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NERF Sorcs/Mercs NOW


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See this issue is, its been proven that QQing works. Sorcs came on these boards are screamed their lungs out about scoundrels, you know thier counter class. It got got nerfed.


So now the flood gates are open, the pvp forum will be filled with nerf this, nerf that and nerf the other from now till the end of time.


Personally i dont think merc/troopers need nerfing. One interupt and 80% of them just stand there and stare at you for 4 seconds. Hilarious.


Right now, these forums are rulled by bads.




This. Its funny how people want the ranged DPS nerfed since they all rolled melee lightsabers.

Edited by dirtyboxer
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This. Its funny how people want the ranged DPS nerfed since they all rolled melee lightsabers.


Eeeyep. Ranged are always at some advantage. Folks don't realize how cool not needing a gap closer is.


Not OP! We give up a lot of things to have no capacity to close gaps. I have a rocket pack and I can't even ****in' use it, for heaven's sake.


Still. Ranged is good stuff. Melee folks are always in rougher shape than ranged folks just 'cuz they're right in the thick of it all the time.

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I would also direct the people calling for nerfs to read the patch notes on the scoundrel/op nerf.


•Acid Blade: Now provides 30% armor penetration while active.

•Jarring Strike: This ability now knocks the target down for 1.5 seconds.

•Hidden Strike: The damage output of this ability has been decreased by approximately 20% to control burst damage and because it was enabling significantly faster than intended kills in PvP.



If youll notice they didnt nerf it because of "spam" and "oh the class is a one button wonder", they actualy had a real reason. Troopers dont kill in 3 secs, or 3 shot people, at all period. Not with Grav or TM anyway. Theres nothing wrong with the class other than you dont like getting hit hard by a guy in heavy armor, which is exactly what a trooper is and was designed to be.


Stop crying... better yet keep crying, your tears are delicious.

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3k+, 3k+, 3k+, 5k. Nope nothing wrong at all.


3k - Oh wait, I just interrupted said merc..so That's 0. Oh, you want to cast something else? Force Charge interrupt - 0 dmg. Oh, tracer missile is back up, my interrupt is off cd now. Oh, merc is dead now btw.


Get some melee on your team.

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3k - Oh wait, I just interrupted said merc..so That's 0. Oh, you want to cast something else? Force Charge interrupt - 0 dmg. Oh, tracer missile is back up, my interrupt is off cd now. Oh, merc is dead now btw.


Get some melee on your team.


Congratulation, your op inquisitor beat the commando. Bravo

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3k - Oh wait, I just interrupted said merc..so That's 0. Oh, you want to cast something else? Force Charge interrupt - 0 dmg. Oh, tracer missile is back up, my interrupt is off cd now. Oh, merc is dead now btw.


Get some melee on your team.


Congratulation, your op inquisitor beat the commando. Bravo



Edited by vincentres
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Congratulation, your op inquisitor beat the commando. Bravo


Try warrior. Commandos/Mercs are fish food, the weakest class in the game if you stick a single melee on them. The game classes are balanced fine, there are just way too many whiners. There is not a single class I feel helpless against, ever.

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The only thing I kinda consider OP about Tracer Missiles is it's damage type. Because it's a special attack, all those defensive moves against regular attacks are pointless against it. Like a Jedi can pop all those fancy defensive cool downs but it means nothing. Or those Snipers who sit in Cover and think they can dodge a special attack, super awesome. That's half the reason to spam the attack, because Power Shot/Unload/Rail Shot can all be deflected/dodged/covered but Tracer Missile can't.


Otherwise the damage numbers itself really aren't all that much higher than other spammable attacks on other classes. People complaining about it just ain't making a very convincing argument.

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Try warrior. Commandos/Mercs are fish food, the weakest class in the game if you stick a single melee on them. The game classes are balanced fine, there are just way too many whiners. There is not a single class I feel helpless against, ever.


See this is why I went Combat Medic (full heal spec with DPS gear in 2 piece Columni rest PvP gear for 15% crit with Power Shot). The healing spec really does make you into a Juggernaut of defense that rarely loses 1v1 (and that's usually a gear issue). I almost never run into anyone I can't turn the fight around on by just turtling up defensively with heals then once I'm comfortable and back in control of the fight start pressing offense with Power Shot. Supercharge gives me 10 seconds of zero cost Power Shots which when combined with a Power Adrenal and Power Relic hit EXTREMELY hard.


Marauders generally are easy to kill, but there's always 1-2 out there who are pretty good and can pressure you full time into staying defensive. I had one guy who was very good and even knew what to expect (IE: Supercharged Gas combo above) and knew to pop his dodge maneuver when I did it. They are fairly rare however and most are a joke to kill. The same goes for Operatives now that they hit like a wet noodle most of the time. Big key with both classes is to use your dispel to remove bleeds/burns/poisons which significantly reduces their damage output.


Honestly I am surprised we don't see more whines about combat medics. I regularly top DPS and Healing meters and always get 8-9 medals a game almost always with 25+ kills and under 5 deaths (especially Huttball). It's always funny tho watching these threads complaining about Tracer Missiles when they don't even know the real power of the Combat Medic :)

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Marauders generally are easy to kill, but there's always 1-2 out there who are pretty good and can pressure you full time into staying defensive. I had one guy who was very good and even knew what to expect (IE: Supercharged Gas combo above) and knew to pop his dodge maneuver when I did it. They are fairly rare however and most are a joke to kill. The same goes for Operatives now that they hit like a wet noodle most of the time. Big key with both classes is to use your dispel to remove bleeds/burns/poisons which significantly reduces their damage output.


Well played Mara's scare me. Simple fact is, if geared and well played, there is no way I'll last, even if I turtle up.


I fought a good twitch op healer today -- 10 minutes of us getting nowhere, it was kinda funny.


Oh and for the record, if I find gunnery/arsenal opponent, I usually laugh. As long as I don't let them drop my hp into danger of a burst+crit kill, they aren't gonna do squat.

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Yeah I play Merc and if I'm slowed (by some other class usually) and get a melee on me, I'm screwed. HSM is stupid without 5 stack of tracer. You need to work as a team though if you're gonna play Merc. You need people to pull melee off of you and you can use Unload to help slow 'em down I guess. Still pretty rough and I definitely do not feel overpowered unless people are ignoring me. Those people deserve to die.
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Nerf is all, burn it all to the ground...oh wait, cept for mine!!! My class just sucks, and it needs all the love!





Please just delete and leave the game if all you are going to do is howl about nerfs. (no, I don't play either of the classes mentioned by the OP)

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Nothing is wrong with tracer missle. If you can't learn to interrupt or LOS a merc, then you deserve to die. For sorcs, they're a really squishy class. L2P before you complain.


You can LoS and interrupt a lot of things. That in itself isn't a reason to claim that something isn't wrong. Otherwise you could use it to justify much worse. Its a flawed argument that needs to stop coming up without a lot more detail behind it.


Now to the OP... QUIT ASKING FOR KNEE JERK REACTIONS. Will the two classes be nerfed? There's a nice possibility, yes, but they aren't going to rush it.

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