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922k healing and 3 medals, plz add a 600k and 900k medal


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Not to mention Trauma Surgeon and Savior are extremely difficult if not impossible to get in the pre-50 bracket. That means you can only get 4 medals by doing your job before you hit 50. The only way to get more medals is to stop healing and dps. If a healer does this, it is detrimental to the team. This is very problematic.


and the 2 defender medals are practically unattainable in voidstar, and both can be difficult in huttball sometimes. Alderaan is the only one I can consistantly get these in.

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Clearly you havent played a class that can put guard on a target. In a huttball match i have gotten 2k in one life, 10k in one life and the 5k protection medal in a matter of seconds when i would put guard on the ball carrier and the other team just trys to burn him down.


if you think thats bad, you should see what ive done on my FOCUS spec guardian, got the 2.5k damage, 5k damage, killing blow, up to 10k protection, 2.5k heal, 75k damage, before the 1st 30 seconds in huttball

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Self heal shouldn't count, then no one would need a healing medal above 300k


And how many healers is busy standing in acid/fire pits on stunball and heal them self? and then they get a screenshot there they brag about how good they are...


Also it is funny to see ppl brag about how good they are and need more medals for farming pugs with their premaid... Cmon BW i know you don't care about us but pretend and please give us premaid vs premaid and pugs vs pugs.

Also ingame voice would have been great in wz, sure premaid don't need it but it would help pugs a bit. So they can use the same tools premaid is using.

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The medals for healing definately does need re-working. In the past I was pro-bono towards it. I felt it was just fine where it was. Back then though, we didn't have the 50 brackets and the huge gear gap you see in warzones now. So healers really didn't need to spend all their time healing. They could easily pull 7-10 medals outta any warzone if they were played properly.


The reality of it now is that we have 50 brackets, we have a ton of geared people and the luxury of old is not as viable as it once was. Due to the massive amount of dmg that is going on during warzones, especially if you run with pre-mades... there is very very little time to dps.


If you come up against another pre-made, the only abilities you will be using outside of your heals as a sorc will be your bubble, overload, our stun and our interupt... along with the occasional whirlwind if you actually get enough time to get one off. We don't have time to stop and dps cause if we do, our dps die and we die. These types of matches boil down to which healer can sustain enough of their teamates long enough to wither the other side down.


Anyone saying our dps is still vital during this situations is just a complete moron. Full speced healer dps is so insignificant against champ/BM geared players it's seriously just laughable. The only counter to their dps is keeping your dps up.


At the end of these types of matches, I'll wrack up 400-500k healing with ease and normally still get 5-6 medals if I get lucky enough to get in the killing blow on a player which I usually do. DPS though, they always come out with 8-9, and tanks even more.


So basically in a win, every class did their roles to be victorious while the healer get's f#$ked due to Bioware's ignorance in the medal system.


It's no different in ilum, Bioware once again drops the ball and screws the healers forcing anyone that wants to heal to have to dps if they want credit for kills.


I've been full heal spec since day 1, I love it but I do love to dps and I'll do it every chance I can. Rest assured though when we get into competitive matches in warzones, my job is keeping my team up and every class role should be rewarded rightfully so for it.


Easiest change I can see is make anyone within a certain radius of a player dying get credit for the kill as long as you were in combat during it. Healers at least then would get access to two more guaranteed medals. Maybe add another bracket in for amount of healing instead..or better yet.. make a medal for 75k dmg/150k healing which will be a little extra bonus during some matches do try and encourage healers to do more then chain heals.


As for mpv votes, seriously, people need to get off this boat where "well if you heal, you'll get votes for mpv that make up for it". Seriously f#$k off with that garbage, that happens maybe 20% of the time if your lucky and we don't need pity votes for doing our jobs in warzone matches where dps'ing isn't a viable option. All classes and not just healers should have equal rewards for performing their roles given what ever situation arises in any given warzone.


