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OMG really people? You want a trophy for participating? What sore losers. This is simply pathetic. I play to win and expect rewards for winning. I don't want to be rewarded for simply showing up. This isn't pee wee league anything.


It's not losing that's the problem, it's putting in the time to get the wins. It's not healthy to play an MMO six or more hours every day even if you have that much time to spare. I admit it, I play more hours than is healthy most days, but why maintain a system that promotes an unhealthy lifestyle for people smart enough to look after themselves better?


There are good arguments for not implementing a system that allows losses to count. Or one good reason, anyway. Afkers. But the rest of the arguments in this thread are invalid. It's a game and what the moralist 'work for it' crowd must realize is that when you play a game for several hours every day to accomplish something in the game, you are giving up other activities that might be more important (perhaps those involving work, family, or friends).

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But the rest of the arguments in this thread are invalid. It's a game and what the moralist 'work for it' crowd must realize is that when you play a game for several hours every day to accomplish something in the game, you are giving up other activities that might be more important (perhaps those involving work, family, or friends).


If my friends won't play SWTOR with me, then they actually don't want to be my friend.

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Wow, 5+ hours to get just 3 wins? And you're on the Imps' side, who on my server anyway, is ridiculously over-geared due to their Ilum exploiting ways (and being able to rule Ilum just because they have more people). Even with that disadvantage, it almost never takes me longer than 2 hours to get my PvP daily.


Instead of wanting an update, why not take some time and try to figure out what you're doing wrong or make your team better. You can also do what I do, and find the people in the match who you thought was playing well and message them after the match to group up for the next one. I can't tell you how many great 4-man pre-mades I've done from finding worthwhile people in my first PuG WZ. There are ways to win beyond farming WZ's for 5+ hours. That's just sad...have a frowny face on me :(

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Are you seriously asking this game to reward you for continued failures? What's next? Operations bosses should drop loot even when you fail to kill them to reward your attempt. If I find out you're on my server, I will dedicate my life to ganking your dumb *** for such a stupid idea.


I'm with this guy. He is my hero.


I know it stinks to be on the losing end, but I don't know what to tell you. Look up the definition for competition. This thought process behind this post is the problem. It is the same reason Ilum has such issues, kil trading etc. It is the same reason people come here crying about OP classes, and the "nerf this!" "nerf that!" BS. People want to do as little as possible to get their gear "carrot". THE problem with PVP right now is that people don't want to fight, they are too scared to lose and get their feelings hurt. I play a tank because I like battle, I play a healer because I like saving people lives, I play a DPS because I like killing! Fight you worthless dogs! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! Just for the sake of fighting. For the fun. For the glory. Not so you can get a shiny new piece of junk with as little effort as possible. Sure, I have piles of "shiny junk". But, it ain't about the destination, it is about the body count along the way.


I think everyone should get a participation ribbon. We don't want any feelings to get hurt.


This guy is also my hero.



And if I may be so bold as to rework some Daniel Tosh:

People lose because they are bad. They don't understand that because they are stupid.

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wow.... did u guys seriously suggest and support making failure count as wins?


Are you saying that because u failed an exam, you should be given a credit for failing your test just because you worked hard all year for it?

Are you saying that because u worked hard on a project but it failed to meet your bosses standards you should be given a promotion?


Failures do not get rewards not matter how hard you worked on it.

In the same way, war zone losses should never be counted as wins.

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Wow, 5+ hours to get just 3 wins? And you're on the Imps' side, who on my server anyway, is ridiculously over-geared due to their Ilum exploiting ways (and being able to rule Ilum just because they have more people). Even with that disadvantage, it almost never takes me longer than 2 hours to get my PvP daily.


Instead of wanting an update, why not take some time and try to figure out what you're doing wrong or make your team better. You can also do what I do, and find the people in the match who you thought was playing well and message them after the match to group up for the next one. I can't tell you how many great 4-man pre-mades I've done from finding worthwhile people in my first PuG WZ. There are ways to win beyond farming WZ's for 5+ hours. That's just sad...have a frowny face on me :(


5 hours try 2 days, every match a lose. Every match going into the game with 3 people down. Most que not poping for hours as there are not enough 50's. Don't really need to figure out what the problem is, there are a lot of DEAD Republic server out there.

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I agree, bad example. Here's a better one.


I'm a motorcycle technician who gets paid flat-rate. If I forget to torque something on a motorcycle that causes a catastrophic failure while the customer is riding it, guess who gets hit with a lawsuit, guess who doesn't get paid for that job (regardless of how long it took to complete), and guess who's probably going to get fired for being incompetent?


