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only took a month and a half...and now...


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full rakata, log in 3 nights a week to raid. worth $15/mo ? I dunno. Why is dynamic content such a shunned idea for mmo developers? :/


Just make an alt, it's what my guild is doing. We have Imp alts to entertain ourselves inbetween raid nights.


Side note, how does your guild take 3 nights to clear the content? We do it in one and use the other night to run alts through normal mode.

Edited by Naroga
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What do you mean "dynamic content"?


like...imperial walkers invade a town...the townsfolk are like omg help me jedi, you help fight back the imperials...but if you don't in time the imperials take over the city and build fortifications...but you and your friends via an ad-hoc group take the town back for the republic! etc etc...you know. dynamic.

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Just make an alt, it's what my guild is doing. We have Imp alts to entertain ourselves inbetween raid nights.


Side note, how does your guild take 3 nights to clear the content? We do it in one and use the other night to run alts through normal mode.


yeah but its only 2 hrs a night.

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full rakata, log in 3 nights a week to raid. worth $15/mo ? I dunno. Why is dynamic content such a shunned idea for mmo developers? :/


Guild Wars 2 is taking a shot at dynamic content, though as a raider you might not be interested.

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like...imperial walkers invade a town...the townsfolk are like omg help me jedi, you help fight back the imperials...but if you don't in time the imperials take over the city and build fortifications...but you and your friends via an ad-hoc group take the town back for the republic! etc etc...you know. dynamic.


Unfortunately, people would complain. Anything that adversely affects the player base with no way to opt out will result in epic complaints. Just look at WoW's 1 week zombie invasion pre-WotLK.

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like...imperial walkers invade a town...the townsfolk are like omg help me jedi, you help fight back the imperials...but if you don't in time the imperials take over the city and build fortifications...but you and your friends via an ad-hoc group take the town back for the republic! etc etc...you know. dynamic.


Good ideas....


They've been too busy the last two years making WoW style raids instead. :(

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like...imperial walkers invade a town...the townsfolk are like omg help me jedi, you help fight back the imperials...but if you don't in time the imperials take over the city and build fortifications...but you and your friends via an ad-hoc group take the town back for the republic! etc etc...you know. dynamic.


Because that would probably require an engine that is able to support more then 80 people fighting each other at once.


Honestly i dunno what they were thinking when they were starting out building this game... Who's idea was it to use an unoptimized engine that cant handle 200-300 people killing each other over an objective... It's 2012 ffs.

Edited by Flaming_Ruskie
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If you mean 'player created', as in 'sandbox', as in EVE online (for one example); then you're playing the wrong game. I don't intend that as a snide remark - this is a STORY DRIVEN game, they've been pushing that as their big selling point for quite some time. There is little or no opportunity for player-created content in this game.

The merits of 'player-driven' versus 'developer-driven' can be debated endlessly, everyone has their preference. In a story or developer driven game, it moves forward in stops and starts, as they make and roll out expansions. We are stuck with their pace, it's just the way it is. In a sandbox, we make the content, for good or bad, for greed or grief or (occasionally) altruism.

In SWTOR, we are more dependent on the devs for new content than even in WOW. The linearity of the story constrains us in ways that chafe... we need more talcum powder.

Edited by Nigyl
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like...imperial walkers invade a town...the townsfolk are like omg help me jedi, you help fight back the imperials...but if you don't in time the imperials take over the city and build fortifications...but you and your friends via an ad-hoc group take the town back for the republic! etc etc...you know. dynamic.


While a good idea in any game, it doesn't exist for the simple reason that it's easier said than done.


A more realistic expectation would be for them to change out NPCs in particular flashpoints to change the tedious pull of the same identical groups over and over again.

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While a good idea in any game, it doesn't exist for the simple reason that it's easier said than done.


A more realistic expectation would be for them to change out NPCs in particular flashpoints to change the tedious pull of the same identical groups over and over again.


yeah there we go...like maybe instances dynamically change every week...maybe one week a cannon blows a hole through a wall that takes you through another wing of an operation...id be ok with that.

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like...imperial walkers invade a town...the townsfolk are like omg help me jedi, you help fight back the imperials...but if you don't in time the imperials take over the city and build fortifications...but you and your friends via an ad-hoc group take the town back for the republic! etc etc...you know. dynamic.


Stuff like this would be cool I think. OK TOR doesn't have it... But you never know what they will implement down the road, especially if GW2 delivers on its promises. I'm sure both Bio and Blizz will jump at the opportunity.

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Why is dynamic content such a shunned idea for mmo developers? :/


Sheer laziness. Lack of love for their own product. Greed. All of the above.


Devs that truly love their product try hard to make it special. BW didn't even try to make it average. Everything about this game just screams money grab, and when all that matters is the accountant's projected earnings, well... you end up with a game like TOR.

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Thing is I didn't hurry. I took my sweet time. I'll wait until the new operation in March before I definitely say TOR raiding is way too easy.


That's the sad thing. I didn't hurry either.


All I did was attempt to stay on level-par with the quests I was dong. I took the time to level up my crafts, farm credits, and made sure my character was decked out in the best epics available each level upgrade.


And now I'm max level and seen every planet on the game and it's barely been a month.


So now I have the fun and excitement of spamming the same daily quests and flashpoints over and over so I can add a few extra numbers to my gear. Awesome fun.

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like...imperial walkers invade a town...the townsfolk are like omg help me jedi, you help fight back the imperials...but if you don't in time the imperials take over the city and build fortifications...but you and your friends via an ad-hoc group take the town back for the republic! etc etc...you know. dynamic.

As wonderful as this sounds in theory, I don't think it would do well in the current MMO market. Why would anyone bother doing it unless the rewards were better than other rewards? If the rewards were in fact better it'd just become another grind. All of the "different" or unique aspects of this game are regularly bemoaned on the forums, perhaps this will change in time, but I sort of doubt it.


To be clear, I don't think games are made with "old school MMOers" in mind anymore. You (we?) are a minority that just happens to be mindblowingly vocal. People don't want sandboxes they want repackaged loot grinding that is easy/fun to achieve.


As for the constant moans of the game being too easy, like it or not, this makes the game accessible to a broader base. The alternative is a narrower band of end game content. There is no reason to focus on designing end game content if a large portion of your subscriber base will never get to experience it. Back when MMOs were much smaller the noteworthy raiding guilds were pretty relevant/substantial in the amount that they contributed. This is in no way the case anymore.

Edited by SWImara
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full rakata, log in 3 nights a week to raid. worth $15/mo ? I dunno. Why is dynamic content such a shunned idea for mmo developers? :/


Read the dev blogs, they pretty much said they are adding dynamic content. If I recall correctly "You dont know if the republic will land on balmorra or tat etc and have a big war" Not exactly what they said because it has been awhile.

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Welcome to the new MMORPG Eisnoff.


Let's all "hurry up to the end" so we can be bored routine.


Precisely, never understood this. You blaze the content in a month then complain there is nothing to do, how is that the developer's fault? I always scratch my head when I see this sort of play style. I'm not ragging on how people spend their 15 bucks, just saying if you know that's what you're doing, be prepared to sit on your tail until the next tier of content comes out.

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