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If SWTOR went F2P, would that bring back the haters?


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...Or at least let people give Bioware a little slack?

I played WoW from beta till about a year ago. it got to the point that I would get sick to my stomach just thinking about logging in to WoW.

SWTOR is such a breath of fresh air. I LOVE this game......yes.....even with the down time and the bugs. Everyone needs to calm down and know that everything will be fixed in due time. WoW of 2004 looks NOTHING like Wow of today. Please give Bioware that chance to fix everything.

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...Or at least let people give Bioware a little slack?

I played WoW from beta till about a year ago. it got to the point that I would get sick to my stomach just thinking about logging in to WoW.

SWTOR is such a breath of fresh air. I LOVE this game......yes.....even with the down time and the bugs. Everyone needs to calm down and know that everything will be fixed in due time. WoW of 2004 looks NOTHING like Wow of today. Please give Bioware that chance to fix everything.


If this product was Free to play, nobody would complain ever. You only complain when you pay for something that does not work as advertised.


So, if this was a free to play, everyone would report the bugs, and still enjoy the free product.

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In my case the answer is no (and by the way I am not a hater).


The reason is simply that the monthly fee is much, much less than the value of the time I spend playing.


If SWTOR were brilliant I would willingly pay a lot more than the current fee. The problem is it has serious flaws and that means I'm not prepared to play no matter how little I have to pay.

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I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the "haters" are still playing. They are just emotionally invested in their prediction that the game would fail or that it sucks and so they have to keep up the hate even if they privately enjoy the game.


Other haters didn't/won't give it a fair chance because their goal is only to upset people through trolling, or to defend their own favorite game.

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Re Haters: There are always certain people who will hate no matter what. Then there are people who should never buy on release day because the have they patience and restraint of a puppy. If you can't accept bugs and imperfections and incomplete stuff, don't buy at release, wait six months. Edited by Zarrot
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I wouldn't play even if it was free.


There is literally nothing to do once you it level 50 and did everything once.


Why people find enjoyment in redoing over and over again the same flashpoint/ops/dailies is beyond me.


If you don't like repeating content an MMO probably isn't for you. Whether it was SWG or WoW there has always been repetition in MMO's.


I personally enjoy running flashopoint and other stuff because i do it with friends and we have fun. Since i'm having fun i've accomplished my main goal of playing games.

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Despite the fact that I don't like this game at it's current state and already cancelled sub, I sincerely hope it never go free-to-play.


From my point of view the game isn't bad, it's incomplete. BW invested so much effort, I just hope they won't run out of resources before they make SWTOR to match modern standards.


On your question... I think f2p might attract a lot of people who would try the game and/or see what's new out of curiosity. At current state you either bear with it's flaws or leave. Or, in my case, temporary suspend subscription. I see no reason to spend time on game you don't like, whether it's free or not.


Besides, nothing is really free. LotRO, AoC, DDO provide some sort of extended trial, rather then free game. Well, actually you can play LoTRO without spending a single cent, but in this case amount of grinding would make Koreans jealous.

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I wouldn't play even if it was free.


There is literally nothing to do once you it level 50 and did everything once.


Why people find enjoyment in redoing over and over again the same flashpoint/ops/dailies is beyond me.


The main part of this game is the leveling and story. You are suppose to roll alts and enjoy the other storylines. It isn't like WOW/Rift where you focus on the endgame grind.

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