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Sage Wars


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Pre 1.1.1 a Scoundrel in BM gear facing a Sage in BM with similar skills in playing had no chance to win.


A Scoundrel in BM fighting someone in Crap would knock them down and beat them to death before they could do anything so now the class is useless.


One less Scoundrel in the game.

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10 bucks says he still has an active account


I do it has 14 days left but i canceled it and have not logged today and will not.



Remember what you said when you look around and there are less players here very soon.

Edited by Binafus
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Of all the reasons to rage quit, this is the one you picked?




Seriously you are playing this game? I should have known. If this game has Senators in it I hope you don't run, otherwise I'd be forced to see that not happen. It's attitudes like yours in SWG and it's forums that helped people leave in mass droves. I can see you are already doing your worst here. PLEASE ****!!!

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I don't feel sorry for you at all, because Operatives needed to be toned down a bit. They're still quite good, honestly, with the way their disables now affect resolve. If you're going to quit over that, it's your loss.


However, I am really tired of the Sage/Sorc overpopulation. I don't know if they're actually overpowered or if too many people just think they are, but I literally played three warzones in a row last night with either 6 or 7 sorcerers in each one. We lost 2 out of the 3 by a landslide. Non-stop lightning flying everywhere. CC's being passed around like drugs at a Primus concert. It's just absurd.

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I don't feel sorry for you at all, because Operatives needed to be toned down a bit. They're still quite good, honestly, with the way their disables now affect resolve. If you're going to quit over that, it's your loss.


However, I am really tired of the Sage/Sorc overpopulation. I don't know if they're actually overpowered or if too many people just think they are, but I literally played three warzones in a row last night with either 6 or 7 sorcerers in each one. We lost 2 out of the 3 by a landslide. Non-stop lightning flying everywhere. CC's being passed around like drugs at a Primus concert. It's just absurd.


Primus Sucks!

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I don't feel sorry for you at all, because Operatives needed to be toned down a bit. They're still quite good, honestly, with the way their disables now affect resolve. If you're going to quit over that, it's your loss.


However, I am really tired of the Sage/Sorc overpopulation. I don't know if they're actually overpowered or if too many people just think they are, but I literally played three warzones in a row last night with either 6 or 7 sorcerers in each one. We lost 2 out of the 3 by a landslide. Non-stop lightning flying everywhere. CC's being passed around like drugs at a Primus concert. It's just absurd.


Sages/Sorcs aren't overpowered damage wise. However the crowd control is a bit over the top. Some can spam cc constantly, and quite frankly I don't think it's a sage issue it's a mixture between Sorcs in specific along with the Empire professions and their cc's as well. My solution is only to up a sorc's damage output slightly while making it harder for them to spam cc.

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dude, NOBODY can kill a sage 1v1.


that's why 60% of the playerbase has rolled them.


That's just not true. If it's a healing spec Sorc it takes a long time to bring one down, but they don't really do much to you. I can often shred DPS Sorcerers on my Guardian, even with all of the CC. The problem is my win chance against them relies heavily on me getting the jump (pun intended) on them. If they catch me first and are prepared it's too hard to come back from with the 2-3 shields they can throw up and all of the CC. They don't kill as fast as say, an Operative or Mercenary, but they don't have to. Based on the fact that I feel I have a rough 50/50 win ratio against Sorcs, I'd have to say that even as annoying as they are, they might not be overpowered after all. Either that or the player pool is simply diluted with bad players going with the FOTM class.

Edited by vindianajones
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Or Sorc Wars


Canceled my account yesterday, I got nerfed because I almost killed a Sage 1 on 1


Now with 1.1.1 I'm useless.


One less Scoundrel in the game.


2 things ....


1. Why couldn't you have been an OP!??!!? 1 less op > 1 less scoundrel.


2. You SHOULDN'T be able to kill a healer 1v1, I know you're are used to stunning / instakill everyone but come on... they aren't going to kill you either. You're team should be focus firing the healers down then cleaning up the rest.

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dude, NOBODY can kill a sage 1v1.


that's why 60% of the playerbase has rolled them.


Oh! Made up numbers... fun...


The other 60% of the player base is rolling scoundrel/ops. The remaining 30% are tracer spam mercs.


150% later, we're still making **** up.

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dude, NOBODY can kill a sage 1v1.


that's why 60% of the playerbase has rolled them.


They nerfed the wrong class for sure, but taking away the burst for a burst dps class is the why people will leave, they are suppose to burst people down.


Once those people leave they will not be back.


I would guess before this month is up most people will be saying where did everyone go, Sages and Sorcs already rule all the WZ's

Edited by Killabee
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Sorc Wars is funny.


Well I'd lean toward more of being sad but true. PvP is now Sages VS. SI's. He who has the most of them wins.


Your dps will have to spit out 300k dps or more each if they even have a wet dream of bringing down a team with 3 or more healing Sages or Sorcs.

Edited by Blaaine
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