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Last 6 wins didnt count!! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?


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wait a second... are you guys all empire...


I play republic and the only times my game didn't count, (and for others in our warzone) is when it was same faction huttball.


I've played republic vs republic huttball like 3 times total out of 300+ warzone games I've played.


1 out of 3 of those games didn't count for anyone...


So... are you guys empire? and are your games mostly empire vs empire huttball?


Republic side. Happens in all kinds of WZs. In all concievable situations. Clean wins, close wins etc.


Happened in 6-0 void star as well. Just as in the gun capture WZ.

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But of course, I'm aware this is only my personal experience and my personal sample size isn't necessarily big enough to say for definite.


have you reported your info to Bioware? ..


good point about the sample size. Mine isn't big enough either, even at 100's of games. But, as a guild, we've collected 1000's of games, and we haven't been able to settle on one factor.


I haven't reported it, since they're obviously aware of the issue. Believe what you want about the whole "we didn't mean for that patch note to be there" explanation, but I'm pretty sure they thought they had it fixed, and found out differently.


In the end, I think it's a multi-order problem-- something that takes a combination of variables to happen, or it's something influenced by events outside of the WZ. But, that's just a hunch.


I'm a manufacturing engineer by trade, and I know how hard it can be troubleshooting a problem that takes 3-5 different situations to cause it to occur. People need to relax, and stop screaming for blood. If it was an easy fix, they'd have done it by now.

Edited by AcerLerxt
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As the guy who posted earlier said its pretty much totally random and there is no magic solution. I've had games that ended in 2 min due to not enough players count. I've had 6-0 5 min games count. I've had 15 min games that come down to the wire not count. I've done the untracking/ui reset/zone switch and games still didn't count. I've had days with 5 wins in a row counting and others with needing 20 wins to get the weekly. It seems to be completely up to the RNG gods and whether its a lucky day or not.
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I play around 10 WZ's a day, every day.


Being in a Republic PvP focused guild that only premades, our winning % is somewhere around 90%, so we've gotten a lot of practice at different conditions.


WZ's not counting for the daily happens frequently. Here's my list:


1.) It happens in all three WZ's.

2.) winning quickly isn't a factor. Neither is 6-0 in huttball, or 600-0 in alderaan (yes, we had a flawless Alderaan not count, but we've had several count)

3.) as mentioned, it doesn't count for everyone, so it's not a single user issue, and a UI reset or untracking/retracking the quest won't matter

4.) it doesn't require a "warzone will end early" condition to happen, either.

5.) it happens in tie games won by tiebreaker, close games, and blowouts.


I know everyone wants to find some magic switch that turns the problem on or off, but I honestly don't think we're going to find it. Whatever's making it happen, it's a multi-order contributor or something unrelated to the WZ progress, imo.


I can confirm this. Been keeping track the past week or two to see if I could narrow it down to some particular condition. No luck.

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I have same problem , I won warzones and nothing , i try ctrl U , abandon q just nothing , i want my wins i dont wanna waste time i wrote ticket in game but this is rly stupid bug . I hope BW you fix this or u lost subscribers ...
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It's not a factions-specific problem, I can almost guarantee you. It's something to do with matches ending after an auto-end got aborted and the game is shorter than average - I've been paying very close attention to when this has happened to me and reported in detail so I can say with at least some degree of certainty.


I don't think it's that simple. I've had normal matches that lasted their full duration, with the "this warzone will auto end" message never displaying, and still didn't get credit for the win.


Edit: Guess I should read the whole thread before replying, but at least we have a more confirmation that there is absolutely no rhyme or reason to it, other than it not counting for the entire team.

Edited by Illidor
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BW should give us past credit for wins that never counted. So got 3 wins that didn't count? You get a Champion Bag/Battlemaster bag.


We can hope they will fix it soon.

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reset your console UI by pressing ctril+U twice. All your wins should count afterwards...


Google is your friend...


I'm sorry but do you actually think this is normal? It should just work WITHOUT any user intervention at all. You shouldn't have to jump through hoops to get your game working. Especially since the patch notes already state that it has been fixed.


What's next, reset router, delete settings, set keybinds to defaults and reconfigure them and reconfigure graphics to just get the game to start up?


Not trying to be an *** here but this is simply something you shouldn't be having to deal with as a -paying- customer after they had stated it was fixed.

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Hi Everyone,


We currently have a thread where a developer has given official wording regarding this issue here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=2410519&postcount=108


We ask that you continue this discussion and go through the thread to get an update on the current situation.


Thank You! We will now be closing this thread so that you can continue this conversation in the provided thread. This will help to keep the forums organized.

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