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Augments 1.1.2 Huge Mistake!


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Instead they will wear crit augment gear (orange + purples) that might look bad. If they want to min max there will be no choice.


As opposed to now with min maxing needing to wear the top tier purples only. I prefer the appearance of a lot of the lower level Orange gear than the higher level purples.


This change actually opens up being able to use more variety, because you can find a look you like and add the stats you want to it.

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Your solution is too completely scrap the current mechanic instead of just fixing it


By your very answer you made it a purely aestetic thing. I gave an answer to fix the aestetics of getting a cool piece of equip with good stats and looks good, but having to use an crafted item because it has an augment spot, and losing that augemnt spot is just too much for the sake of looks. Apperence tab would not scrap any mechanic of the game, it simply changes what you look like and allows for some indiviualism. Please explain how a apperence tab would be scapping the mechanics when it comes to augments and such.

Edited by Killomend
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Is there honestly a ton of people who min/max AND care so much about the appearance of their gear


Ill wear pink polka dotted see through nylon body suit if its bis


I mean complaints about everyone looks the same I kinda get but really


Did you ever even consider the concept that the pieces with slots will look better then what you are wearing now?


Or actually chances are it will look the same as everything else for each character anyway

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I think you failed to understand what he meant.


If you like the appearence of a piece of gear you got, but it cannot be crafted, you are losing on the augment slot.


No he understood it. It mostly affects PvP gear and weapons only. Yes it is limiting there.


But it opens up a lot more appearances choices for crafted orange gear though since you can just change the mods.






I'm guessing orange crafted weapons will be added eventually. So when that happens, it will only be a limit to PvP gear.


I'm also guessing they add the ability to add augments to PvP gear will eventually happen and you can swap those out also.


So this is a good first step in more item customization. Instead of shooting it down, look at the next steps it can take and work to get them added.

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He suggests that depending on crew skill you are able to add augment slot. Weaps for armstech, some pieces of armor for armormech etc. It will also add more balance against biochem (because it's clear even with what they are goin to implement biochem -> all).


Uhh no, with the upcoming nerf to Biochem's adrenals and stims, Biochem will no longer offer a stat bonus over players who have chosen other crafting professions. All Biochem will do is save money in the long run by not having to replace stims/adrenals/healthkits.

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Is there honestly a ton of people who min/max AND care so much about the appearance of their gear


Ill wear pink polka dotted see through nylon body suit if its bis


I mean complaints about everyone looks the same I kinda get but really


Did you ever even consider the concept that the pieces with slots will look better then what you are wearing now?


Or actually chances are it will look the same as everything else for each character anyway


Spacing things out does not excuse you from the fact,


your post is all one big run-on sentence.

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If you want a real fix make everything craftable. and make raid rewards an item to make that uber armor


As much as I'd love that Bioware doesn't really have the balls to ever try anything new. Hell they can't even make a story that doesn't have you saving the world/galaxy.

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No he understood it. It mostly affects PvP gear and weapons only. Yes it is limiting there.

Surely they will let you take the mods out of all PvP gear as well as PvP gear so you can slot them into whatever orange you want?


Then as I said above all you need to do is make every orange reverse engineerable and voila, you can get any orange you like with an augment slot and the mods of your choice.


Every profession has a place, and can earn good money from it. Aside from Artifice, which still needs something to buff it because making the not best mods isn't really great, unless you let them crit Relics (If they can't already?).

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The only downside is that once this goes through biochem will go from being the top to being the lowest, and some unlucky guy in the guild is going to get stuck having to whore themselves out.


It's not entirely off topic to discuss the problem as a whole. This WILL affect more than just armor crafting.


No I don't think your thinking, like orange gear an augment kit that adds an augment slot to armour would be boe. Which mean biochems and other professions would be able to purchase them.


So again i will state this thread really has nothing to do with the balance of trade skills, a small amount to do with how much trade skills can make on the galactic market, and that isn't as important, plus biochem will always do well in that department.


Please stop bringing this up your just wrong.

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No he understood it. It mostly affects PvP gear and weapons only. Yes it is limiting there.