Either way, you can definately see the trend or I should say the toll of the current healing system is taking on healers in general in the game. With the high respec costs, lack of rewards for healing, a lot of people that would just spec back and forth are staying dps entirely. All I see when I'm on the imp fleet these days is non stop spams from tons of groups looking for healers. At the current rate, if Bioware doesn't get their heads outta their asses and fix this, there won't be any healers left in the game in 6 months aside from the straight up 100% pve folks.

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I never said that healers weren't shafted as far as medals go.


But seriously? 3 medals?


You can't tell me it is hard to get the killing blow and 10 kill one. You just can't.


A well timed shock will get you use killing blow and a few rotating dots will get you the 10 kill one easy.


25 kills is not that difficult if the game is long enough.


Voidstar is voidstar. It encourages both tunnel vision healing and tunnel vision DPSing. 900K is nothing compared to the 1.2 mil some guy posted a few days ago.


What is common between these SSs? <10K damage.


Play smarter, and even though you'll still get less medals than DPS, at least you'll walk away with a few more than 3.

Edited by Acyu
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Why should healers be rewarded for being "More versitile" though?



Why is it advantageous for a healer to pop all his cds and adrenals, try and find a target w/o pvp gear, then get the 2.5k hit medal? Sure, you can get it, but as a dps I'd much rather the healer save all of those cooldowns for healing in a tight spot.


We've got dps for dpsing, healers for healing, it doesn't really help for healers to be doing dps and to have dps running into acid pits out of combat so they can get the 5k healing medal.


IMO the medal system should be scrapped, it's not an accurate representation of how well you're doing. You should just get a certain amount of valor based on how much damage/healing/protection/objectives you get

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I never said that healers weren't shafted as far as medals go.


But seriously? 3 medals?


You can't tell me it is hard to get the killing blow and 10 kill one. You just can't.


A well timed shock will get you use killing blow and a few rotating dots will get you the 10 kill one easy.


25 kills is not that difficult if the game is long enough.


Voidstar is voidstar. It encourages both tunnel vision healing and tunnel vision DPSing. 900K is nothing compared to the 1.2 mil some guy posted a few days ago.


What is common between these SSs? <10K damage.


Play smarter, and even though you'll still get less medals than DPS, at least you'll walk away with a few more than 3.



I never said it was hard to get those medals. But the poitn is that we shouldn't have to. In some matches stopping healing for even 1 cooldown can mean that a team mate dies, in which case I wasn't doing my job. I admit that currently whenever possible I try and toss out a grenade for splash damage but, as I said I shouldn't have to do that just to get "tap damage" for kill medals.

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please do the other things that get you medals. Pressing three buttons and targeting your own faction isn't skillful.


This guy played like a boss and you are clearly too uneducated to see that.


Way to beast it up OP

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I never said that healers weren't shafted as far as medals go.


But seriously? 3 medals?


You can't tell me it is hard to get the killing blow and 10 kill one. You just can't.


A well timed shock will get you use killing blow and a few rotating dots will get you the 10 kill one easy.


25 kills is not that difficult if the game is long enough.


Voidstar is voidstar. It encourages both tunnel vision healing and tunnel vision DPSing. 900K is nothing compared to the 1.2 mil some guy posted a few days ago.


What is common between these SSs? <10K damage.


Play smarter, and even though you'll still get less medals than DPS, at least you'll walk away with a few more than 3.


You're contradicting yourself. Chasing someone down trying to get a killing blow while my teammates are dying is not playing smart. Lobbing a grenade into a group of players when my resource bar should be used to cast heals is not smart. You obviously don't play a healer. If you're wasting time and resources trying to get kills when you should be healing, you at least arn't playing a healer effectively.

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They should make it so you get kill credit for either being in the area of the fighting or for healing someone who killed an enemy- with a million healing, you likely healed just about everyone- if those heals counted towards kills that those you were healing killed, you'd be pretty close to the guys on your team who got 40ish... at the very least, you'd have the three you got plus 2 more. 5 medals isn't bad for just healing.
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If you want more commendations or valor from healing then get the win.


Commendations are determined by how many medals you get not whether or not you win or lose. I played a WZ where I healed for about 300k, won the warzone, only got 3 medals got around 50ish commendations while the dps and tanks had 5-8 medals each. Trust me, I earned way more rewards than I got for that match.


