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But you have to premade in pve, you dont just random choose a team and go do Operations, pvp is way more dificult so you really have to premade no way around it.


Nope, but hardmode flashpoints with a somewhat random team? Very possible. If they intend for PvP to be pre-made only, by all means, make it so that only premade teams can queue. I rather not be given the illusion that I can do something by allowing me to queue on my own, than being encouraged to do so, and then slapped on the face when I do.


I don't know that PvP in this game is any more difficult than PvE. You CC, just like in PvE. You interrupt, just like in PvE and you DPS heal or even tank (in this game) just like in PvE. The difference being that unlike PvE where encounters are tuned for a specific level of gear, PvP throws in everyone with all kinds of gear into the mix, and if you're not in a group with people with gear chances are, you'll get destroyed very quickly to the point of making it impossible to execute any teamwork.

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It is never fun to lose, but what i'm really trying to say is that pvp isnt for pugs like pve isnt either, you need to premade, i endured thru all those losses because i wanted better gear, and now after the patch is way easier, but you still need to premade.


It's not just losing, losing is part of the game. I'm talking, gearing through mostly losses.


Like I mentioned in another response, if their intention is that PvP should be done only by premades, don't even let me queue up solo then.

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This is my Number 1, most annoying thing I hate about this game.


I feel like I am forced to do the daily PVP quests as the rewards are so good, but I hate the fact that you have to win matches to get it.


Why is my participation alone not enough. It should be changed to Warzone Matches Played. Some days it can take over 5 hours to get 3 wins. Not everyone has a premade PVP team.


I have played some days and my team has lost easily 10 games in a row. I usually finish in the top 3 players in each game but my participation means nothing because if the team doesnt win, the rewards *********** suck.


Please change this it's so annoying.


whine, people already just hang around waiting to get their marks, ofcourse u gotta try to win, its not the games problem that ur team is ... well, losing

Edited by Slemfiskz
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Daily means you are able to complete it once a day, not you HAVE TO complete one each day.


Yes I know, you can't stand it when others get more gear than you.


yeap they never can.


If BW actually hear this QQ at least i will be able to afk my wz dailies finally.

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You must be that less Athletic kid on your elementary school's basketball team. You must be use to getting participation trophies.


The answer is no. You need to win. Yes we Rebs have a hard time, but it's not completely hopeless. Quit crying, and find a way to win. It's people like you that make the Reb side really horrible.

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As it stands pvp in this game has become a total joke and isn't for most of the community. They took a concept only cherished by hardcore pvpers (the pvp community of a server) and rolled with it in a game aimed at casuals. When premades go out into the War zones and start rolling pugs less pugs que up. Many people on my server just don't care about pvp anymore because the fun casual competition isn't there anymore. Not everyone seeks to be in a league when they play sports and play them from time to time for fun and at lest on my server this method of playing no longer can be obtained. Kinda lame. "Participation trophies" might actually get more casual player to que up and try their hearts out.
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As it stands pvp in this game has become a total joke and isn't for most of the community. They took a concept only cherished by hardcore pvpers (the pvp community of a server) and rolled with it in a game aimed at casuals. When premades go out into the War zones and start rolling pugs less pugs que up. Many people on my server just don't care about pvp anymore because the fun casual competition isn't there anymore. Not everyone seeks to be in a league when they play sports and play them from time to time for fun and at lest on my server this method of playing no longer can be obtained. Kinda lame. "Participation trophies" might actually get more casual player to que up and try their hearts out.




That is why i dont really mind not going to Operations, and i give my spot to the pvers, what most dont understand is that pvp isnt for casuals, like pve isnt either, unless u choose to do only one of them. As i wrote above i play around 2-3hours sometimes a bit more a day but i do pvp only 90% of the time, and like this u can be good at something instead of just being "there" do to do anything, lalala pvpers must play their one bracket that is what needs to be done, waiting till March for hardcore rated wz's is way to long of a wait :s . I want to win ofc, but i want to win for a very small margin, for a few secs or by a diference of 10 points every wz, having to give the max at every wz without raging and winning is the best feeling, imo ofc.

Edited by Nomiematiko
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Now you're lying.


Activating Bridge: 8 Seconds

Activating Bomb: 8 Seconds

Bomb time limit: 20 Seconds


Miscellaneous travelling: 6-20 Seconds.


There's no way you were in that box for anything close to a full minute.


Nope, I'm not lying. Where is your max time in the box in your detailed list of time sinks? You can't just guess that you are not in the box for a minute.


I tell you, I spawned in the box, watched the column of light go up over the guys heads, the bridge come out, him sprint across to the other side, plant the bomb and the timer tick down so that by the time I got out of the box my feet barely landed on the floor before the bomb exploded.

Edited by Pestwulf
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I would like to see this change to. I have a similar problem. I work nights so I cant always pvp during prime time and before work i sleep so usally I try and pvp around noon server time before i have to sleep but i only have time for usually 5-6 games and if we keep loosing i just miss the daily that day. I dont mind playing the games it just sucks that with the 50 bracket i get no games in the morning when i have time to play and then when i can play usually the teams are so bad i loose alot.
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-I've been in the box for a full minute before, as well as a couple of my team.


