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Autofacing in pvp answer to intelligent players


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I think its game changing, ridiculous the fact a ranged class can just stand in a spot while I run and jump and hide and dive around they can just AUTOBOT aim at me?




Remove it or Im done!


Every other MMO is the same way. How about you, I don't know, TRY TO HIT THEM? Hiding is a stupid move, and this isn't call of duty, you don't manual aim in mmos and never will.

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Only a very stupid operative/scoundrel doesn't chose the location and target for it's fights. Stealth kinda, you know, grants you that. If you chose to go after the big 20k health tank, don't cry when the 10k health Sorc melts you from afar.


I forgot it didn't take 30 seconds to get out of combat, and that our vanish is on a 3 minute baseline (2 minute conceal talented) cooldown. I also forgot that 2 out of 3 warzones promote (see: require) constant action, mostly of the AOE fashion, rather than hit and run stealth attacks.

I also forgot that we no longer instagib, and that a single knockback + snare = permakited.


Hidden Strike. Wait for GCD. Stun ends. Resolve bar is full, so can't stun. Get knockback rooted. Get DoT'd up, get slowed. Crawl toward opponent, throw basic attacks and corrosive dart on the way.

If you manage to get there, stun. You have enough time for 2 attacks. Enemy gets up, uses shield/force run or, if BH, a 2nd knockback. You're slowed and still crawling toward them, DoTs ticking on both of you.




This is all assuming that I forget about the other 7 members of each team, which we have zero synergy with that all other classes have.

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I'd like to preface this post by ensuring everyone understands that what I am about to say is being said by a person who keybinds so many things that even my emergency fleet pass is keybound. I DO NOT click, ever, for anything. I move entirely with my mouse, forward backward, turning and straffing.


On top of this, my main is a Juggernaut.


So, now that that is established:


Autoturning doesn't really drop the skill ceiling that much. Back when I played WoW (as a warrior) it would be 1 in maybe 500 players that I could abuse their crappy turning skills. The other 499 players turned just fine.


The amount of people who suck so badly at turning that you can abuse it is MINUSCULE.


Does it decrease the skill ceiling? Absolutely. But by much? No.

Edited by Yfelsung
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I forgot it didn't take 30 seconds to get out of combat, and that our vanish is on a 3 minute baseline (2 minute conceal talented) cooldown. I also forgot that 2 out of 3 warzones promote (see: require) constant action, mostly of the AOE fashion, rather than hit and run stealth attacks.

I also forgot that we no longer instagib, and that a single knockback + snare = permakited.


Hidden Strike. Wait for GCD. Stun ends. Resolve bar is full, so can't stun. Get knockback rooted. Get DoT'd up, get slowed. Crawl toward opponent, throw basic attacks and corrosive dart on the way.

If you manage to get there, stun. You have enough time for 2 attacks. Enemy gets up, uses shield/force run or, if BH, a 2nd knockback. You're slowed and still crawling toward them, DoTs ticking on both of you.




This is all assuming that I forget about the other 7 members of each team, which we have zero synergy with that all other classes have.


To be fair, that's because whiners got your class nerfed - I don't dispute that scoundrel does crap all damage however that's not a closing issue nor an autofacing issue, that's a dumb nerf issue; it also has little to do with ranged vs melee because IF a scoundrel can get up close; or have a half decent team with it, it can stay within melee range.

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I think its game changing, ridiculous the fact a ranged class can just stand in a spot while I run and jump and hide and dive around they can just AUTOBOT aim at me?


The steps to recovery:

Step 1: Stop PvPing like an epileptic bunny rabbit

Step 2: Actually use your abilities to their full measure

Step 3: Collect valor from your dead enemies

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The lack of model collision would make this near impossible to implement in a balanced manner.


well ranged still have roots, knockbacks, stuns, slows AND can move around to target... its not rly hard... the moment the cast is finish you imimdaitely target him...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wait, Autoface works in PvP? How the fsk can you tell with everyone porting all over the place?


To clarify, it doesn't seem to work for melee. Maybe lag is the problem because I was under the impression that autoface didn't' work in PvP.

Edited by Xblackheart
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