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RE chance being raised - big mistake


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I've always thought that as you reverse engineered something, you should get more "familiar" with how to improve on the item anyways... maybe as you RE same or similar items, you could get a nice 1-2 minute buff that stacks a little bonus to RE after a failure. Should probably also reset stack to 0 after successful RE.


Would also remove the need to store indefinite data on everything someone has RE'd but not gotten a new recipe on since you started playing.


edit: 1-2 minutes? Doesn't really allow for RE'ing things over time... an hour stacking buff would do it.

Edited by Laethyl
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I probably have to agree that's it's going to be hurtful to economy and to crafting. I mean if you ask people what's the best crafting skill to take, 99 out of 100 people say Biochem since it's endgame relevant.


If you take away the rarity of high-level crafted gear thus tanking the GTN price, then every other craftable is going to be totally useless endgame.


In my eyes, everything else has its uses while leveling only if you want to keep your gear in top shape and are willing to spend the cash on it, while Biochem is the only one useful at endgame.


The only way to make crafting useful when leveling is to stop leveling till you made all the gear.


You level so fast in this game that its either craft or level. You get one item made before you have out leveled the rest.


And since commendation gear is so easy to get and mods can be bought why put the time into a rng mechanic.

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The only way to make crafting useful when leveling is to stop leveling till you made all the gear.


You level so fast in this game that its either craft or level. You get one item made before you have out leveled the rest.


And since commendation gear is so easy to get and mods can be bought why put the time into a rng mechanic.


Right. So for those players who actually stop leveling and craft to gear themselves are kind of screwed in the current RNG system hence the change would probably benefit that percentage of players more. I welcome this change.

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Right. So for those players who actually stop leveling and craft to gear themselves are kind of screwed in the current RNG system hence the change would probably benefit that percentage of players more. I welcome this change.


I'm in the same boat. I'd love this change.

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Bravo to all the crybabies that made countless threads about how RE is just too gosh-dang hard. Now that "epic" recipe you worked so very hard for and then cried about not getting will be made by everyone and you won't need to bother.


Brilliant work, truly.

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The only way to make crafting useful when leveling is to stop leveling till you made all the gear.


You level so fast in this game that its either craft or level. You get one item made before you have out leveled the rest.


And since commendation gear is so easy to get and mods can be bought why put the time into a rng mechanic.


Going for the purple is a bad idea when leveling.

You only go broke for an item you outlevel quite fast.

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If you take away the rarity of high-level crafted gear thus tanking the GTN price, then every other craftable is going to be totally useless endgame.


Except since it will cost less to RE, you wont be in a huge cash debt by the time you RE a purple. The reason stuff doesnt sell now is because people are trying to recoup a huge startup loss, and the price on the GTN is too much compared to dailies. You'll be able to make it up from volume sales. Also, the cost of mats will go down, as people arent burning mandalorian iron at obscene rates trying to RE.

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So basically what I'm saying is since Bioware has been so very tight lipped on the mechanics behind REing, them raising the RE baseline may or may not be a bad thing, depending on how much they buff it, and how much it is currently now.


It is pretty easy to make educated guesses.

1. It is a flat chance without increase. The extreme high outliers without RE success wouldn't happen otherwise.

2. It is in the area of 3% to 4%. With 3 percent you RE half your items with up to 23 tries, and 80% with up to 54. While with 4% you RE half your items with up to 17 tries and 80% with up to 40. Both sound reasonable to me.


I know that the GTN is filled with items. 80% of them are crap, because this is an eternal truth. And the nice ones get sold faster, so you see the crap longer, too.


A sensible increase might be a good thing. If they overdo it, we have all the RE schematics we can have and it is basically RE game over.

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If nothing else, the RE chance of sub 50 gear needs to quadruple. Its just really not worth trying, as you burn so much cash in mats you're in a massive hole by the time you can craft anything worthwhile while leveling up.


I had selfcrafted blue armorings all the time while leveling. Going for blue is really easy. I think I needed 20 or 30 tries maybe once or twice, so the chance is way better than 4%. Usually I needed less than 5 tries, so this is between 15% and 20%, at least for Armor modifications.


Going for purple isn't easy (although way easier on low levels). This needs dedication and investment.

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Going for purple isn't easy (although way easier on low levels). This needs dedication and investment.


I agree. People who are just trying to level as fast as they can at level 20 shouldn't be going for purple. Blue is plenty good. Actually, you can get by quite easily with green, to be honest, as this is not a hard game. Purple should be for dedicated crafters.


I'm kind of bothered by this change. I have 15 or so level 49 purple schematics, and now someone else is going to get to where I'm at with less time and cost? That's somewhat annoying.


I don't have a problem with the rate of success. The problem I have is with the system itself, where you have ZERO CONTROL over what you're going to end up with. That is the very opposite of what crafting is about. Getting +presence when you want +power means something is fundamentally wrong.


Really, just take out "you already know this schematic" and I'll be content. I got four of those yesterday, and it's much more frustrating than outright failures.

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If they decide to make crewskills "equipment slots" that give combat types significant bonus if they have the skill, (i.e. like Biochem) then they need to INCREASE the difficulty of obtaining a schematic via RE. Everybody is going to have the skill, the difference between a crafter and non-crafter is going to be knowing the good schematics.


If they decide to make crewskills merely tradeskills, that offer no combat incentive to non-tradeskillers by having them, then they can reduce the difficulty of obtaining schematics. Cost involved in leveling up the skill high enough to make the items in question should be enough of a deterrent for the "non crafter". They'll pick up 3 harvest/mission skills (maybe) and cost of mats will come down.


