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So when is this missile / grav spam nerf coming then?


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uh, gunnery commando is one of the squishiest classes in the game. heavy armor does jack **** without a tank stance. the only survivable commandos are heal spec or hybrid.


You might wanna start wearing proper armor, I'm guessing you either use social armor or you are ninjaing stuff from the Smugglers. If that's a squishy class than my Sniper is a tank.

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It's been said before, but apparently it could do with a repeat.


Roll a BH. Play to level 20. Que for a warzone. Spam tracer missle. Observe results.


It'll take you a few hours only, then you can come here and tell us how broken that perticular spec is with this class.


What BioWare should listen to are the trooper players who honestly truly need a fix for full auto and mortar volley so that they function like their BH mirror skills.


play to lv 20? are you serious? Yeah my lv 20 will be super geared won't it.

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Oh I can play my class. Doesn't stop them getting nerfed.

Going to /dance all the mers and troopers who have to actually learn their class themselves when it comes. Will be glorious.


The sad part is (if a nerf ever happened) most of them will still beat you and you'll find another skill to cry about.

Edited by Qilz
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If there is a nerf to grab/tm, and that's a big if, it'll take quite a while. The entire gunnery tree for commandos revolves around spamming TM; it procs other skills, it gives debuffs/buffs. Half the talents are based on spamming grav round, that's why commandos do it. So to nerf grav they'd have to rework an entire skill tree, basically.
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Interrupt, stun, interrupt. It's hard, I know.



Edit: and lol@3k grav round crits. Keep exaggerating.


Edit edit: <- Does not play gunnery, and haven't in almost a month. I have a shadow I play with now, and I tear arsenal BHs/Gunnery commandos apart. L2P your classes.


Not complaining about the class, but 3k crits are laugahbly easy. Heck, watch this fresh 50 guy with 0 expertise get 2500+ crits with Grav round. (post 1.1)



I saw a video of a battlemaster geared Commando Healer getting 3500+ Charged Bolt crits, he even got a 4400 one at some point in the video. (Post 1.1 btw)

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There's nothing to defend, it doesnt need a nerf and wont get a nerf.





Says the Grav round spammer.


Ever thought that some acutally want to play a class that does not limit itself to one button? I mean I see plenty of mercs complaining about it on my server, saying it's a retarded way to play but extremely profitable. Last time I looked retarde and profit weren't supposed to work together.

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Not complaining about the class, but 3k crits are laugahbly easy. Heck, watch this fresh 50 guy with 0 expertise get 2500+ crits with Grav round. (post 1.1)



I saw a video of a battlemaster geared Commando Healer getting 3500+ Charged Bolt crits, he even got a 4400 one at some point in the video. (Post 1.1 btw)


I'm pretty sure Bounty Hunters/Troopers aren't the only classes that can have attacks crit for 3k+ .

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Bolster gives expertise now does it? though not.


So in conclusion: You have no idea what you're complaining about.


Expertise is granted by GEAR and has nothing to do whatsoever with who or what I hit Grav Round with.


When I have ~500 expertise + adrenal stacking and a target has zero, yes, my skills will hit you inordinately hard. That would be true whether I was a Commando, or a Sorcerer or a Sniper.



If you want to see TM/GR's effectiveness, spend a few hours getting a Merc/Commando to 20, then test it. If you want to complain about problems with Expertise, test that instead.

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It's so funny that people cry about things they don't know about... I play a Shadow as my main and rolled a commando as my alt. I have no trouble interrupting stunning and effectively neutralizing the damage from a Merc/Commando. People who cry "nerf" have no idea whats going on need to learn to play.


What they should be doing is "fixing" the defense/absorb mechanic... why put those stats on pvp gear if they are 90% useless...

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It's so funny that people cry about things they don't know about... I play a Shadow as my main and rolled a commando as my alt. I have no trouble interrupting stunning and effectively neutralizing the damage from a Merc/Commando. People who cry "nerf" have no idea whats going on need to learn to play.


What they should be doing is "fixing" the defense/absorb mechanic... why put those stats on pvp gear if they are 90% useless...


This. I roll arsenal BHs all the time on my shadow. People think they're God's gift to PvP, so if they die, it's the class, not them, because they can't possibly be the bad one.

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It's so funny that people cry about things they don't know about... I play a Shadow as my main and rolled a commando as my alt. I have no trouble interrupting stunning and effectively neutralizing the damage from a Merc/Commando. People who cry "nerf" have no idea whats going on need to learn to play.


What they should be doing is "fixing" the defense/absorb mechanic... why put those stats on pvp gear if they are 90% useless...


I've stated this in several threads, but I agree entirely with your opinion on the shielding mechanic. Tanks get so shafted currently. Shields should be able to mitigate everything except elemental and internal damage imo.

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It doenst needa nerf, it just needs the damage lowering but the buffs it gives increasing. So then it will be the setup power for the rest of the tree that its meant to be.

If the TM was an instant attack with no CD, then I would agree the damage should be lowered.


But with a 1.5 second cast time, it seems fine.


The whole Arsenal Tree needs to be revamped imho............there is way too many talents tied to Tracer Missile.

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Says the Grav round spammer.


Ever thought that some acutally want to play a class that does not limit itself to one button? I mean I see plenty of mercs complaining about it on my server, saying it's a retarded way to play but extremely profitable. Last time I looked retarde and profit weren't supposed to work together.



Sorry to burst your bubble there fella but I open with Full Auto, Grav round 2 or 3 times depending on when it free's my FA again. Use my Demo+HIB and Full Auto. I get my damage from Full Auto being at 50% extra damage.


Grav round is only a stepping stone for my other abilities. I far from spam it, Imps might use the 1 button show if they are horrible at PvP but I like to read the description of my abilities and use them all. Because I play a Trooper Gunnery spec you judge me, what about JK Focus Guardians Critting for 3k+ on multiple targets with FS. Or stealth classes being able to stealth during combat. Or every single other class that has some BS ability. Im sure you play one of these. Try having an OP unstealth and hit you from behing and being at 30% health before you can do a single thing.


I rotate my abilities to get max damage possible, you cant do that spamming Grav im sorry. The max damage I have seen my Grav round hit for is around 3k, it happens on a regular basis maybe 25% of the time. Demo round on the other hand will get close to 4k. HIB will get around 3k. Full Auto is my pride and joy, with 50% extra damage I can hit over 4k.


You learn your class and I'll play mine. Dont judge a book by its cover. That saying has been around for quite some time, you should have heard it by now.

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