Please think before you post.

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While I do agree 3 medals for 920k healing is pathetic, the OP is missing the bigger picture.


Medals for 600k and 900k would be stupid. If you're facing a half-decent group there's no possible way you can hit 900k because they'll keep a melee on you the whole time.


There just needs to be rewards similar to that of a tank, such as 50k healing in one life, 150k healing in one life, 25-50k healing to another person in one life, etc.


I completely agree we should get credits for the kills of the people we heal also. Having to throw out sticky grenades and mortar volleys on cd just for medals is kinda dumb, because I'm much better off healing my team with those GCDs.

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While I do agree 3 medals for 920k healing is pathetic, the OP is missing the bigger picture.


Medals for 600k and 900k would be stupid. If you're facing a half-decent group there's no possible way you can hit 900k because they'll keep a melee on you the whole time.


There just needs to be rewards similar to that of a tank, such as 50k healing in one life, 150k healing in one life, 25-50k healing to another person in one life, etc.


I completely agree we should get credits for the kills of the people we heal also. Having to throw out sticky grenades and mortar volleys on cd just for medals is kinda dumb, because I'm much better off healing my team with those GCDs.


Those are great suggestions. Even adding two or three of those medals when mean the world to healers. Bioware, this is a no brainer. The only arguments against healing medals being increased are people who don't understand how healing works.

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Healing 6/18


Medic – 2.5k healing from a single heal

Trauma Surgeon – 5k healing from a single heal

Healer - Healing 75K

Savior - Healing 300K

Defender – Earning 1k Defender Points

Warden - Earning 3k Defender Points


DPS - 10(13)/18 medals (some classes, like the sentinel, can also attain the 75k healing medal)


Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack

Anihilator - 5K damage from a single attack

Combatant – Dealing 75k damage

Destroyer - Dealing 300K damage

Assassin – Killing a player in a one-on-one fight

Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player

Commando – Killing 10 enemy players

Soldier – Killing 25 enemy players

Defender – Earning 1k Defender Points

Warden - Earning 3k Defender Points


Tanking - 14(17)/18 medals


Shield – 5k Protection

Protector - 50K Protection

Guardian – 2k Protection since last death

Paladin – 10k Protection since last death

Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack

Anihilator - 5K damage from a single attack

Combatant – Dealing 75k damage

Destroyer - Dealing 300K damage

Assassin – Killing a player in a one-on-one fight

Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player

Commando – Killing 10 enemy players

Soldier – Killing 25 enemy players

Defender – Earning 1k Defender Points

Warden - Earning 3k Defender Points


Utilizing possible exploits such as the one found here : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=265183


add another 2-3 medals to dps and tanks.


So tunnel vision isn't rewarded? looks like anyone who focuses on dps (tunnel vision!) gets the most reward.


All medals listed below



Medic – 2.5k healing from a single heal

Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack

Trauma Surgeon – 5k healing from a single heal

Anihilator - 5K damage from a single attack

Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player

Combatant – Dealing 75k damage

Destroyer - Dealing 300K damage

Healer - Healing 75K

Savior - Healing 300K

Defender – Earning 1k Defender Points

Warden - Earning 3k Defender Points

Assassin – Killing a player in a one-on-one fight

Shield – 5k Protection

Protector - 50K Protection

Guardian – 2k Protection since last death

Paladin – 10k Protection since last death

Commando – Killing 10 enemy players

Soldier – Killing 25 enemy players


Umm... ok, so that's accurate. "Healer list- include only the healing abilities DESPITE THE CLASS BEING ABLE TO GET OTHER MEDALS"


DPS and Tank- include every single medal they can get, even the ones outside of their specific role.


A healer can- kill someone in one blow, kill someone one on one, get kill medals, some can get a hit medal (though, without chain lightning or death field, no sorc/sage is going to get that heal specced since the class lacks burst).


Healer is more like 10/18, 11 if you put in a bit of effort for the 75k, not a hard one to reach.