It happens. May not happen often, but it happened to me personally, so there is definitely the existence of such an occurrence. Again, though, it has happened on two occassions for me, unsure if that is something that anyone else sees a little, a lot, or not at all.



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I would like to see this change to. I have a similar problem. I work nights so I cant always pvp during prime time and before work i sleep so usally I try and pvp around noon server time before i have to sleep but i only have time for usually 5-6 games and if we keep loosing i just miss the daily that day. I dont mind playing the games it just sucks that with the 50 bracket i get no games in the morning when i have time to play and then when i can play usually the teams are so bad i loose alot.


I know they don't want to, but they would make so many people happy if the pooled 50's server populations for WZ's.


I also think they need to assign a points value to each lvl 50 pvp player based off their gear, add the points up on each side and make sure that they come close to each other. Otherwise the games will continue to be massacre's.

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You already get a bonus for winning, why do you need the quest to be a bonus too.


Some of us don't wanna sit around playing warzones for 10 hours a day.


Then get some competent/moderately geared friends or guildies, get on vent/mumble, queue up with them and play to win. It's not hard to win 3 matches in an hour or so.

Edited by Iriestx
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I would support just changing to a single win. That is most evenings an impossibility by itself.


There should be match making in place that prevents you being put against premades 25x in a row. I don't want to spend 4-5 hours each day just doing TWO pvp dailies. There is other stuff in this game that I want to enjoy. I don't even get around to doing raids or instances and I'd really like to start leveling an alt. I just feel obligated to do the pvp daily quests in order to stay competitive in PVP gear wise.


Being able to choose what battleground to join would be great as well, so I can avoid Voidstar and Aldaraan as we loose those every game.

Edited by Scalare
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Then get some competent/moderately geared friends or guildies, get on vent/mumble, queue up with them and play to win. It's not hard to win 3 matches in an hour or so.


The reason it isn't hard to win that way is because most people don't do it. If they did, then it wouldn't be so easy to get your wins, would it?

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4 days ago I went 1 and 16. that's 1 win, sixteen losses.


I'm a guardian. I want to be able to tank HMs and eventually OPs. That's why I made the class. PvP seems to be the way to do that, as far as I can ascertain. But 1 and 16 is not just a run of bad luck. I'm not a bad player... I've got 13 years of MMO playing behind me, I have lead raids and been an officer in my raiding guild for most of those, I understand teamwork and I understand the rules of each of the WZs. 1 and 16 is not bad luck, and even if I were a horrible player, 1 and 16 is still far and away outside of statistical reasoning.


If things were on an even keel, you'd expect a roughly 50% win / loss ratio. not a 7% win ratio.


I DO have faith in BioWare, though. They're a FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC game company. They do care about the players. I have faith this will be fixed. but an imbalance of this magnitude isn't a "challenge," it's a discouragement.

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The reason it isn't hard to win that way is because most people don't do it. If they did, then it wouldn't be so easy to get your wins, would it?


Worst case scenario, you'd have a 50/50 chance to win facing a team doing the same. Playing 6 matches isn't hard, or that time consuming. If it is, you're probably playing the wrong genre of game.

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4 days ago I went 1 and 16. that's 1 win, sixteen losses.


I'm a guardian. I want to be able to tank HMs and eventually OPs. That's why I made the class. PvP seems to be the way to do that, as far as I can ascertain. But 1 and 16 is not just a run of bad luck. I'm not a bad player... I've got 13 years of MMO playing behind me, I have lead raids and been an officer in my raiding guild for most of those, I understand teamwork and I understand the rules of each of the WZs. 1 and 16 is not bad luck, and even if I were a horrible player, 1 and 16 is still far and away outside of statistical reasoning.


If things were on an even keel, you'd expect a roughly 50% win / loss ratio. not a 7% win ratio.


I DO have faith in BioWare, though. They're a FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC game company. They do care about the players. I have faith this will be fixed. but an imbalance of this magnitude isn't a "challenge," it's a discouragement.


When you lose almost every match you're in, chances are the problem is you.

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Worst case scenario, you'd have a 50/50 chance to win facing a team doing the same. Playing 6 matches isn't hard, or that time consuming. If it is, you're probably playing the wrong genre of game.


I have time to play six games. I have time to play twelve. I pvp quite a bit, that's my main activity in this game. But I understand not everyone is so fortunate.


And obviously the majority of players don't enjoy running premades at all, or they would be doing it. So why should the game cater to a minority play style over the majority?

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I have time to play six games. I have time to play twelve. I pvp quite a bit, that's my main activity in this game. But I understand not everyone is so fortunate.


And obviously the majority of players don't enjoy running premades at all, or they would be doing it. So why should the game cater to a minority play style over the majority?


If you're losing every match you're in, look inward, because the problem is probably you. Everybody doesn't get a first place trophy for participating. Get better and win.

Edited by Iriestx
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I have time to play six games. I have time to play twelve. I pvp quite a bit, that's my main activity in this game. But I understand not everyone is so fortunate.


And obviously the majority of players don't enjoy running premades at all, or they would be doing it. So why should the game cater to a minority play style over the majority?


Massive Multiplayer Online Game


you premade in MMO's..... if it doesnt fit your playstyle its because you are in the wrong genre

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