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Legacy Waiting Game


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After leveling to 50, I put a hold on making an alt until the first big path hoping for Legacy to be implemented. The minor description of what it will entail includes character customization, so I was hoping to have things unlocked for my next character when he/she was created. Since this hasn't been released, I made a BH and will just be rocking a helm.


My point is I am holding off making other alts, because I have no idea the kinds of things (other than some unlockable powers) that are in store for thise feature. A small overview or timeframe would be nice to help me decide when and where to begin the next adventure with my alts.

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I think a lot of people are waiting. I also think that a lot of patience are losing patience with it. Honestly it should have been ready at launch. People are tearing through content so fast, which Bioware as warned about repeatedly in Beta. Bioware should have known to have some long term goal ready when they released.
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I think most of us know it will be in at march, but no one knows what it will contain, do we get new races? , can we get speeders earlier(think this one been confirmed) what about share bank accounts? , there so many possible options and it would be nice to have an idea just a Hey with legacy you will have these options.. but details aren't all worked out yet"
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I don't think Legacy is going to be anything amazing. I think it's silly to hold back on chars for something that is likely to disappoint. Too little information was included in their vid announcement. Edited by Xerda
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must not be paying attention, legacy is coming patch 1.2 which is scheduled for march time frame


So basicly they are pulling the same trick again.


First content patch hitting the game just few days after the 30 day trial period ended and second patch with the interesting feature hitting the game after the 90 days end (30 trial +60 prepaid).


Betting a 100 that they will hype out trailers and tons of overhyped media informations just to keep people interested few days longer to pay the subscxryption

Edited by Adderdin
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So basicly they are pulling the same trick again.


First content patch hitting the game just few days after the 30 day trial period ended and second patch with the interesting feature hitting the game after the 90 days end (30 trial +60 prepaid).



Agreed. It's nothing but underhanded marketing crap. They are basically stringing players along, and it pisses me off.

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Agreed. It's nothing but underhanded marketing crap. They are basically stringing players along, and it pisses me off.



Boohoo, you are absolutly right, Kaon under siege was terribad and kargath's palace stinks of tauntaun poo...



/sarcasm off


P.s. i enjoyed both content and cant wait till they give us the next episode, damn cliffhangers >_<

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Agreed. It's nothing but underhanded marketing crap. They are basically stringing players along, and it pisses me off.


There's nothing underhanded about it at all. Yes, it's a marketing ploy, but they're not going out of their way to disguise that fact.


If you're not interested in it, no one is forcing you to stay. If you're unhappy with the game, you can always unsub then wait and see what the legacy system is all about, then decide one whether or not to resub.

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After leveling to 50, I put a hold on making an alt until the first big path hoping for Legacy to be implemented. The minor description of what it will entail includes character customization, so I was hoping to have things unlocked for my next character when he/she was created. Since this hasn't been released, I made a BH and will just be rocking a helm.


My point is I am holding off making other alts, because I have no idea the kinds of things (other than some unlockable powers) that are in store for thise feature. A small overview or timeframe would be nice to help me decide when and where to begin the next adventure with my alts.


Since your legacy exp points currently track through all your alts, and the game notes which character created the legacy (your main) why wouldnt they be able to retroactively apply any benefits to previously made alts? The only thing you would lose out on would be any exp buff on the levels you already made.

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Information on the character creation options would be nice.


We know there will be some and from the exclamation mark at the end of the annoucement of the in game tooltip it must be fairly big for them to make note of it. But what is it? If people knew they would know if they would be best of waiting or replaying. Likewise at what level it will be recieved. If new species become available at level 60 then I know its pointless as I will be bored of replaying long before I get there. Likewise if it is level 10 I know what to aim for before March.


So it would be really good if Bioware could give us some communication on this matter.

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Since your legacy exp points currently track through all your alts, and the game notes which character created the legacy (your main) why wouldnt they be able to retroactively apply any benefits to previously made alts? The only thing you would lose out on would be any exp buff on the levels you already made.


People aren't sure if we're going to see new species with the Legacy system, so they're holding off on alts until there's more info.

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Agreed. It's nothing but underhanded marketing crap. They are basically stringing players along, and it pisses me off.


Underhanded? It's pretty much slap-in-the-face obvious.


People like you need to get off the need it yesterday bandwagon.

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In all honesty I think the big things to expect are going to be XP buffs to certain game areas, skills that allow quicker transportation to and from different areas. credit drop increase. Crafting time decreases. So you'd miss out on potentially using the increased xp in warzones for instance up to the point of where you were leveling an alt.


I'd also imagine there to be a few other implementations such as a shared bank, but I am very sketptical as to wether they will make customization changes for beginning characters at this stage. I have 1 main and 2 active alts, this is fine for now and gives me options for future alts should additional customization be added, but OP i'd just play one if you like its only going to get you more legacy xp for when they do implement the system.

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Agreed. It's nothing but underhanded marketing crap. They are basically stringing players along, and it pisses me off.


The best part? March 19th would be the end of a billing cycle for anyone subbed from day 1. March 20th is a Tuesday (update day). I would not be surprised if they release this "major" content update on 3/20.


In terms of the rewards, I would like to see:


Legacy Bank

Shared Datacrons (once you find it on one character you get it on all)

Shared Social Points (once unlocked, would either sum up the social points on all characters to create your Legacy Social Rank or just use the value of the highest social rank on any one character)

Edited by amonre
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must not be paying attention, legacy is coming patch 1.2 which is scheduled for march time frame


I have been paying attention, but that isn't enough info to deem whether or not I want to make my new character.


What are these customization options? Are they races? Can I apply any of this after the character has already been made?


I'm fine with waiting, but the lack of details is making me worry that I am waiting for no reason.

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I dont think the OP is alone. I have big hopes for legacy, I hope to create a Gran SI, and if not a Gran then a Kel'dor or some other cool alien species. I know people are saying the legacy systenm will suck and blow at the same time but I hope they are wrong. Personally I wish they would show us a work in progress legacy chart to show us what we can get so far. Ltet me know if legacy is worth grinding a second toon for.
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