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1.1.2 PVP Bag Changes. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! (official quote inside)


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I average 14 bags per week. It may take me almost 7-8 weeks to get a full champ set at that rate (pretty reasonable), but the cent set can be gained much more quickly (and that will make a new 50 reasonably competitive). Before you talk about how hardcore I am. I play 5 days per week, and only exceed two hours playtime on 2 of those days. Despite this I complete my weekly PvP quests every week, and my daily quests 4-5 days per week.


Also, my main is a sentinel. The only thing that makes me unusual is that I belong to a well organized republic guild that goes out to ilum in force 2-3 days per week and will acutually hold central for a couple of hours through some heavy fighting. If that was more typical I don't think we would have an issue here.


So you play every day.......check.


Also, it is awesome that you are Republic and are willing to venture out from your walls on Ilum, wish every server was that way. Either way, the math is there, and numbers can't be argued. For many people/servers Ilum just isn't viable in any way.

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So you play every day.......check.


Also, it is awesome that you are Republic and are willing to venture out from your walls on Ilum, wish every server was that way. Either way, the math is there, and numbers can't be argued. For many people/servers Ilum just isn't viable in any way.


5 days isn't every day.


Also, what are these servers where no one can do their ilum dailies? I have toons in 2 different servers, and in both pretty much everyone who wants to do ilum, does ilum.

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So you play every day.......check.


Also, it is awesome that you are Republic and are willing to venture out from your walls on Ilum, wish every server was that way. Either way, the math is there, and numbers can't be argued. For many people/servers Ilum just isn't viable in any way.


So what you are saying is that the real problem is not the change in the bag system, but the fact that the setup on ilum is not working on many servers. That we can agree on. I'm not going to go into some long winded proposal to make ilum a battleground even in the face of faction number imbalances, but that is the real problem.

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You are correct, the variable can change and thus the results, I am simply siding with caution. I am curious, did you miss the hundreds/thousands of threads where people are voicing their frustration with Ilum not working?


EDIT: If you did not miss them then you can reference my fanboy statement. I will also point out that waving the "I am a BM" flag has no weight in this game right now. Considering a massive number of people hit Valor 60 in about a day or so of the 1.1 fiasco.


Bro, I just pointed to what server you can go to in order to complete your Ilum daily since you said it was mythical server and all servers are imbalance. You illustrate a scenario where it's impossible to complete the Ilum Daily with the assumption that that's the case on every server. This is incorrect, and therefore a fallacy in your argument. You took an assumption and attempted to make it a fact, and are now hiding behind "I'm just being cautious!"


I've seen all the forum posts. I'm curious - do you think this PvP forum is a completely accurate depiction of the SWTOR community? Do you think it's a possibility that only people with problems come here? I have yet to see anyone from my server post here, and its a big *** server.


I've been around this neck of the woods for a while now. I'm not a "fanboy," but my experience with the game has been enjoyable. Is that a sin? Sorry you can't get your Ilum Daily done on whatever server you're on, and sorry there's other servers out there with the same problem. Sucks. But that doesn't mean that every server has a problem. Most people plan on playing this game for awhile (because most people don't come to the forums to QQ). If you really want to play it for awhile, and if Ilum is so important, then reroll on Sith Meditation Sphere, either Empire or Republic.



....And when did I wave the "I'm a Battlemaster" flag? I hit BM on Saturday night, fwiw, and wasn't part of any fiasco. I do not have a single piece of BM gear, and RNG has owned me for the past 3 weeks. I haven't made a single QQ thread about it either, because I'm not a wuss - I'll just keep plugging away until I have some decent stuff.

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Yea ok, so 3 days available time spent doing nothing but WZ's to acquire 1 bag. Basically 26 hours of in game time spent not winning a single match, or getting credit for the one's that we did so no Daily, no Weekly and 26 hours spent getting 40-50 coms on average from losing war zones and getting tokens is going to make it all better? Yea ok.. a 74 token piece of gear is what 11 bags? That's 286 hours of game time at that rate, or if you want a easier to understand version, Grinding non-stop for almost 12 days non-stop. Realistically that's what 1 piece of gear a month? At that pace I can get a set in what half a year? No thanks, I'd rather they focus on the real issue not the symptoms.


These changes are simply smoke and mirrors, the end result will be pretty much the same. They simply aren't getting it, the issue isn't drop rates, it's how stupid the time investment has become for the New 50's since brackets were put in to acquire gear.


You act like you are playing in matches of Fresh 50s vs Battlemasters.


Sucks you are losing so much...but the fresh 50 that was placed on the other team got his win.

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It is never impossible to complete the Ilum daily, only the amount of frustration you might suffer doing so varies.


Stand at the base, have vanguards / shadows pull the imps who are waiting outside in and watch them get smoked by the turret, meanwhile, buff those players to receive credit for their kills. The imps on their side will be pulling people into their zerg as well.

Mind numbingly boring? Check.

But it works...

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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LOL you said EARNED it ... didn't know getting lucky in a RNG system took skill.


Good job bud! Really good job!


But having no life and never seeing a woman naked is really tough! They did earn it through their absolute commitment to celibacy!

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Bro, I just pointed to what server you can go to in order to complete your Ilum daily since you said it was mythical server and all servers are imbalance. You illustrate a scenario where it's impossible to complete the Ilum Daily with the assumption that that's the case on every server. This is incorrect, and therefore a fallacy in your argument. You took an assumption and attempted to make it a fact, and are now hiding behind "I'm just being cautious!"


I've seen all the forum posts. I'm curious - do you think this PvP forum is a completely accurate depiction of the SWTOR community? Do you think it's a possibility that only people with problems come here? I have yet to see anyone from my server post here, and its a big *** server.


I've been around this neck of the woods for a while now. I'm not a "fanboy," but my experience with the game has been enjoyable. Is that a sin? Sorry you can't get your Ilum Daily done on whatever server you're on, and sorry there's other servers out there with the same problem. Sucks. But that doesn't mean that every server has a problem. Most people plan on playing this game for awhile (because most people don't come to the forums to QQ). If you really want to play it for awhile, and if Ilum is so important, then reroll on Sith Meditation Sphere, either Empire or Republic.



....And when did I wave the "I'm a Battlemaster" flag? I hit BM on Saturday night, fwiw, and wasn't part of any fiasco. I do not have a single piece of BM gear, and RNG has owned me for the past 3 weeks. I haven't made a single QQ thread about it either, because I'm not a wuss - I'll just keep plugging away until I have some decent stuff.


I mentioned the BM Flag because you previously referenced your signature. Not a hard conclusion to draw when people try and use their own signature as a point of argument.


Secondly I can use your very own logic against you in terms of being able to complete the daily Ilum quests. You are on a server that is able to do them, therefor you take the argument that everyone can do them. Needless to say, we are both biased towards Ilum in terms of viability. I am on a server it can not be done on, while you are on a server it can be done on. I have seen more people complain about it across a large server count compared to those that say it works. As others have agreed upon, Ilum is just broken. Ilum doesn't work, and it needs to be changed.


The number of commendations for full Champion gear is fine if you are on a server that supports the completion of Ilum daily/weekly. Those of us, many, who can not are out in the cold in terms of getting it done at a reasonable rate. Again, the system is broken in terms of Ilum and how heavily it weighs into getting the PvP gear! If Ilum was working it would be across all servers, not just a handful.


No one is hiding behind a thing, I am simply pointing out the math that can be controlled by the individual player. More specifically the individual player on the servers that can not count on Ilum because of the massive imbalance and how it was implemented.

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