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My Sith Inquisitor....





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Meet Gallasiso. Hired mercenary and Mandalore's personal business agent. Here he is bringing a little heat to hoth :D




awesome armor :p


can u tell me where u got it , or what it is called?

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Chestpiece is rakata actually. The helm is a prototype purple so it has 3 mod spots like orange gear. Took me forever to get my hands on that helm. :)


I was close at least, never paid too much attention to the Bounty Hunter gear.

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Been posting alot iknow :p

Here is Zaahl in his first Mandolorian Armor doing some easy work ;)



Is that TT-15A powertech set? I want it so badly. I can never get the drops I need. You are so lucky.

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Is that TT-15A powertech set? I want it so badly. I can never get the drops I need. You are so lucky.


Hehe thanks indeed it is =) i said to myself i am not going to use any other mandalorian armor sets than that set :p

so i started looking on GTN and fighting the correct bosses and after a while i got it:P then i sold all other sets and this is the only thing i use :p hehe I LOVE IT :p

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I have to say that the Miraluka Sith looks awesome! :) Great job.


Here are some pictures of my pureblood Sith Marauder, Marasiah the merciless. Which I am in love with at the moment. I dont have yet good combat pictures but Im working on it. I tend to think of these things when the servers are down.. lol

I love the way her face turned out to be.






Your Marauder and my Assassin could be long, lost twins!

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Eanelinea and Vector next to their fresh kill.




Eanelinea and her friends fighting with our Vectors. <3




Chiss girls just wanna have fun! Eanelinea and her two friends posing with Saganu. <3 <3 <3



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What Eanelinea left out is that after this:




Crez and Ean left, then THIS:






Happened. :D

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What Eanelinea left out is that after this:




Crez and Ean left, then THIS:






Happened. :D



i did not leave then that happened :cool:

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ooooo,my my...



someone mind telling me how to take screenshots?


I use Xfire. You can take screenshots (without Xfire) by using the Print Screen button, but I don't think it works during cutscenes.

Edited by Ellyria
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I Use Fraps to take screenshots, and that works perfect under cutscenes....

believe me iknow , i have ALOT of screens :p hehe


Anyway here is my Smuggler Juvo Cray


The Iconic Stance ;)



Tattoine can be quite a handfull:



Who u gonna call? Imperial Busters !


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I Use Fraps to take screenshots, and that works perfect under cutscenes....

believe me iknow , i have ALOT of screens :p hehe


I meant without any recording software, screenshots can only be taken during gameplay. Should have clarified that I guess. ;)


Anyway here is my Smuggler Juvo Cray




Om nom nom. >=3

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I meant without any recording software, screenshots can only be taken during gameplay. Should have clarified that I guess. ;)




Om nom nom. >=3


Yeah it kinda sucks that u need a recording software to take screens in Conversations, but hey i dont mind , i have 1947 screenshots hehe

I kinda press the button ALOT :p hehe



Hehe glad u approve of him ;)

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Hi Im new to the forum and i came across this thread and i wanted to show off my beautifully stunning char Geminii on English server... Red eclipse


Geminii is a balanced Sith who will speak her mind and will only dish out death to those who deserve it, she protect those who are innocent. Geminii has an Identical twin sister who is Jedi, they were separated at birth unfortunately and Gem was brought up in Dromund Kaas, and her sister was raised by the Jedi order in Coruscent.


Here goes...https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-4TQPrstUGLE/T-gfBB5ObeI/AAAAAAAAABY/PKIqZV_GmrM/s574/geminii+2.jpg


Close uphttps://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-2ostBb27ug0/T-gfi-QaqJI/AAAAAAAAAB4/pk-vSaJpsYo/s618/geminii+5.jpg


Hope you like her and this is my very first post whoot :)


Happy hunting



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