Will you get it every game? No- but frankly, I play a dps sorc- some games even as a dps sorc I don't get the dps medals but do get the healing medals. Some games of huttball I'm mostly positioning, overload, extricate- and get 2 medals yet am instrumental in 4-5 ball caps. That said, some matches I play very well and get few medals, some I play very poorly and get few medals- some I play very well and also get 7-9 medals.


You can get 7-9 medals while not playing to win- but outside exploiting certain mechanics, you won't get many medals by being bad.



Is the mechanic perfect? Hardly. But it's much better than giving people who afk the same as people who try hard the whole match- which is exactly what WoW's awful system does.


Another thing is, while Voidstar defense is won by healing, Voidstar offence is won by burst- not switching over to burst down low health characters on the offence will cost you.... which I imagine is part of the reason that despite the incredible amount of healing done- only one door was passed.

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What a joke of a thread. Stop arguing about a how crap a system is and get them to change it. Medals should be objective based, not ability based. Passing a ball in Huttball, or even scoring should get a medal, capping a tower or hurting (ie breaking) someone capping a tower in alderaan or planting a bomb, releasing a bomb in Voidstar are just easy examples of actions that do not get medals and often not objective points.


Until then I will see nothing but Sage/Commandos getting 10+ medals because they can do everything in this game. While others who contribute more meaningfully get shafted. Add that a sage can stand at a node and spam heals on themselves and hit 300-400k+ easily (to milk more MVP votes and thus more valor) yet do nothing to help a match and I take all complaints and even screenshots of how wonderful people are with a grain of salt.


Accept it, PvP in this game blows. You can whine about how easy/hard others have it or you can tell them to fix it. Either way your wasting your time as am I.

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You're contradicting yourself. Chasing someone down trying to get a killing blow while my teammates are dying is not playing smart. Lobbing a grenade into a group of players when my resource bar should be used to cast heals is not smart. You obviously don't play a healer. If you're wasting time and resources trying to get kills when you should be healing, you at least arn't playing a healer effectively.


Really? This is the best you can come up with?


And you're wrong, I do play a healer. And unless I am tunnel visioning like crazy, I've never ended up with less than 5 medals.


No one is asking you to chase someone down for a killing blow. Aren't you with your group? You must be, you're healing them. Tossing a shock when whoever they're killing is at low HP to kill them for a medal. And no, there is no kill-stealing in this game. You can't possibly argue that there is not a single opportunity in that whole voidstar game where you couldn't easily get a killing blow without risking someone's life.


Neither is tab-dotting a big problem for 10 or even 25 kills when the game is long enough.


And don't give me the whole "I must spend every single one of my GCD and force on healing" BS, we both know that is not true in the least bit.


I'm not one to go for the 75K damage, but if I play for objective and just play normally throughout the course of the game, I can easily end up with 30K damage / ~800K healing in a voidstar game. And i'm not even full champion. You're crazy if you don't think a well-timed shock and/or force lightning is not useful even as a healer.


You're the one playing it wrong if you think a 600K/900K medal should be added so you can tunnelvision raid-frame-stare some more and spam AoE heal in voidstar for e-peen screenshots. Besides, 900K is pretty much only attainable in voidstar, which is the biggest AOE-fest anyway.

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Umm... ok, so that's accurate. "Healer list- include only the healing abilities DESPITE THE CLASS BEING ABLE TO GET OTHER MEDALS"


DPS and Tank- include every single medal they can get, even the ones outside of their specific role.


A healer can- kill someone in one blow, kill someone one on one, get kill medals, some can get a hit medal (though, without chain lightning or death field, no sorc/sage is going to get that heal specced since the class lacks burst).


Healer is more like 10/18, 11 if you put in a bit of effort for the 75k, not a hard one to reach.


Will you get it every game? No- but frankly, I play a dps sorc- some games even as a dps sorc I don't get the dps medals but do get the healing medals. Some games of huttball I'm mostly positioning, overload, extricate- and get 2 medals yet am instrumental in 4-5 ball caps. That said, some matches I play very well and get few medals, some I play very poorly and get few medals- some I play very well and also get 7-9 medals.