But it opens up a lot more appearances choices for crafted orange gear though since you can just change the mods.






I'm guessing orange crafted weapons will be added eventually. So when that happens, it will only be a limit to PvP gear.


I'm also guessing they add the ability to add augments to PvP gear will eventually happen and you can swap those out also.


So this is a good first step in more item customization. Instead of shooting it down, look at the next steps it can take and work to get them added.


don't get me wrong I am for this change, but they just need to add away to keep pvp social and pve gear viable.

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appearance tab(s) solves the appearance issues completely, it also, neatly, separates the appearance from the stats/bonus issues. Adding appearance (like every other mmo) allows the stat/bonus issue to evolve and be worked through


the current proposal is a train wreck, BW is NOT listening or looking at other mmo's its blazing its won trail of 'we are right, we know what we are doing' sadly their base game and changes so far do not really back this up very much.


There are HUGE issues with most aspects of the game, it will take time to deal with them all and probably a few iterations of fixes and changes, DO NOT make appearance a complex issue, separate appearance from stats, solve appearance now and deal with the raid/orange/purple/blue/green/crafted/drop/crafted gearing after taking a much harder look at the issues


Its also important to point out everyone thinks the art sucks for most gear, the few good looks and ingenuity of players making their appearance their own needs to be preserved, appearance tab(s) are the only solution, as other mmo's have already shown

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I agree that the crit crafted slots are a serious issue when it comes to orange stuff.

We should be able use those slots more often but it must not restrict the choice of skins.


They could add an apparence tab, this would solve most of those issues. But I doupt they will as they probably love their mod system.


The only other choice I see is craftable items to add a slot to the existing stuff.

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I will also add. With this change, when we get tier gear or pvp gear, we may as well not even get a piece of armor it may as well just be the armoring mod and enhancement and we just put them into our augment set.


It's an error it can not be implemented the way it stands.




This is a very good point. :eek:

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The only other choice I see is craftable items to add a slot to the existing stuff.


This. There are currently a lot of orange armor pieces I love but none of them have an augment slot and there are not craftable, as far as I know. I do not want to be forced into wearing pvp gear and craftable pieces only neither !


They were going the right direction with the changes, why did they feel the need to implement that ?


The above proposition sounds great since it will solve the issue and still be profitable to crafters.


EDIT : and please Bioware, listen to the community. There are a lot of people here coming up with great ideas.

Edited by dnoisette
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Once again i have to explain the problem. Say you have the Pvp set, and you like it or maybe you have one of the social armor sets and you like that. Well neither of those can have augment slots because they can't be crafted.


There is the problem, instead of saying hey don't like your tier try this armor instead it is. Hey like your tier or like this social armor set well too bad coz they don't have augment slots so it is going to cost you stats to ware them.


lets say you just got an awesome looking gun with great stats from a Operation, well kiss that model goodbye coz your using your Orange gun from a limited choice of crafted items because it has an augment slot.


Well in regard to the pvp gear, part of the reason peeps get/wear it is for the expertise modifier. Tbh I utilize the pvp gear for pvp and then have a seperate orange gear set (modd'd to 50) for Pve stuff. So I still think you'll see ppl using the pvp armor for pvp.


However, can completely understand the point about oranges. The only way I see that being balanced is if they add in an option for green/blue/purple gear to have the ability to have an augment mod too, somehow. Previously in beta we could mod any aspect of any quality level of equipment..but that was later removed. I happened to think they should have kept that...woulda kept some nice customization/appareance options for players, but they decided against it. Perhaps we may see that again.

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@OP: I hope Bioware thought of this too, and will give us the ability to RE any item we find anywhere (like say, oranges in flashpoints/social oranges) for a chance of getting the schematic out. The chance can be high too, for all I care. Then, you can craft that item until your augment slot procs.


I think this would be fair.

Edited by Truga
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@OP: I hope Bioware thought of this too, and will give us the ability to RE any item we find anywhere (like say, oranges in flashpoints/social oranges) for a chance of getting the schematic out. The chance can be high too, for all I care. Then, you can craft that item until your augment slot procs.


I think this would be fair.



i like this idea this is what should have been done from the start

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