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only took a month and a half...and now...


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The merits of 'player-driven' versus 'developer-driven' can be debated endlessly, everyone has their preference.


I feel like MMOs should have evolved to the point that it's not an "either or" situation anymore.


We shouldn't get "sorry this isn't a sand box, you're playing the wrong game"..... that's just bad business no matter how you look at it. Especially when they could have taken the best ides from all types of games and used them to create the best game possible.


But MMO makers continue to clone WoW instead. :confused:

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Precisely, never understood this. You blaze the content in a month then complain there is nothing to do, how is that the developer's fault? I always scratch my head when I see this sort of play style. I'm not ragging on how people spend their 15 bucks, just saying if you know that's what you're doing, be prepared to sit on your tail until the next tier of content comes out.


To be fair it's difficult to avoid "blazing the content" on this game. It moves at such a rapid and insane pace any player who decides to stay on par level-wise with the content will easily reach max level on this game in the span of a month.

Edited by JeremyDale
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full rakata, log in 3 nights a week to raid. worth $15/mo ? I dunno. Why is dynamic content such a shunned idea for mmo developers? :/


It's already been said but I can elaborate a bit more. You'd probably prefer GW2 over the current end game system, however as a raider you may run into an issue if you can't shift the focus of your enjoyment from gear to titles / gear skins.


Yes, GW2 high end dungeons (all dungeons actually, starting at mid level), will feature a story mode that you go through the 1st time, then you will unlock Exploration mode, where in you are given objectives that change each play through. I don't know how many are available, but they did a dev team run of one of the high level ones, and failed to complete it given it's difficulty.


Guild Wars 2 "High level PVE" focuses more on player skill to avoid content mechanics via active dodge and support abilities woven with offensive and self healing. It removes the gear check. While, your gear WILL improve, due to the Sidekick system, you will always be the correct max level for the zone you're wandering through, you won't be able to steam roll content.


Hopefully that will help you a bit.

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sounds cool venth, i guess ill probably keep tabs on that and wait for another game to come out...with the string of disappointments over the years it is really starting to hurt any desire at all to play these kinds of games.
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like...imperial walkers invade a town...the townsfolk are like omg help me jedi, you help fight back the imperials...but if you don't in time the imperials take over the city and build fortifications...but you and your friends via an ad-hoc group take the town back for the republic! etc etc...you know. dynamic.


That's called Rift... and it still gets boring when ever 20 minutes your city or town is over run. It gets mundane and repedative very very quickly.

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That's called Rift... and it still gets boring when ever 20 minutes your city or town is over run. It gets mundane and repedative very very quickly.


so you are saying rift is the only game that can have dynamic content and is the best it will ever be? That's pretty pessimistic.

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sounds cool venth, i guess ill probably keep tabs on that and wait for another game to come out...with the string of disappointments over the years it is really starting to hurt any desire at all to play these kinds of games.


I hear you dude. I'm feeling the exact same way. The only thing that makes me go "Yeah that might work." is GW2. It's different than the loot grind games we've been given over the years, and I've been looting since EQ1, and I enjoyed it all the way up through WoW because the Raids were pretty damn fun, but there in on hard-modes it took some ability to know what you were doing. I never found any hard modes all that hard, but a lot of people did.


I've never tried a Combat System like GW2 has, so it'll be at least a fun thing to learn to do yeah? Look into it, may be what you want.

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That's called Rift... and it still gets boring when ever 20 minutes your city or town is over run. It gets mundane and repedative very very quickly.


Rifts system was a bit flawed based on the idea that the content had to be completed in groups. You couldn't solo those invasions, and you were pretty much stuck if you were alone. The game's population suffered considerably for a while, and finding invasion groups in some zones could be very difficult.


Hopefully the scaling will correct this issue with GW2. So far they seem to have learned from other games and improved upon the mechanics presented.


Edit: They also have some system in place that keeps the town safe for a bit. The "invasions" aren't mandatory as there is no mandatory quest system in the game, fundamentally the town getting saved awards you exp and items, but if you choose not to save it, you're not losing any quest givers that you MUST have, and can just go to another event should you choose.

Edited by VenthiosLestaran
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You might want to look into Tera and GW2. They're both very different.


Anyways, I personally don't care for the pve content in SWTOR. Plus, it sucks if it ends up being farm content. I suggest not limiting yourself to PvE, and give PvPing with your guildies a shot (or have a bunch of friends/guildies make an alt, the lowbie bracket is fun).


There is also a new content patch coming out next month, so that's always something to look forward to. :)

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full rakata, log in 3 nights a week to raid. worth $15/mo ? I dunno. Why is dynamic content such a shunned idea for mmo developers? :/


Like the dynamic content they already said they are adding in March?