IMO, the 2nd option is ideal, but it seems to me, (since they keep refusing to remove the biochem requirement on the reuseables and BoP stuff) that they are intending on going with the first.

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I'd suggest that the lower the level the item is the easier it is to RE and get the better version of. So, a level 9 item may take 5-10 RE's to get one of the prototype versions. Then another 20 or so to get the superior crafted version. But, that wouldn't preclude you from getting it on the first try.


On each successive level of the craft it can take longer to discover the prototype and superior version of the item, but you still could have the chance to get it in one try. But, you would know that you will get the RE in under 100 tries at the top level 50 items. Sure it would still suck to spend that much ore due to being unlucky, but you would know that you would eventually get it in around the 100th try.

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I've spent hundreds of thousands of credits trying to get the RE items I want to try to sell, only to have almost no one buy them because the GTN sucks. They definitely need to increase the RE chance IMO. There is almost no benefit to RE'ing items because if you try to do it as you're levelling you always level right on past the gear you were trying to make because the proc rate is so low. If you do it with max level items then it would take you months just to recoup the costs of getting the item.
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I'd suggest that the lower the level the item is the easier it is to RE and get the better version of. So, a level 9 item may take 5-10 RE's to get one of the prototype versions. Then another 20 or so to get the superior crafted version. But, that wouldn't preclude you from getting it on the first try.


Pretty sure it already is easier to RE lower level items. (I suspect it also may be easier to RE linear progression items).


After getting my synthweaver up to 400 skill, (doing RE on the way) then starting a cybertech, it's amazing how rediculously quickly the "newbie" cybertech is REing armoring and mods. Ditto with my newbie bio REing medpacks and stims.

Edited by GnatB
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Pretty sure it already is easier to RE lower level items. (I suspect it also may be easier to RE linear progression items).


I have not noticed a difference in my chances of lower level and higher level items, and I RE a lot.

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Get over it and do daily heroic missions for credits ??? .... Srsly o.0


I don't even bother with the gtn anymore... and there's plenty of other ways to make credits I honestly don't see the issue.


Oh noes !!!! I can't sell armor on the gtn.


Donno about you - that GTN treats me too good.


with loving care - a biochemist.

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Pretty sure it already is easier to RE lower level items. (I suspect it also may be easier to RE linear progression items).


After getting my synthweaver up to 400 skill, (doing RE on the way) then starting a cybertech, it's amazing how rediculously quickly the "newbie" cybertech is REing armoring and mods. Ditto with my newbie bio REing medpacks and stims.



I have quite a few maxed out crew skills and am working on Artifice right now. There is no difference RE-ing at low to mid and high levels except cost of materials.

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So RE chance will be raised in the next major content patch. This is a big mistake.


While the chance to RE an item is low and the randomness leads to many failed tries in a row, increasing the chance will just break the economy.


Currently there is an abundance of level 49 artifacts on the GHN. And while most of them are useless, even good ones aren't sold for a decent price.


As a Cybertech I mainly sell earpieces. I have 4 good recipes (3 bad ones) and always have two of each on the GHN. I charge 77k, making a decent profit if they sell. I sell maybe 1 a day. or less.


Other parts of my craft, like ship parts, wherre the schmatics are easily obtained, aren't profitable. Thhe items are as expensive as the materials they are made of.


And this will happen with all items as soon as RE becomes easy. An abundance of offers lowering the prices until crafting gets useless.


A good alternative is to remove the "you already know that" logic and to increase the RE chance by a small amount (like 0.1 %) for each try, to remove the possibility of 200 REs without success.


I think the change will just remove long term motivation in crafting.



Do you have any proof it will break the economy or is this just a troll thread?

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As some have said, comparing RE chance in a vacuum of the crafter world, one may be able to debate the value of raising RE chances.



But its not in a vaccum. the fact is you can get Epic quality gears for much less effort in other disciplines. the problem is that relative to every other means of obtaining high level gear, crafting is far inferior.


Keeping the RE chances at max level low, may make your items more valuable versus crafters, but versus raiding, commendations, pvp and all the other ways to get gear its a waste of time.


also the op is focusing on earpieces which have a lot less competition than other crafts, so his view is a bit a skewed.


synth armormech arms and artifice are competing in almost all their gears with every other form of gear obtainment, so the fact that RE is low is a huge blow to crafting.



keep in mind making crafting something that only 3% of the populace do, and only 1% is successful at almost guarantees that it will be ignored for future content, getting the best gears, and customisations. The developers will not put a signifigant amount of content that people want in the hands of such a small amount.


So instead of just thinking about how much competition you have from other crafters, you need to start thinking about where crafters stand in competition with other forms of items coming into the game, because if you cant compete, and most people do other things to get those items, the developers will give less and less to crafters.

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I have quite a few maxed out crew skills and am working on Artifice right now. There is no difference RE-ing at low to mid and high levels except cost of materials.




Usually takes <5 attempts to RE the low level bichem and cybertech stuff I've listed. It *never* takes that few to RE any of the synthweaving. And not too many more to get the purple medpacks (that also heal companions), whereas synthweaving typically takes dozens.


Now, I admit. RNG. Could easily just be rolling badly when making the synthweaving stuff, and rolling well when doing the cyber/bio, but then, the reverse is possible on your ends.

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