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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Enrage: The Real Problem with the Mechanic

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As a dps, I don't feel like I should have any real responsibility in raids. That sort of thing should be left exclusively to the tank/s and healers. It's not even really hard enrages, but also soft enrages, waves of adds spawning that you'd have to kill along with the main boss, or even any mechanic where a mob heals over time and you have to do enough damage to overcome its regen rate.


Please rethink the need for these types of mechanics. As a dps, should I really be required to do anything other than survive? I can just use my abilities in any order really and it should be good enough as long as I'm not dying and still doing some sort of damage. If a fight is going to be tuned hard enough that how us dpsers do our damage is going to matter that much, we should have at least some sort of visual cue like flashing buttons for which abilities we should be using at certain times.


Having to figure out myself how to do better damage is asking a lot when I also need to watch out for a big color circle to move my character a few inches across a screen to get out of so I don't die.

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I REALLY hope this is simply a troll. You are asking that DPS roles be easy mode compared to the other 2? That seems ludicrous to me.


You can see what a lot of players want just by reading this board. Everyone knows that tanks and healers are the real important classes to have. Dps should just need to survive long enough to keep doing some kind of damage and that should be enough. Trying to figure out which stats to use and the skill trees and how my abilities work with each other is just too mathy.

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You can see what a lot of players want just by reading this board. Everyone knows that tanks and healers are the real important classes to have. Dps should just need to survive long enough to keep doing some kind of damage and that should be enough. Trying to figure out which stats to use and the skill trees and how my abilities work with each other is just too mathy.


If you are not a troll, then this is not the genre you're looking for...


Probably trolling tho.

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As a dps, I don't feel like I should have any real responsibility in raids. That sort of thing should be left exclusively to the tank/s and healers. It's not even really hard enrages, but also soft enrages, waves of adds spawning that you'd have to kill along with the main boss, or even any mechanic where a mob heals over time and you have to do enough damage to overcome its regen rate.


Please rethink the need for these types of mechanics. As a dps, should I really be required to do anything other than survive? I can just use my abilities in any order really and it should be good enough as long as I'm not dying and still doing some sort of damage. If a fight is going to be tuned hard enough that how us dpsers do our damage is going to matter that much, we should have at least some sort of visual cue like flashing buttons for which abilities we should be using at certain times.


Having to figure out myself how to do better damage is asking a lot when I also need to watch out for a big color circle to move my character a few inches across a screen to get out of so I don't die.


+2 to you sir.

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Probably a troll.


If not, well...I don't really know what to say here. You want to get the same reward for actually doing less? Kind of seems unfair don't you think?


As a dps, should I really be required to do anything other than survive?


Of COURSE. You're required to focus and maximize your dmg AND stay alive. Tanks have to hold aggro and stay alive. Heals have to heal and stay alive.

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Probably a troll.


If not, well...I don't really know what to say here. You want to get the same reward for actually doing less? Kind of seems unfair don't you think?




Of COURSE. You're required to focus and maximize your dmg AND stay alive. Tanks have to hold aggro and stay alive. Heals have to heal and stay alive.


I'm not saying we should do nothing, but in fact, there are more dps in the raid than healers or tanks, so really any single dps class is doing less than a healing or tanking class already. Tanks come close to dying all the time, but as long as they don't the healing is just fine. The greater number of dps classes in a raid should only have to be average and if they all live it should be enough to kill a boss.

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I'm not saying we should do nothing, but in fact, there are more dps in the raid than healers or tanks, so really any single dps class is doing less than a healing or tanking class already. Tanks come close to dying all the time, but as long as they don't the healing is just fine. The greater number of dps classes in a raid should only have to be average and if they all live it should be enough to kill a boss.


Well, that's exactly the reason that there even are any enrage timers at all. Because if there would be no enrage, DPS classes would be useless and you could just go in with a lot of tanks, and a lot of heals.


So if we really think about it, DPS classes don't do less, and shouldn't do less in FP's or raids at all, because no one would need them anymore. They are designed to focus on damage, so they have something to see if they are doing well. Like every other role.

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Well, that's exactly the reason that there even are any enrage timers at all. Because if there would be no enrage, DPS classes would be useless and you could just go in with a lot of tanks, and a lot of heals.


So if we really think about it, DPS classes don't do less, and shouldn't do less in FP's or raids at all, because no one would need them anymore. They are designed to focus on damage, so they have something to see if they are doing well. Like every other role.


We should be able to see if we're doing well or okay if us being a dps class helps make fights or parts of fights go faster than it would if you were trying to do it with less dps classes or none at all. If a guild really wanted to put together a raid group that was all tanks an healers, why would that be a bad thing? If they can survive long enough, why should it matter if it takes a really long time to kill something?

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I hate each and every one of you who didnt realize that was sarcasm. That is all.


Only took about 5 people commenting on it to figure it out. Enrages are necessary, and more to the point, FUN if you're a dps who actually knows what you're doing. Any complaints on it being a "lazy" mechanic are just crying over not being able to win. EVERY fight should have a hard enrage at some point. I have no issues with fights having other mechanics to test your dps, but EVERY fight should have some time limit where you can't just survive forever until you win. /thread.

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Troll. Why do people feel the need to use the forums as a test run for their stand up comedy routine. This is a place for legitimate discussion and feedback and information. Not a comedy club. Edited by Rodobson
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Troll. Why do people feel the need to use the forums as a test run for their stand up comedy routine. This is a place for legitimate discussion and feedback and information. Not a comedy club.


If this were true, there wouldn't be 8 million threads from people crying about hard enrages and just as many about the Pylon Puzzle never working when tons of people have explained over and over again the workarounds/mechanics to complete it with no issues. Making fun of the useless posts was my way of expressing frustration with so many bads clogging up this forum from any actual legitimate discussion and feedback/information.

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