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grav round and tracer missile (appology)


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after testing out the mercinary missile spammer and trooper grav round spammer tree's i must say how wrong i was saying they are overpowerd.



yes they may hit fairly hard but what you expect from a full dps class and the fact try getting them off in pvp when your bouncing around like a pinball or being interupted and stunned.



i know clearly now that they are how they are now for a reason.



i appologise and sympothise for those that do use the class.



enjoy :/

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I agreed with everything except this, they can heal themselves. A full dps class is gunslinger/sniper or marauder/sentinel.


unless they are speced into healing you can't really say that they can heal...


I have a merc, and you can't do anything half way. Do or don't there is no try.

I'm DPS speced and if i try to heal my self or anyone else i overheat in a sec and then i'm just a sitting duck out there.

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after testing out the mercinary missile spammer and trooper grav round spammer tree's i must say how wrong i was saying they are overpowerd.



yes they may hit fairly hard but what you expect from a full dps class and the fact try getting them off in pvp when your bouncing around like a pinball or being interupted and stunned.



i know clearly now that they are how they are now for a reason.



i appologise and sympothise for those that do use the class.



enjoy :/


That was a nice post. More people should do this (playing more classes, not just post :) ) to be able to get a better view of what they hate so much.


Grass is not always greener on the other side. You might notice the "goodies" when facing them, but you certainly don't feel the downside of the class that way.

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I have a 50 operative, a 45 sage, and a 35 Merc. I can say that while Sage is the best of the classes I've played, Merc is the most stupidly easy to get ludicrous amounts of damage/kills/medals. It wrecks armies.

I don't, however, spam the same button over and over.

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after testing out the mercinary missile spammer and trooper grav round spammer tree's i must say how wrong i was saying they are overpowerd.



yes they may hit fairly hard but what you expect from a full dps class and the fact try getting them off in pvp when your bouncing around like a pinball or being interupted and stunned.



i know clearly now that they are how they are now for a reason.



i appologise and sympothise for those that do use the class.



enjoy :/


Right... and how did you test it out not being level 50? And how did you test it out not being in atleast full champion gear? Whoopdie do no joke tracer hits for garbage undergeared and under 50.


3k+, 3K+, 3K+, instant 5k+ dead. - All in the span of 5 SECONDS.


Ya thats not overpowered at all. The class is really OP and Jediduckling is enjoying it now that he has one and doesn't want it to be nerfed now. Cant beat em join em eh?

Edited by LoL-K-Noob
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I have a 50 operative, a 45 sage, and a 35 Merc. I can say that while Sage is the best of the classes I've played, Merc is the most stupidly easy to get ludicrous amounts of damage/kills/medals. It wrecks armies.

I don't, however, spam the same button over and over.


And you haven't been in a 50 pvp bracket as merc yet. So what you have to say is meaningless.

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Right... and how did you test it out not being level 50? And how did you test it out being in atleast full champion gear?


3k+, 3K+, 3K+, instant 5k+ dead. - All in the span of 5 SECONDS.


Ya thats not overpowered at all.


Don't forget that unlike scoundrels troopers do all that in a span of 5 seconds at 30m RANGE!

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Hah, interesting. My Merc hit level 40 today, and I came here to say how wrong I was saying it's not OP.


It's ridiculous. Coupled with Heatseeker Missile, procced Unload, Rail Shot and the dart, people stand no. chance. whatsoever. I will nuke them and they will die and that's the end of it and it doesn't matter what class, as long as I can freecast.



On the other hand: when melee is upon me chances are rather big I'll get owned. Pretty much like with most ranged classes, BH's are 80% crippled if you're on top of them (and @50, on my assassin anyway, this looks to be the same, they're a joke when I sit on top of them). I have no serious ability to kite, and my heavy armor only does so much at this level (in fact, I feel way squishier than I did on my assassin at the same level). I have a pocket healer friend so it could be MUCH worse, but in the few warzones when people actually use their eyes and notice that spamming bounty hunter there every time, I'll suffer and my BH will die. A lot.


I don't know how this works out at 50 PLAYING one (I never let them freecast, if I can stop it, on my 50 assassin). But right now, I'd really like to trade off this insane burst damage for more mobility and more ways to defend myself properly against melee. Cause honestly, it's not really interesting gameplay either is it. :p

Edited by Bludjinni
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Right... and how did you test it out not being level 50? And how did you test it out not being in atleast full champion gear? Whoopdie do no joke tracer hits for garbage undergeared and under 50.