You can get 7-9 medals while not playing to win- but outside exploiting certain mechanics, you won't get many medals by being bad.



Is the mechanic perfect? Hardly. But it's much better than giving people who afk the same as people who try hard the whole match- which is exactly what WoW's awful system does.


Another thing is, while Voidstar defense is won by healing, Voidstar offence is won by burst- not switching over to burst down low health characters on the offence will cost you.... which I imagine is part of the reason that despite the incredible amount of healing done- only one door was passed.


Warzones are not won by healers who dps. Dps should dps and healers should heal.


It might be possible for healers to get dps medals, they just shouldn't. If they stop healing in order to kill things, then people will die and objectives will not be completed. It's poor game design to make healers choose between playing for the win and playing for medals. The divide is especially wide for healers. It needs to be changed.

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Really? This is the best you can come up with?


And you're wrong, I do play a healer. And unless I am tunnel visioning like crazy, I've never ended up with less than 5 medals.


No one is asking you to chase someone down for a killing blow. Aren't you with your group? You must be, you're healing them. Tossing a shock when whoever they're killing is at low HP to kill them for a medal. And no, there is no kill-stealing in this game. You can't possibly argue that there is not a single opportunity in that whole voidstar game where you couldn't easily get a killing blow without risking someone's life.


Neither is tab-dotting a big problem for 10 or even 25 kills when the game is long enough.


And don't give me the whole "I must spend every single one of my GCD and force on healing" BS, we both know that is not true in the least bit.


I'm not one to go for the 75K damage, but if I play for objective and just play normally throughout the course of the game, I can easily end up with 30K damage / ~800K healing in a voidstar game. And i'm not even full champion. You're crazy if you don't think a well-timed shock and/or force lightning is not useful even as a healer.


You're the one playing it wrong if you think a 600K/900K medal should be added so you can tunnelvision raid-frame-stare some more and spam AoE heal in voidstar for e-peen screenshots. Besides, 900K is pretty much only attainable in voidstar, which is the biggest AOE-fest anyway.


Now your just putting words in my mouth. I don't think adding a 900k medal is a good idea. Nobody would get it. I never even said that. Say what you want but if there is massive fight going and you spend a portion of your resource bar to do aoe damge, you are spending that resource doing something other than healing. It's possible that you can focus on doing some dps when everyone is topped off, but if that's the case, you probably need to run to the other door/node as its probably getting zerged.


Your argument that its easy for you to get medals by dpsing as a healer is irrelevant. Forcing healers to do something other than their job in order to get the same rewards is other roles is poor game design. Give me a healer who spends all his time healing rather than one who tries to dps in a critical fight any day.

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Warzones are not won by healers who dps. Dps should dps and healers should heal.


It might be possible for healers to get dps medals, they just shouldn't. If they stop healing in order to kill things, then people will die and objectives will not be completed. It's poor game design to make healers choose between playing for the win and playing for medals. The divide is especially wide for healers. It needs to be changed.


Except, the person listed dps medals that are possible to get while including heal medals- and tanks medals including dps medals- yet not heal medals including dps medals which can be gotten.


If you go for the win, chances are you won't get things like 'solo kill', or the higher dps medals as a tank if you're focusing instead on locking people down rather than simply doing damage.


The only dps class that can get those heal medals- without actually stopping dps to heal- is the marauder/sentinel... I suppose you can petition to get that taken away from them if you really want, I don't consider them having slightly better access a huge deal.



Should they put in more healing medals? It could help, frankly, I find pure healing and pure dpsing to get me fairly equal medals- hybrid to get me an extra medal or two on average. The only vast imbalance is for tanks- they really do get 3-4 extra medals every time.


The ideas though are good- 50k healing on another player in one life, 150k healing in one life, I think that's a good idea. That'll just put healers over dps, but, let's face it- medals encourage players to do something- tanks are generally rare, healers are generally rare- having them get more medals would do alot to make healers less rare.

