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Blaster > Light saber


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Oh and one more thing...


If I'm firing energy bolts at you...I assume they should be able to travel at the speed of light, but they obviously don't. In other words, you should not be able to block them, even with the increased reflexes of the force.


Man...knowing physics sucks. Like for example, ever wonder where all those missed blaster shots from starships end up? They should keep going forever until they hit a planet, ship, or other object. Just think about it, while you're doing your space combat missions blasting around like a crazed mad-man, some farmer with a wife and two kids is probably going to get one hell of a surprise when he's tending to his crops one morning and blaster shot comes out of no-where and obliterates him. It may take a few years for that blaster bolt to reach him...but still.


I'm officially selling my starship now... :(


That's a spectacular misunderstanding on both counts.


Blocking has almost nothing to do with the beam travelling at the speed of light from the blaster. It's interpreting whether the blaster is

a) pointing at you; thus do you even need to worry about it and

b) roughly where it's going to hit you; so putting your lightsabre is the way before the trigger is even pulled


As for blaster shots travelling on for ever, can you explain why my torch doesn't shine off into space like a mad beacon for any extra-terrestrials to see? And no, space isn't a true vacuum, if you're going to bring up the real underlying physics :)

Edited by MoofKnight
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We know now why the jedi order died out, it wasn't palpatine or anything like that. It was the fact that melee is *********** worthless.

Don't know bout that. The dead Sniper or Operative at my feet says differently on my Shadow. Same could be said on my Sorc. Gotta love dem Counselors/Inquisitors.

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but you guys knew that going into this game.... sadly it's the lack of combat logs then subsequent pve changes that are the downfall of melee. melee MUST have more dps than ranged to make up for disconnects... it is not the case in this game...


Wait a minute...there aren't any combat logs?

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Oh and one more thing...


If I'm firing energy bolts at you...I assume they should be able to travel at the speed of light, but they obviously don't. In other words, you should not be able to block them, even with the increased reflexes of the force.


Man...knowing physics sucks. Like for example, ever wonder where all those missed blaster shots from starships end up? They should keep going forever until they hit a planet, ship, or other object. Just think about it, while you're doing your space combat missions blasting around like a crazed mad-man, some farmer with a wife and two kids is probably going to get one hell of a surprise when he's tending to his crops one morning and blaster shot comes out of no-where and obliterates him. It may take a few years for that blaster bolt to reach him...but still.


I'm officially selling my starship now... :(

Firstly they aren't blocking where you shot at. They're blocking where you're GOING to shoot. They use the precognitive abilities of the force.


Well I don't think you're firing light but some kind of plasma energy or super heated something with an insane 1/2 life so it fizzles off into nothing before it can keep traveling and traveling and traveling vaporizing some poor farmer's cow or wife (although he might thank you for that)

Edited by DarthKhaos
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As for blaster shots travelling on for ever, can you explain why my torch doesn't shine off into space like a mad beacon for any extra-terrestrials to see? And no, space isn't a true vacuum, if you're going to bring up the real underlying physics :)


Your Torch DOES shine off into outer space, spewing photons at 186,000miles per second. In Six Hours, it could be seen on Jupiter's moons. In four years, People on Alpha Centauri would see it.


But you are the expert on physics. So dazzle us, bro. Bring it.

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This is from Mass Effect 2 This, recruits, is a 20-kilo ferris slug, feel the weight. Every five seconds, the main gun of an everest class dreadnought accelerates one to 1.3% of light-speed. It impacts with the force of a 38-kiloton bomb. That is three times the yield of the city-buster dropped on Hiroshima back on Earth. That means- Sir Issac Newton is the deadliest son-of-a-***** in space. Now! Serviceman Burnside! What is Newton's first law?


Serviceman Burnside: Sir! An object in motion stays in motion, sir!


Gunnery Chief: No credit for partial answers, maggot!


Serviceman Burnside: Sir! Unless acted on by an outside force, sir!