My employers won't simply hand me a pay-check for performing sub-par work because I showed up and made an effort. I have to complete jobs in a timely manner and complete them correctly in order to get paid.


Ah, but again, if you did your part, but your 'team' working on the motorcycle F'd up, but you did your part perfectly and in fact tried to help the rest of your team succeed, but they failed anyway, should you get fired? Should you not get paid?

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5 hours try 2 days, every match a lose. Every match going into the game with 3 people down. Most que not poping for hours as there are not enough 50's. Don't really need to figure out what the problem is, there are a lot of DEAD Republic server out there.


Wow, that sucks. *Thanks SWTOR gods for populated server*


If this is the true problem, then it's looking like perhaps merging is a more apt solution than changing dailies to participation requirements.

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Didn't read any replies here, but...


I like this idea, but there's one HUGE problem. It would diminish the emphasis on winning a match. And that simply cannot be done. Dropping the daily to 2 wins I would not mind... Dropping it to 1 win would be awful, but I think 3 wins is what it has to be.


If it were changed to just completing warzones or just obtaining X number of medals it would completely diminish the amount of fun people who are trying to win would have. Imagine every Civil War you just have 5 people sitting on one turret because the other team is winning. I mean, this already happens - but it'd happen so much more often if you take the requirement to win away from the daily. And if you do medals, the same is true... People would get 2-3 medals then just sit on a node for defender medals.


A possible solution? I dunno... Remove dailies and make weeklies for 3 wins, 6 wins, 9 wins, 12 wins, 15 wins, 18 wins, and 21 wins. Maybe have two different 9 win weeklies (one rewarding 2 champion bags + choice of champ/BM & one rewarding just choice of champ/BM). Doing it this way changes absolutely nothing other than requiring someone to log in every day. Same rewards, but you can just pick a good time during the week to grind them out so you don't have to deal with the slow days. This would be nasty in your mission log though unless they made it where you had the weekly as is and then just had another mission to win 3 that you could pick up 7 times a week and you just keep picking it up again after you complete it until you've completed it 7 times. And each Tuesday it would reset to 7 more times you can do the mission.

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Ah, but again, if you did your part, but your 'team' working on the motorcycle F'd up, but you did your part perfectly and in fact tried to help the rest of your team succeed, but they failed anyway, should you get fired? Should you not get paid?


Same rules apply.


You can do everything right, but still end up on the short end of the stick.


Welcome to the real world. (Lol, yet were discussing this in the virtual world. Hilarious.)


EDIT: Peep my sig.


It's not about winning every time, it's about standing up after every loss.

Edited by MaceTowani
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You already get a bonus for winning, why do you need the quest to be a bonus too.


Some of us don't wanna sit around playing warzones for 10 hours a day.


I think what he means to say if you need to play 9 games for the daily, a win would give you 3 plays.

Edited by RocNessMonster
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I like this idea, but there's one HUGE problem. It would diminish the emphasis on winning a match. And that simply cannot be done. Dropping the daily to 2 wins I would not mind... Dropping it to 1 win would be awful, but I think 3 wins is what it has to be.


What if it was


3 Warzone Matches Played

1 Warzone Matches Won


So you still have to play 3 matches...and you still have to win at least 1. I think that would be a good compromise.

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I would agree, but make it 6 games total or 3 wins... That way the incentive to win is still there, but for those of us that have really really bad luck getting the three wins in an evening arent out of luck.


I second this motion.


On top of fixing the daily bug where you don't get credit for a win.


I just finally broke a 14 game losing streak, only to not get credit. ARGH

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This is my Number 1, most annoying thing I hate about this game.


I feel like I am forced to do the daily PVP quests as the rewards are so good, but I hate the fact that you have to win matches to get it.


Why is my participation alone not enough. It should be changed to Warzone Matches Played. Some days it can take over 5 hours to get 3 wins. Not everyone has a premade PVP team.


I have played some days and my team has lost easily 10 games in a row. I usually finish in the top 3 players in each game but my participation means nothing because if the team doesnt win, the rewards *********** suck.


Please change this it's so annoying.


Its people like this that bring you sanctuary citys and nanny states. To lazy to go do the work themselves.

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whats wrong with that? if people dont want to pvp why force them


You're joking, right?


If you don't want to PvP, don't queue. People will be queueing and sitting at a node getting a free bag for doing nothing. Some people may not even go to the nodes, may just hide. That's not fun for either side.

Edited by Semitote
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You're joking, right?


If you don't want to PvP, don't queue. People will be queueing and sitting at a node getting a free bag for doing nothing. Some people may not even go to the nodes, may just hide. That's not fun for either side.


would rather have people do that until they are done than endless hordes of people quitting over and over

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