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Merciless slash and blade rush


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I dunno if this would work but I was thinking if you switched merciless slash and blade rush (between watchman and combat).


Merciless slash wouldnt change and since its weapon damage precision slash would make it hit harder.


Blade rush, however, would change to maybe adding two more stacks of overload saber making it five instead of three...


Idk what do you all think? Prob a bad idea but just putting it out there.

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This is a good idea, in a way. But as said above the ataru strikes we get off blade rush would be gone. And we'd have to rely on our bad chance to proc an ataru attack and then 30% of those for opportune attack. Like I said it's good in a way I've always really felt merc slash should be top of combat tree.
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This is a good idea, in a way. But as said above the ataru strikes we get off blade rush would be gone. And we'd have to rely on our bad chance to proc an ataru attack and then 30% of those for opportune attack. Like I said it's good in a way I've always really felt merc slash should be top of combat tree.


I'm not sold yet for the reasons in the quoted post. Ataru form would probably need a buff (more than it does right now, or is that a fix?) combat trance wouldn't be up as much effecting our Focus generation, and we'd not have as many blade storm auto crits.


I do think the top skill in Watchman should apply a burn effect, that certainly makes sense. But swapping the skills changes the entire board for Combat.

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Blade Rush is fine the way it is IMO. I've been a Combat Sentinel since beta...It doesn't do as much damage, sure, but it costs way less focus, is basically spammable if you use Zen, and fills out what is otherwise a pretty empty attack chain. I suppose we could go back to slash, but I like things the way they are.


If anything was to be done to buff Combat damage, I'd rather see a slight increase to Offhand damage or Ataru strikes.

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Blade Rush replaces Slash. Merciless replaces Blade Storm.


They're completely different functions, they're far from interchangeable. Combat would get a massive buff while Watchman would be crippled. Yes, 2 extra stacks sounds nice and all, but the lost direct damage allows us to be completely negated by someone cleansing dots.


It'd be amazing for both trees in PvE, great for Combat in PvP, crippling for Watchman in PvP.


No thanks.

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Blade rush isnt fine tbh, the Animation is absolute crap, and disrupts the flow of combat, and it also still has ability lag after "fix".


I play both a 50 marauder and a 50 sentinel, so id know.. I just hope legacy allows you to use swap the animations etc.

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Blade Rush replaces Slash. Merciless replaces Blade Storm.


They're completely different functions, they're far from interchangeable. Combat would get a massive buff while Watchman would be crippled. Yes, 2 extra stacks sounds nice and all, but the lost direct damage allows us to be completely negated by someone cleansing dots.


It'd be amazing for both trees in PvE, great for Combat in PvP, crippling for Watchman in PvP.


No thanks.


Merc slash replaces slash not blade storm. also it would NOT criplle PvP merc slash is weapon damage and is mitigated by armor if I'm correct..Elemental damage isn't. when you are fighting in PvP healers aren't always present, in fact thats one of the major complaints about peeps saying healers don't cleanse or heal. (Eventhough I think it's overblown). I twould be fine, but it's just a thought and not gonna happen.

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Merc slash replaces slash not blade storm.

Do people actually think this? I mean, really? If so, I now completely understand why this forum is full of tears. Merciless slash does NOT remotely replace slash. Slash is still a major part of the Watchman rotation. Blade Storm, as it is completely unbuffed in Watchman, is barely worth a keybind and only used as a followup if Dispatch fails to kill but the target is at range.


also it would NOT criplle PvP merc slash is weapon damage and is mitigated by armor if I'm correct..Elemental damage isn't. when you are fighting in PvP healers aren't always present, in fact thats one of the major complaints about peeps saying healers don't cleanse or heal. (Eventhough I think it's overblown). I twould be fine, but it's just a thought and not gonna happen.


Yes, Merc Slash is mitigated by Armor. That doesn't change that it is core to the entire tree.


However, you don't balance for random pug with terrible team composition for PvP. That just leaves some classes gimped and others overpowered in organized PvP.

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Do people actually think this? I mean, really? If so, I now completely understand why this forum is full of tears. Merciless slash does NOT remotely replace slash. Slash is still a major part of the Watchman rotation. Blade Storm, as it is completely unbuffed in Watchman, is barely worth a keybind and only used as a followup if Dispatch fails to kill but the target is at range.




Yes, Merc Slash is mitigated by Armor. That doesn't change that it is core to the entire tree.


However, you don't balance for random pug with terrible team composition for PvP. That just leaves some classes gimped and others overpowered in organized PvP.


What I mean is Merc slash higher on the priority list than slash and I'm sure thats what others meant when it was said on the forums countless times..But yes I still use slash. Merc slash is our top talent which I'm fine with ..This thread is just an idea that with never happen

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What I mean is Merc slash higher on the priority list than slash and I'm sure thats what others meant when it was said on the forums countless times..But yes I still use slash. Merc slash is our top talent which I'm fine with ..This thread is just an idea that with never happen


There's a huge difference between "Higher priority" and "Replaces". Replaces means you literally take the old skill and ignore it, like Combat does with Slash or Watchman does with Blade Storm.

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There's a huge difference between "Higher priority" and "Replaces". Replaces means you literally take the old skill and ignore it, like Combat does with Slash or Watchman does with Blade Storm.


You are correct and sorry for the confusion..I meant replacing it from its spot in the rotation and prob what I should of said.. Just figured that every Sentinel knows that slash still helps with adding OS stacks and hits hard so it still has use.

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Combat's Zen effect would have to change, as its made to capotlize on the spamability of blade rush. Also Blade Rush's instant cooldown is better suited for squeezing in attack spams during the 6 second windows of precision slash's armor ignore buff. Merc Slash's cooldown is too long to really fit Combat's current style, even if you had a few of the reduction buff built.
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