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Poll: Would You Play This Game if it Wasn't Star Wars?


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I wouldn't. In the end the thing that I enjoy most about SWTOR, is the SW. Without ths Star Wars story line this game would be a weak WoW clone.


I'm interested to hear your thoughts and opinions.


Maybe? Take out the SW and you have a shell of a game. Replace it with a completely original story or another IP (like Mass Effect, Dragon Age if you stick with BW games) and maybe I would. I really have a hard time imagining what this game would be without SW as that dictates so much; characters, planets, weapons, abilities, art design, music...


If you are trying to break down the mechanics of this game taking out SW is not the way to do it, because in my mind I'd just replace the SW story with something else (BSG for example) and I'd still play the game.

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End game PVP is a disgrace.


you shouldn't be playing a MMORPG game if you want to PVP, go play FPS an have fun


that's like playing CS and complaining on the forum that you "can't" negotiate with the T's and get them to surrender, seems like a fail to me

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Yes, more like I'd like it even more if it wasn't Star Wars, not too fond of Star Wars.


Side note: If this game wasn't in the SW universe and the company wasn't Bioware this game would've been teared to pieces by every critic/review/magazine instead of being so praised. That I believe 100% in.

Edited by Zirithil
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Maybe? Take out the SW and you have a shell of a game. Replace it with a completely original story or another IP (like Mass Effect, Dragon Age if you stick with BW games) and maybe I would. I really have a hard time imagining what this game would be without SW as that dictates so much; characters, planets, weapons, abilities, art design, music...


If you are trying to break down the mechanics of this game taking out SW is not the way to do it, because in my mind I'd just replace the SW story with something else (BSG for example) and I'd still play the game.


Funny, I was about to make that exact same example - BSG would be a perfect IP to import into the model SWTOR has created. But then you have a different fan base (no doubt there is overlap), different universe and different goals.


Would I play this game if it wasn't Star Wars? Probably - but it depend very heavely on how interesting I found the base storyline.... pretty much exactly how I feel about the game in its current state as a matter of fact. I play it because I enjoy it and i like the story.

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The Star Wars universe was why I got interested to begin with, but when I heard BW was developing it I had to try it out.


There have been many crappy Star Wars games that has failed immensely in a short amount of time, so I was very skeptical at first. Interested, but skeptical.

I have been a big fan of BWs games for years - Mass Effect, Knights of the Old Republic, Dragon Age etc. - but for them to attempt to dwell into a very dangerous IP was courageous, ballsy and even more intriguing.


Considering the past of Star Wars games, BioWare has done incredibly well. Having 1.7 million active subscriptions after just over a month is quite amazing, if you ask me.


So no, I probably wouldn't play this game if it wasn't for BioWare, but it's not just BioWare; it's the combination of the two.

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you shouldn't be playing a MMORPG game if you want to PVP, go play FPS an have fun


that's like playing CS and complaining on the forum that you "can't" negotiate with the T's and get them to surrender, seems like a fail to me


No it isnt. PvP is a huge part of MMO's these days with whole sections of the game are devoted to it. Wake up.

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Yes, I would have played this if it wasn't Star Wars.


In fact, I almost didn't play it because it is Star Wars.


I already know about this universe and the lore within it. Not in huge detail, but enough to not be surprised by what I see. I want to discover and taste a new experience. I know there would be light sabres. I know there is the Force. I know there would be speeders. I know there would be Sith. None of this "wow"ed me when I saw it, because I've seen it before so many times. Movies. Books. T-Shirts. Underwear. It's a milked franchise for me.


Seeing a new universe with new races, new factions, new weapons, new 'magic', etc.. I would rather pioneer into a game world completely foreign than to roam one that is familiar, despite never being there before.

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I would have probably still played if it wasn't star wars due to the budget spent on it and I tend to at least try most new AAA mmos the first month.Must say though the only reason I haven't canceled yet is because it's star wars,the game isn't really doing much else for me at the min to be honest,not original enough really.
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