Edited by TheHeadCapper
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Like the dynamic content they already said they are adding in March?




Just because somebody doesn't know something doesn't mean you should be rude to them Capper. I know you love the game, so do it justice by being kind to people who are on the fence about staying and contributing to keeping the population healthy.


If he doesn't know, politely inform him.

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Just because somebody doesn't know something doesn't mean you should be rude to them Capper. I know you love the game, so do it justice by being kind to people who are on the fence about staying and contributing to keeping the population healthy.


If he doesn't know, politely inform him.


Maybe, but it's hard to believe someone doesn't know about the tracker.

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Sure if they'd come in and say what are the plans or i'd like to see this added, something constructive.


I don't intend to get into an argument with you. The forums are a place to ask questions, and get answers or find advice. He was seeking advice on what to do, because of how he feels. Your attitude and reply sure aren't going to make him want to stay.


That's really the end of it, the problem is you, not him.

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What is your actual in game time to get the full rakata?


i'd like to know the answer to this.


my /played is probably around 13 days and i am 5/5 columi geared w rakata earpiece, bracers, waist (synthweaving crafted) and crafted lightsber, 1 implant and focus.


edit: my guild also raids 3 times a week and we have only done 1 hm ops. with you being tier 3 geared you must be in a raiding loot guild

Edited by tuckwd
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i'd like to know the answer to this.


my /played is probably around 13 days and i am 5/5 columi geared w rakata earpiece, bracers, waist (synthweaving crafted) and crafted lightsber, 1 implant and focus.


edit: my guild also raids 3 times a week and we have only done 1 hm ops. with you being tier 3 geared you must be in a raiding loot guild


Probably one of the better guilds around. General word is that the hard-mode op's aren't very hard for players who are used to doing hard-mode content. I mean, it's being downed by a lot of players. Without wiping for a few resets on bosses to learn difficult mechanics, so base your guesses around that I suppose.

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Because that would probably require an engine that is able to support more then 80 people fighting each other at once.


Honestly i dunno what they were thinking when they were starting out building this game... Who's idea was it to use an unoptimized engine that cant handle 200-300 people killing each other over an objective... It's 2012 ffs.


I called this from day 1 of this game being announced. They are using the hero engine which began developement back around 2003 or 2004ish. It's old, and unoptimized. Not having access to the engine itself, i can also tell you why the engine is most likely not very good. It was created by simutronics. Never heard of them? Let me tell you about simu.


Simutronics is the number 1 company in creating MUDs (Multi User Dungeons) and have been since the mid 1990's. These are text based mmo's basically. Gemstone IV (and the previous incarnations of gemstone) is their flagship MUD having been operating since around 1992 i believe. While they do an excellent job with their MUD's, the game that was announced in 2003, Hero's Journey, was never released and is the game the Hero engine was build for. This is a company who has NEVER released any graphical game of any kind, relatively small, and whose engine is build off a small revenue of MUD players in games like gemstone iv, dragon realms, modus operandi, and cyberstrike II. To put the "small" in perspective, as an on and off gemstone player, there's typically 300-500 on average players online in gemstone at peak hours, and around 150 during off peak (paid subscription like most mmos).


Good idea in licensing an engine built by a MUD creator. /sarcasm

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full rakata, log in 3 nights a week to raid. worth $15/mo ? I dunno. Why is dynamic content such a shunned idea for mmo developers? :/


Am I the only one that read The OP and thought it was saying:




Wow, it only took 6 weeks for the farmers/powerlevelers to show up en-force.


I just saw an ad for a powerleveling service that will get your character Fully PVE geared, you just have to pass off control of the account three nights a week for them to raid on it.


Do you guys think that would be worth $15 a month for the service?


Why can't the MMO developers make PvE content dynamic enough to keep me from being bored so I don't mind raiding for myself?





Rough translation of what I though he was saying, but yeah.... I guess it's because I'm totally PvP minded and hate PvE, but I missed the point there pretty bad till I saw some of the replies.

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When you finish a game you stop playing it.


I know everyone does this on there PC PS3 and XBOX 360 games.


So you paid $75 for a game you played for a month and a half-Most games you play for two weeks for $60, do you go on there forums and complain that you have nothing left to do after beating skyrim, battlefield 3, mass effect, dragon age, ect?


If your done and you beat it, stop paying $15 a month and go play another game, when content comes out resub, get back together with your guild beat it, and then go back to something else.

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exactly.. play Rift ppl.


- dynamic invasions and ingame events

- all tools for adventure / raiding / pvp / etc.

- free spec skill system where u can have many builds to switch between them

- open spec skill trees where u can have 3 class trees to put ur points as u wish

- no lags even with 100 vs 100 fights

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