3k+, 3K+, 3K+, instant 5k+ dead. - All in the span of 5 SECONDS.


Ya thats not overpowered at all. The class is really OP and Jediduckling is enjoying it now that he has one and doesn't want it to be nerfed now. Cant beat em join em eh?


they are basicly dps class's with all interuptable abilitys like channels lol.


i understand they might hith ard but have you tryed to get a grav round and tracer missile off when you have a melle wacking on you :p



i was miss led by the whole concept of them and now knowing the truth and actualy playig and testing them they are actualy quite pooh lol.

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Hah, interesting. My Merc hit level 40 today, and I came here to say how wrong I was saying it's not OP.


It's ridiculous. Coupled with Heatseeker Missile, procced Unload, Rail Shot and the dart, people stand no. chance. whatsoever. I will nuke them and they will die and that's the end of it and it doesn't matter what class, as long as I can freecast.



On the other hand: when melee is upon me chances are rather big I'll get owned. Pretty much like with most ranged classes, BH's are 80% crippled if you're on top of them (and @50, on my assassin anyway, this looks to be the same, they're a joke when I sit on top of them). I have no serious ability to kite, and my heavy armor only does so much at this level (in fact, I feel way squishier than I did on my assassin at the same level). I have a pocket healer friend so it could be MUCH worse, but in the few warzones when people actually use their eyes and notice that spamming bounty hunter there every time, I'll suffer and my BH will die. A lot.


I don't know how this works out at 50 PLAYING one (I never let them freecast, if I can stop it, on my 50 assassin). But right now, I'd really like to trade off this insane burst damage for more mobility and more ways to defend myself properly against melee. Cause honestly, it's not really interesting gameplay either is it. :p


They have the second best knockback in the game, not to mention another knockback off of rocketpunch (must be a talent bonus). It not only knocks them the second farthest compared to force push, it snares them big time as well. Giving more then enough time to pump out 1.5s missiles of death with as you said the instant casts that do high damage as well.

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they are basicly dps class's with all interuptable abilitys like channels lol.


i understand they might hith ard but have you tryed to get a grav round and tracer missile off when you have a melle wacking on you :p



i was miss led by the whole concept of them and now knowing the truth and actualy playig and testing them they are actualy quite pooh lol.


This is a joke right? The interrupt (if you even have one) only locks out the skill for 4 seconds - O WOW!!!!! That also means you only bought yourself 2.5 seconds (You have a 1.5s cooldown for using the interrupt). Its practically worthless, because they can replace that lost time shooting off their instant cast that hit harder then the tracer missile you locked out. The only thing misleading is your attempt to keep your OP class you finally caved in to making by stopping BioWare from nerfing it.

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I have a 50 operative, a 45 sage, and a 35 Merc. I can say that while Sage is the best of the classes I've played, Merc is the most stupidly easy to get ludicrous amounts of damage/kills/medals. It wrecks armies.

I don't, however, spam the same button over and over.


The "must stupidly easy to get ludicrous amounts of medals" are still the tank classes.


Not that I envy them that benefit. But there is no way to beat the 2+ gift medals for protection a tank or shielder can get without doing more than clicking a few times.

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Right... and how did you test it out not being level 50? And how did you test it out not being in atleast full champion gear? Whoopdie do no joke tracer hits for garbage undergeared and under 50.


3k+, 3K+, 3K+, instant 5k+ dead. - All in the span of 5 SECONDS.


Ya thats not overpowered at all. The class is really OP and Jediduckling is enjoying it now that he has one and doesn't want it to be nerfed now. Cant beat em join em eh?


Don't you realize how flawed your logic is?

Tracer Missile doesn't get any boosts at high lvls, the only bonus you get is from target tracking which is on the same tier of tracer missile (therefore the op probably has it).


Which means your "50 and geared" can actually mean two things:

1)Skills other than tracer missile are also responsible for the high dps mercenaries can do (=working as intended)

2)The gear is responsible for the post-50 increase in tracer dmg (=gear stacking might be the problem then).


That being said: 3k, 3k, 3k, instant 5k is bulls***, that is not the average dmg mercs do.