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Personally, I don't even think a 600 k and 900k medal are nessecary. Just make them equal the DPS's medals. Just take a couple people with one tick of quake. That'll easily

Get you 25 kills for 2 more medals and it's easy to sneak in a finishing blow for another! :D

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Now your just putting words in my mouth. I don't think adding a 900k medal is a good idea. Nobody would get it. I never even said that. Say what you want but if there is massive fight going and you spend a portion of your resource bar to do aoe damge, you are spending that resource doing something other than healing. It's possible that you can focus on doing some dps when everyone is topped off, but if that's the case, you probably need to run to the other door/node as its probably getting zerged.


Your argument that its easy for you to get medals by dpsing as a healer is irrelevant. Forcing healers to do something other than their job in order to get the same rewards is other roles is poor game design. Give me a healer who spends all his time healing rather than one who tries to dps in a critical fight any day.


speaking of putting words in months...


who even mentioned aoe'ing damage on people?


Or that getting DPS medals is "easy" for healers besides the killing blow and 10 kill ones.


Healers definitely getting less medals than "dps" and "tanks," that's undisputed. But neither is getting 3 medals a "normal" thing for healers, and that is my point.


By your logic, where healers heal, and dps dps, a dps shouldn't have to "heal" themselves for the 2.5k/5.0k/75K medals then. But guess what, almost all dps sorcerer/sage do. You might say they're hurting their dps that way and not doing their job. That's untrue. I respecced DPS to try it in PvP these last two days and all I needed to do was consumption myself a few times right before game starts, pop CDs, heal once, get 2.5K/5K medals instantly, force speed to catch up.




Then as the game progresses, my normal gameplay will more often than not get me 75K heal total.


But I shouldn't be forced to "heal" right? But it's so damn easy that it would be dumb not to do it especially when it doesn't hurt the team.


That's just like the killing blow / 10 kill medals.


There should be medals added for healers, sure, along the lines of "X healed per 1 life," similar to protection medals and such. But unfortunately, that would be abused by heal-capable dps classes as well.


There is a reason why there aren't more medals for healers. And the 600K/900K medals as suggested are just more ways to gimp new-50s and sub-50s.

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Except, the person listed dps medals that are possible to get while including heal medals- and tanks medals including dps medals- yet not heal medals including dps medals which can be gotten.


If you go for the win, chances are you won't get things like 'solo kill', or the higher dps medals as a tank if you're focusing instead on locking people down rather than simply doing damage.


The only dps class that can get those heal medals- without actually stopping dps to heal- is the marauder/sentinel... I suppose you can petition to get that taken away from them if you really want, I don't consider them having slightly better access a huge deal.



Should they put in more healing medals? It could help, frankly, I find pure healing and pure dpsing to get me fairly equal medals- hybrid to get me an extra medal or two on average. The only vast imbalance is for tanks- they really do get 3-4 extra medals every time.


The ideas though are good- 50k healing on another player in one life, 150k healing in one life, I think that's a good idea. That'll just put healers over dps, but, let's face it- medals encourage players to do something- tanks are generally rare, healers are generally rare- having them get more medals would do alot to make healers less rare.


I completely agree with you. The only thing I would disagree with you is that tanks can easily get the 10 kill and 25 kill and killing blow medals just by doing their job as they only need to do a little bit of dmg in order to take part in the kill. A lot of the time they will get the 75k dmg medal as well (and they most assuredly will in full BM gear). Assuming the tank just sticks to casting guard, taunting and locking people down, he will probably get all the protection medals as well as the four dmg medals I mentioned earlier.


The difference between the healer and the tank is the healer needs to stop doing his job in order to dps enough to to get the four medals I mentioned previously. The tank doesn't need to stop doing his job to attain these medals. This is why I agree with you that they need to add more healing medals that are designed in a similar way as protection medals. I.E. 50k healing in one life, healed all 8 players during combat etc...

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This game considers a "Kill" not a killing blow but a contribution to the eventual death.


  • You can do dmg for 1HP, virtually poke the opposing player, and still get acknowledged for a "kill".
  • You can heal a player while he kills another one and you get nothing.


Is it not a contribution? Either change the "kills" to killing blows or count healing as a contribution to a kill (it works that way in Ilum, you know?).

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