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Why I'm leaving


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Just thought I would give some constructive feedback on my way out the door.


I really had fun with this game. I think its a really good game and I'm open to come back to play it at some point in the future. Outside of the normal things one can expect with new MMOs - bugs and other minor annoyances, I only had one big disappointment with it.


The game just feels so empty to me. I played a BH Merc to level 50 and then rolled a Jedi Sentinel and played to level 25. They are on different servers and I've got 4-5 other characters anywhere from level 3-15 on different servers as well. I tried several different servers and kept running into the same problem.


Its not really so much of a game problem, but I play at really odd hours. I play early mornings and mid afternoons CST and then sometimes play late at night after 10pm CST. I seldom could find anyone to do any group content with during the times that I play because I work 2nd shift from 1pm-9pm CST. Fleets would normally have 20-35 people during these times when I play and when out on a planet, I would only occasionally see someone run past me. It seems like after I got past level 20 or so on either of my toons, I could never find groups to run flashpoints.


The major thing I think the game needs is some kind of group making or matchmaking tool, or some other way to find people easier. Anytime I would actually get to do a flashpoint I made sure to add my groupmates as friends, but then I would seldom ever see them online again. I joined a couple of guilds, but ran into the same issue - I seldom saw any of them online.


Anyway, that's my one major hang-up with the game. I am not running back to WoW as I quit that game forever 8 months ago and this game is a nice alternative if you have a solid group of people you can play with all at the same time. I did however, get into the Diablo III beta this morning and that makes it much easier to hit the cancel button on this game. Best of luck to everyone out there !!!

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yes I do agree 1 big thing they need that could fix all grouping issues is a matchmaking tool. I know there are alot against this for some reason, but if they did a LFG tool for flashpoints they would get done more. I also think they should go the WoW route and let there be cross server grouping for flashpoints and maybe even pvp. It's 1 of the few things I think blizzard did right was the LFG tools...though I know many disagree and enjoyed spamming for groups for some reason. I plan to stick with this game for now becuase it has alot fo potential and I'm really enjoying going through all of the storylines...yes even counsular..(though i admit it isn't the best storyline by far)
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I agree OP. TOR needs a Looking for Group tool which works like it does in WoW. One of the better features Blizz added to thier MMO. Does it impact the social parts of the game? For sure. But it also allows those like yourself who ether donot want to belong to a guild or work odd hours to experence more of the game.
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It's never a bad idea to make content more accessible. Some kind of LFG tool and even cross server grouping for FP/PvP would go a long way to address some of the issues the customers have with group content. I dislike almost every other tool I see in other MMOs but this is one thing I am a fan of. It doesn't dumb down game play or make things easier it just draws us deeper into the core of the games PvE/PvP potential.
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Why do people insist on telling us why they are leaving?


Let me tell you something:


Nobody cares.






Stop posting so you can read your own words and pat yourself on the back.


It's sad. If you don't like the game then leave. There's definitely no reason to write an epilogue.

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Hello everyone,


We do appreciate when anyone has taken the time to express their thoughts and concerns. We will be closing this thread, as there is little room for constructive discussion. However, we do value any feedback and do encourage anyone to voice their feedback on the forums.


If you would like to share your support for a dungeon finder, we have a thread available here with that discussion:




We thank you for your time and your understanding that we've closed this thread.

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