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922k healing and 3 medals, plz add a 600k and 900k medal


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Exactly... Either choose to get medals (being versatile) or choose to only do one thing.


It doesn't take that much time away from healing if you tab, hit an aoe on a bunch of players, retarget who you are healing.


That is right... what I am saying is if you want medals, you need to do some more damage.


10 kills

25 kills

75k damage

death blow


these are pretty easy to get, even for healers. I realize everyone has a soft spot for healers, I do too... Just telling you guys what to do in order to obtain more medals, since no one else is helping.



You mean choose to not help your team win? When it is an intense game and you are the only healer, using globals to aoe is too much to do. The system is flawed, anyone who doesn't see that is clueless. Please stop posting your crap.


That's obscene...seriously overpowered...anyone that says other wise is delusional.


Name an Op/smug than can consitantly do 600k+ heals...


Most I ever healed was around 490k and I was healing from start to finish, non-stop. I too have full PvP gears.


Man, I envy sorcs and sages even more...christ.


Give me a break. Sorcerers are definitely not the best healers in pvp.

Edited by Cyndelx
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yeah put protection gain from bubble and see 15 medals from dps sorcs/sages:p

I think some Sages forget that the other healers don't have bubble, or that there are other healers at all...


With all the complaining about the Salvation nerf, you'd think they don't seem to realize how comparatively powerful the ability is. Want to really nerf Salvation? Turn it into Kolto Bomb.

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Give me a break. Sorcerers are definitely not the best healers in pvp.


Play a heal agent at 50, your opinion will most likely change. At least you don't have a myriad of broken talents. That comment made me laugh in RL, thank you for that.

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900k healing and 2 deaths?


Doesn't seem likely you were healing your team or you might have been focused.


I'll say half helping, half life-tap on this screenshot. Next time just go for the 1 mil. You were trying so hard with your RL friends and still lost when their team had less than 400k healing? In Voidstar? Yeah im calling BS

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Play a heal agent at 50, your opinion will most likely change. At least you don't have a myriad of broken talents. That comment made me laugh in RL, thank you for that.


Agents are weak. I'll admit it. But when a sorcerer actually gets focused they die. They can put out big numbers if left alone, or have good peels.


^ this made me LOL. Someone has a sorc/sage


And you have never played one. Most people will tell you a sorcerer healer is a hell of a lot easier to kill than a mercenery/commando healer.

Edited by Cyndelx
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It just seems like it would be easy to make it so that if you heal a guy and they get a kill in the next minute, you get credit for that kill also. That would help valor on Ilum, help with getting credit for dailies on Ilum, give you access to 2 or 3 more medals per game, and all without actually giving healers "bonus" valor and credit that other classes cannot get. All it does is give them the same credit as other players. I'm sure that they are afraid of doing something silly like WAR where healers outside of group could earn tons of RPs. But this would not do that.


Adding in 600k and 900k would be nice too (would mean that you could get 9 medals if you got 900k healed, 5k crit heal, and 35 kills... seeing as it is not that hard to get 10, 11 or even 12 medals as dps classes or dps classes with protection abilities, this seems fair).

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^ this made me LOL. Someone has a sorc/sage


She's right.


You're thinking in terms of pug play where healers eat some light focus or splash damage. When it comes down to premade vs. premade where both teams know each other and are hard-target switching and executing CC trains (let's argue that that is the pinnacle of this game's PvP. The organized end-game), Merc healers can do it better.


Compare that to pug games where all a Sorc has to do is Force Sprint away and the solo DPS that was on him/her probably ADHD'd onto another target that was closer.

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I get 8+ medals with around 200k heals and 100k dmg on my Sorc. I think your doing something wrong.


People rarely go over 300k healing, so I dont really see a need for medals above that. But the bubble, that should count as protection... it's a no-brainer

Edited by tor_acnt
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I get 8+ medals with around 200k heals and 100k dmg on my Sorc. I think your doing something wrong.


People rarely go over 300k healing, so I dont really see a need for medals above that. But the bubble, that should count as protection... it's a no-brainer


No, you're doing something wrong. Unfortunately, the game is giving you a prize for doing it wrong.

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Seriously, to those disbelievers, he actually heals this much. It is Voidstar, which is ideally suited for AE heals, and he is doing that non-stop.


I am non-stop targeted on him, too.


It's funny cause any other healers, an Operative or even a Merc, would have been oom a minute after that fight at best.

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I am Jedi Sage Seer Jayess from Infinite Empire, basically full champ set w/ maxed biochem. If I can do it I wanna be rewarded for it, especially since it was such an intense game I couldnt go for any other medals.




Adding more medals for racking up big numbers just promotes this kind of fail play.


Next time try winning.

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Seriously, to those disbelievers, he actually heals this much. It is Voidstar, which is ideally suited for AE heals, and he is doing that non-stop.


I am non-stop targeted on him, too.


Put a Marauder on him. Problem solved.

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I am Jedi Sage Seer Jayess from Infinite Empire, basically full champ set w/ maxed biochem. If I can do it I wanna be rewarded for it, especially since it was such an intense game I couldnt go for any other medals.




Thats what MVP votes are for. you should have got most of them. if your team was too selfish to award them rage on them.

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Got wind of this post and had to comment. I am a defense Guardian and was in this game. I protect Jayess when he is healing. That is why he has low deaths and a lot of healing. He doesn't lifetap/ self heal... why would he do that when you don't get medals for it?


Bottom line of the post is if healers could focus on healing and not random medals that don't benefit the group then WZ's would be more competitive. I am surprised when I die when running a WZ with Jayess. If your group rarely dies then I think saying "its easy to put out 900k" is irrelevant because your filling your role.

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all i see is 600k healing with 2 deaths. guess you forgot to heal your team is my bet why you fail & getting medals.

Its call teamwork if you healed your team i bet you would have won & got a good medal haul

Edited by Airoper
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all i see is 600k healing with no deaths. guess you forgot to heal your team is my bet why you fail & getting medals.

Its call teamwork if you healed your team i bet you would have won & got a good medal haul


How does this post make any sense?

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they still lost self heals dont win games!


So say, for the sake of argument. Self heals on himself were a good chunk of the 900K worth. What were his DPS doing if he's soaking up that much damage/focus/attention/GCD's from the other team and they're getting prophylactic mitigation/healing?

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