I'm full champion (minus one piece which is centurion), I have my biochem buffs, I never had such a lucky streak.

In fact I've only hit for 5K or so once, with all the buffs (including the red buff from arena) and on severely debuffed (and probably undergeared) opponents.

I know for a fact it is so, because I've only gotten the 5K dmg in one hit medal once.

On a lucky day, my best HEATSEEKER Missile will hit for 4K or so (but lower than 5K).


But let me tell you something: yesterday I was playing a Hutball arena with my g/f and a guildie and my g/f (half healer/half lightning sorcerer) got the 5K damage in one hit medal.

I'm not sure how it happened, but she said she had all her "buffs" (like the forced crit one) active plus her relic.. she didn't even have the PvP buff on.

How do you explain that? Half healing/Half DPS hitting for 5K.

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after testing out the mercinary missile spammer and trooper grav round spammer tree's i must say how wrong i was saying they are overpowerd.



yes they may hit fairly hard but what you expect from a full dps class and the fact try getting them off in pvp when your bouncing around like a pinball or being interupted and stunned.



i know clearly now that they are how they are now for a reason.



i appologise and sympothise for those that do use the class.



enjoy :/


Told you all this guy was a massive troll. Enjoy spamming overpowered tracer missiles.

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The "must stupidly easy to get ludicrous amounts of medals" are still the tank classes.


Not that I envy them that benefit. But there is no way to beat the 2+ gift medals for protection a tank or shielder can get without doing more than clicking a few times.


Honestly, I got both a Merc and a Powertech.

The Powertech is only 20ish so I don't know how >50 PvP will go, however:

-On my Merc I usually get 6-7 medals with normal effort, it's much easier now in full Champion gear.

-On my powertech I always get 7-9 medals without any effort, I just have to make sure keep guard someone.


On top of that, even though I always play for the team, I always get more votes as a Powertech than as a Merc.

I get an average of 1-3 votes (I got 4 votes once) as a Merc, while I usually get 3-5 on my Powertech and the other day I even got 6 votes (I've never seen anyone get 6 votes before).

This is in PUG groups, not counting any friends or guildies.

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This is a joke right? The interrupt (if you even have one) only locks out the skill for 4 seconds - O WOW!!!!! That also means you only bought yourself 2.5 seconds (You have a 1.5s cooldown for using the interrupt). Its practically worthless, because they can replace that lost time shooting off their instant cast that hit harder then the tracer missile you locked out. The only thing misleading is your attempt to keep your OP class you finally caved in to making by stopping BioWare from nerfing it.


Dude stop, leave the troll be. You can tell by the way it's typing.

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Hah, interesting. My Merc hit level 40 today, and I came here to say how wrong I was saying it's not OP.


It's ridiculous. Coupled with Heatseeker Missile, procced Unload, Rail Shot and the dart, people stand no. chance. whatsoever. I will nuke them and they will die and that's the end of it and it doesn't matter what class, as long as I can freecast.



On the other hand: when melee is upon me chances are rather big I'll get owned. Pretty much like with most ranged classes, BH's are 80% crippled if you're on top of them (and @50, on my assassin anyway, this looks to be the same, they're a joke when I sit on top of them). I have no serious ability to kite, and my heavy armor only does so much at this level (in fact, I feel way squishier than I did on my assassin at the same level). I have a pocket healer friend so it could be MUCH worse, but in the few warzones when people actually use their eyes and notice that spamming bounty hunter there every time, I'll suffer and my BH will die. A lot.


I don't know how this works out at 50 PLAYING one (I never let them freecast, if I can stop it, on my 50 assassin). But right now, I'd really like to trade off this insane burst damage for more mobility and more ways to defend myself properly against melee. Cause honestly, it's not really interesting gameplay either is it. :p


it is exactly like that on 50 aswell.


in group fights, left alone, arsenal mercs are devastating. in 1on1 they are one of the, if not the, weakest ac in the whole game. owning them up as melee is so dam easy. once i get onto them they run out of options like no other class.


edit: and i just want to add, all those people that whine about losing to arsenal mercs even in 1on1: they obviously dont realise how much they embarass themselves. i would never publicly admit i lost to an arsenal merc in 1on1.

Edited by IlynPayne
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