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Low lvl's overpowered in PvP WZ?


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So, they have their stats all maxed out like if their were high levels. I know they do this so it could be even with the max levels, am not looking to kill low lvls neither, but they do some crazy damage, sometimes, to high levels. Its even sometimes hard to kill them even with 2k critical and more. I have good stats, good build, nice gear, use the buffs correctly [am a sorc], but its just sometimes hard, and am a decent player so dont you think I write this cause I suck or something, I have seen many people say this before, so I know am not the only one. You guys agree?
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Everything is intended to be fairly normalized in the 10-49 bracket. A level 10 is not inherently any stronger than a level 40. I believe the bolstering is based somewhat on the quality of the gear you have relative to your level, so it's certainly possible that if a level 10 has "better" level 10 gear than your gear is relative to your level, their stats may be slightly higher - not by much though.


Higher level players still have the advantage of having additional abilities as well as more points into their talent trees, which makes a big difference. It is a skill based bracket - not item based - and that's what a lot of people like about it. Once you get into the 50 bracket and are a fresh level 50 with zero expertise fighting against players in Battlemaster gear, you'll yearn for the days of 10-49 warzones.

Edited by vindianajones
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"Thinking" yourself a decent player doesn't make it so.


Have you thought of asking yourself if that low level char also happened to have the PvP Buff, PvP Stim Buff, all Class buffs, relics and anything other CD that can increase their dmg output for a limited time?


Your post contradicts your claims to your skills.

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Everyone's stat is boosted to that of a lvl 49, relative to the overall gear rating you have on. If a lvl 10-15 is killing you easily, you're doing it wrong. Every class gets their defensive cooldowns later, they also have more setups, talents to boost their base abilities, and more cc options. All a lvl 10-15 has is their basic 2 - 3 attacks. That's it.


If you ignore them because of their lvl, they WILL wtpwn you in short time. So if that's the case, stop that. I've pvp'd on my sniper since lvl 11, and I've had matches where I had 40+ kills (some with close to 20 kill shots) as lvl 11-15 with nothing but ambush and snipe spamming, all because people simply ignored me as a lowly lvl 11-15. Also, you can't tell how well someone is doing until end of match (or the number of medals, but that's only later in the match), so even while I was making a killing atop the rafters or far away from the battle sniping away, they didn't pay much mind.


Do not ignore a player because of their lvl. Matter of fact, don't even bother reading their lvl, just see them as opponents that can kill you if you let them.

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I would argue that Sages/Sorcs will have the hardest times at lower levels simply because they will be missing ~1/2 their rotations until the 20's.


Anyways, it seems to me like the stat boosts are more than what they should be. My Sage is sitting at ~9800 life at lvl 48. When I enter a WZ my HP gets boosted to ~11.5K. With my current gear, I don't expect to even approach that when I actually get to 50, and my gear is all 100+ rating stuff, so it isn't terribad. When I was a lower level though I would see my HP somewhere around 12K in a WZ.


My guess is it is simply a case wherein the math they use to boost people to the same levels for WZ loses "accuracy" as the amount of levels boosted increases, wherein "accuracy" refers to the difference between what your "boosted-50" stats are and your "actual-50" stats would be.

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If a level 10 has all purple gear on which is max for his level and say your lvl 40 only has green gear on and its only lvl 20 gear then yeah the level 10 is gonna own you...


Even with the bolster system gear still matters... it's based on the maximum gear you could get for your given level...


On my lvl 28 Gunslinger when I replaced my lvl 19 blue barrels with lvl 27 purple barrels I noticed a huge increase in damage I was doing in warfronts..

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