Gunnery Chief: Damn straight! I dare to assume you ignorant *******es know that space is empty. Once you fire this hunk of metal, it keeps going til it hits something. That can be a ship. Or the planet behind that ship. It might go off into deep space and hit somebody else in ten thousand years. If you pull the trigger on this, you are ruining someones day, somewhere and sometime. That is why you check your targets. That is why you wait for the computer to give you a damn firing solution. That is why, Serviceman Chung, we do not "eyeball it". This is a weapon of mass destruction. You are not a cowboy shooting from the hip!




oh ****. real tears.

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I think lightsabers should actually work like Lightsabers instead of swords. I should just slice through everything like it was butter instead I graze stuff to death with a thousand sweeps.


Sure if we make it so only a small percentage of people can unlock them and they also have Perma Death then I'm all for it...

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Oh and one more thing...


If I'm firing energy bolts at you...I assume they should be able to travel at the speed of light, but they obviously don't. In other words, you should not be able to block them, even with the increased reflexes of the force.


Man...knowing physics sucks. Like for example, ever wonder where all those missed blaster shots from starships end up? They should keep going forever until they hit a planet, ship, or other object. Just think about it, while you're doing your space combat missions blasting around like a crazed mad-man, some farmer with a wife and two kids is probably going to get one hell of a surprise when he's tending to his crops one morning and blaster shot comes out of no-where and obliterates him. It may take a few years for that blaster bolt to reach him...but still.


I'm officially selling my starship now... :(



You need to know SW not Physics :p


It's not force reflexes (at least not just) it's Force premonition), you can deflect most things if you already know when and where it will hit.

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Marauders and Juggernauts own my Gunslinger once they concentrate their attacks on him, if they ignore my Gunslinger then I rip em to shreds, although it takes a lot longer doing that to a Jugg... but if they come after me I melt like butter to their lightsabers..


Marauders burst dps is brutal up close and Juggs huge health pool makes them a pain to kill.... I think to many melee think they should be able to one shot everyone.... And yes I do have a 46 Marauder so I do play that class also when I play Empire..


The only area I do feel Marauders are really gimped is in open pvp on Illum where if they jump into the crowd there pretty much toast from focus fire where as range can sit back and shoot from a more safe distance... Maybe a force bubble like Inquisitors have might help Marauders here allow them to get some big hits in before being focus fired to death.. (shrug)

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Melee wouldn't be worthless if your chance of defense against ranged damaged was based on proximity to that damage.


For instance. If you're 30 meters from a Commando, then your defense against his attacks goes up to 30%, but if you're 4 meters from him, then your defense goes back to it's base amount.


This should be for all ranged attacks including force lightening, where your lightsaber can soak up part of the lightening damage until you close within your own attack range, at which point it's too powerful for your lightsaber to soak anymore.


Poof. Melee fixed.


You aren't thinking about all the people with blasters. They do all their damage at range and when it gets to CQC they lose most effectiveness anyway on damage v damage scale. If you want to play a game where Jedi are OP don't play an MMO

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Your Torch DOES shine off into outer space, spewing photons at 186,000miles per second. In Six Hours, it could be seen on Jupiter's moons. In four years, People on Alpha Centauri would see it.


But you are the expert on physics. So dazzle us, bro. Bring it.


No, you're wrong. Photons will interact with any charged particle in it's path. So, your torch probably wont make it far at all, certainly nowhere near getting out of the atmosphere.


Anyway, the points already been made, blasters are not firing light of any wavelength (or laser beams if you will).


Consider it brought.

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You should write a book :) That was entertaining.


Lol thanks. Maybe I will one day...then I would just need people who would want to read it. :p


Firstly they aren't blocking where you shot at. They're blocking where you're GOING to shoot. They use the precognitive abilities of the force.


Well I don't think you're firing light but some kind of plasma energy or super heated something with an insane 1/2 life so it fizzles off into nothing before it can keep traveling and traveling and traveling vaporizing some poor farmer's cow or wife (although he might thank you for that)


Good points. Other's mentioned the actual foresight of blocking shots and the fact our blasters shoot plasma too, but you stated both very well. Now I know...and knowledge is power!


P.S. I lol'd at the part about taking out the famer's wife. Nice one! :D


**Disclaimer: I do not condone the use of inter-galaxtic violence towards spouses of any gender, race, or occupation. Unless of course they are Republic... :rolleyes:

Edited by StrandtheMan
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