), mostly-white lightsaber blade (blue core with bloom on)...kind of overdone, but I like him.


Pics and info: He'lar

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