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And then kills him when he sees the insanity?


He didn't seem insane to me, Republic-side. It wasn't until Foundry that it really became apparent. Personally I hope he comes back in a future expansion, his mind restored, as the hero he once was. Maybe he can take an Oteg-style role, commanding a fleet of ships.

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He didn't seem insane to me, Republic-side. It wasn't until Foundry that it really became apparent. Personally I hope he comes back in a future expansion, his mind restored, as the hero he once was. Maybe he can take an Oteg-style role, commanding a fleet of ships.


I don't know... there is an ability that you can take in the new Pathfinder Roleplaying Games "Mythic Adventures" book that is called "Beyond Morality" completely removes your character's alignment. You are not good, you are not evil, you are not chaotic, you are not lawful, you are not even neutral because neutral is an alignment. You do what you do because it needs to be done and any time alignment matters, you count as the most favorable alignment (your benefit). Maybe this is where <redacted> is? He does what he does because it's for the best. Not for the greater good, and it doesn't matter if it's evil. He's beyond all that.

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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He didn't seem insane to me, Republic-side. It wasn't until Foundry that it really became apparent. Personally I hope he comes back in a future expansion, his mind restored, as the hero he once was. Maybe he can take an Oteg-style role, commanding a fleet of ships.



Revan was tortured for 300 years!

No one in the real world has EVER been tortured for that long. Heck, no one in the real world has been tortured for 100 years.


Revan must have a MASSIVE case of PTSD that is severely impairing his judgement.


He needs to spend years in Rehab to be able to live a normal life once more.


Edited by AshlaBoga
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Really brings out the blue in HK (never even noticed that he had blue lines on him...)



He doesn't. Inside the mind prison on that mission the colouring is different. This is what my character usually looks like...




I was rather taken with the groovy, spaced-out colours. That's why I took a screenshot. :)

Edited by PLynkes
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He doesn't. Inside the mind prison on that mission the colouring is different. This is what my character usually looks like...




I was rather taken with the groovy, spaced-out colours. That's why I took a screenshot. :)


Huh... I don't remember my twi'lek changing colours in the mind prison... but then my twi'lek is red so it should have changed if your's did...

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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SINCE The color revamp entering mind prisons warps your colors even lightsabers


Purple saber for example turns Green.


I wish they didn't change the colors in there, because it was a great place to take screenies of our chars... :(

Edited by Haggardbr
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Hello there. I don't really have anything to show off (yet) but I need some fashion advice and it seemed like a good place to ask for it. I started out getting stuff from the cartel market recently and equipped my character with it and when I was done I noticed I didn't like it in some respects. I really like the regal apperal top but the with mini skirt that belongs to it looks kind of unbalanced. High closed neck, fully sealed, but naked legs?


I've tried to make up for it by using sandcrawler pillager boots which have an additional knee cap, but that doesn't look particularly good either. (And yet another 300k waisted on putting augment slots into stuff I am not going to use after all.)


So this time I was going to spend some more time on a "plan" (given the price of the augments and slots it's really painful to change anything retroactively).


Now I have an idea but the problem is the colors. In the preview window I cannot preview what it would be like if, in addition to the black and blue, I'd use different color sets.But the boots just wouldn't look using the colors of the chest piece.


The current plan is:

  • Regal Apperal Top
    Relnex Pants (Basically matte tights, which is what I want)
  • Force Initiate Gloves (That's not from cartel packs, but normal light customizable armor)
  • Atton Rand's Bracers (There is a number of bracers that might work. If I could solve the color problem Last Handmaiden Bracers would look nice as well)
  • RV-03 Speedsuit Belt (I really love Visas Marr's Belt as well, but that draws a little too much attention. Darth Sion Belt or Classic Phantom belt are nice as well, but with the given color set that would put a kind of black bar in the middle of the character)
  • Last Handmaiden Boots - and that's where the biggest problem is. With the chest pieces colors they would be blue with black folded top. And that just looks silly even though the shape and material of the boot are perfect.


This is what the character looks right now:



And that's what I projected in the preview window:


So I was wondering whether it would work if I added a second actual colour (black is neutral in the context, only blue is really a colour right now). Orange would be complementary to blue but that would be too alarming (even though the lightsaber blade is and will remain orange).


Do you think it might work if I used Deep Brown and Black color for the boots and Last Handmaiden cuffs? That would add two brown spots to the look... Maybe something additional with the belt, but It shouldn't be all brown...


Oh, the character in question is a Jedi Shadow. She should be sexy but all covered up. She she one of the good girls (i.e. light side) but still aligned with the darkness, being a shadow. The original idea was always a skin tight outfit with a lot of emphasize with something that vaguely reminds of robes over it, which works pretty well with the regal apperal top...

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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Here are some updated shots of my Trooper, Quazee.


Quazee with Otega



Havoc Squad in full strength



Briefing before the attack on the Gauntlet



Quazee and Aric about to

fight the giant rancor




Quazee and Aric

learning the fate of the Dead Eyes




Quazee making the hardest command decision...


Edited by queetz
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Here are some updated shots of my Trooper, Quazee.


Quazee with Otega



Havoc Squad in full strength



Briefing before the attack on the Gauntlet



Quazee and Aric about to

fight the giant rancor




Quazee and Aric

learning the fate of the Dead Eyes




Quazee making the hardest command decision...




Put a shirt on man!

You'll catch your death of cold if you run around like that on hoth!


J/K, you can dress however you want.... although as a trooper, one would think he had more tactical sense to cover his vitals with armour ;)

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Don't think I could make a better set of Jedi Robes.


Because I'm feeling Generous.

Chest- Jolee with Dark Brown-Deep Brown

Visa's Bracers and Gloves

Matriarch Belt

Confiscated Merc (makeb rep vendor)

Relaxed Vestments Boots.


Edited by Magnusheart
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