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Gunnery with Elara Healing is squishy at Class Quest Fights


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I'm using the Armor Penetration Cell.


- Even when I'm +6 Levels above the mobs with Blue gear, 4 widely spaced out standard/weak mobs and 1 silver is enough to slaughter me and Elara (example Tatooine).


-It's not possible to position myself well since these Class Story Fights just spawn me in the worst possible location and both me and Elara aggro 50-50 of the mobs.


- Elara is busy healing herself and I'm busy healing myself.


Hate to see what happens at higher levels, since mobs don't scale linearly and when Elara gets CC'ed and Commandos don't have Force Shield to rely on. Already have a higher level Sage and I know the higher level mobs don't play fair.

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I would say L2P or play another game, if you have problems with a Commando then you lack in every department and are seriously missing the point of the Class.


The Commando is a one man Army and with Elara Healing you should be able to take down anything in your level range and come out with 90% HP at the end.

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If you can, back up a few feet and Mortar as many as you can. Concussion charge the silver, Elara should petrify one of the others. Avoid AoE after that, and just focus down the standards one by one. Make sure you have Elara on her healing stance.


Is your gear up to par? Is Elara's? What spec are you?




If you can't Mortar them quickly, then Hail of Bullets them. This will draw aggro onto you, usually long enough for you to start picking off the standards, before any turn back to Elara due to her healing.

Edited by swils
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Sorry dude, but if you fail against regular pulls as a Commando 6 levels above the mobs there is no hope for you at all.


Mortar+Hail will kill damn near everything in an average pull leaving you 1v1 against the token strong mob, who will maybe last long enough for 2 taps with GR before HIB finishes the job.

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This has to be a troll, that's all I can think of.


Commando is the single easiest class to play for a new player.


Sure, there are still a lot of buttons, but you don't have to use 90% of them to do good damage and have good survivability.


I have a Sentinel, Sorcerer, and Sniper (and a low 20s Scoundrel). None of them are as easy as commando.


If you have troubles with commando, you should try a sentinel lol!

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I've been soloing all the 2+ Heroics and most of the 4 Heroics with Elara. Most of our gear is slotted and I keep our armor and mods up to date with cybertech every time we level.


You need to give more information like what rotation you are using and such. I'm finding leveling with this character so much easier than leveling to 50 with my Shadow was.

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@Others above: not really helpful posts you've made here...


@OP: First forget what people are saying above: we're on the internet, and if you believe what they write, you'll soon hear how they've soloed level 50 strongs with their level 20 trooper while watching tv and alt-tabbing for pr0n at the same time...



get better gear, maybe you should update your stuff, and the stuff of Elara (for the healing)

Note also that level 35 Elara becomes much better when she obtain the heal droids: it helps a lot. Elara level 34 and Elara level 35 it's day and night really!


I've also noticed that roughly between level 25 and 34 without being impossible, you need to be much more careful of what and how you pull mobs. And without even talking about taking he risk to die, it's a pain if you have to stop for restauring your health after each pack, it slows the leveling a lot.

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In case this isn't a troll:


If you aggrod multiple groups, move around a corner to both reduce your damage and clump them up for aoe. Passive Elara so she joins you and doesn't just get shredded. Remember to start her back up again.


If there are no corners and you picked up more mobs than you can handle, consider just running the other direction. They'll stop following after a bit, and they don't shoot when they're running. If they're melee, use your knockback.


If 3 normals and a silver are giving trouble, concuss shot the silver and kill the normals.


In general, with a mixed group of normals and higher, killing the normals first is the right choice.


Um. If you're still using explosive round regularly on tatooine, don't. Grav shot should be your go-to single target attack, and explosive round's aoe damage isn't worth the cost.


Generally, look to kill things before trying to heal yourself. If multiple things are shooting you and you're trying to heal, you probably won't make up much ground. If you must heal against ranged, think about moving around a corner before doing so.


Make sure your abilities are in a location you can find on your hotbars.


If everything is difficult at +6 levels over the mobs, or at even level, then there's something fundamentally wrong with your approach to combat. Take some time to think about what you're doing, and what talents/skills you have available.

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I'm using the robot. I'm cybertech so I filled him up with mods and he doesn't suck balls. Found it to be better than elara.


Only issue I had was on alderran during the fight with Gearbox. 2 elites one after the other without even giving some time to rest ?!? Ouch. Forex ate plasteel after the 1st elite and I was at 50%. I thought I'm gonna lose but turns out you can los the other boss around the panels and heal.

Edited by Chomag
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If you are +6 levels above the mob, then the mobs can barely even hit you. If you are +6 levels above the mobs, then Elara is +6 levels above the mob, and they barely hit her, too.


I don't buy that you cannot survive a fight with a healer companion when the mobs can barely touch you.


I am sorry, but this cannot be a serious post.

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Trololol. Or we are not playng the same game. :p Tatooine is lvl 25, so you would be lvl 31.


You do not even need Elara if you are 6 levels above the mobs. Heck, you might not even need yourself, Elara is wearing Heavy Armor and she heals, she can probably take out the group herself. :D

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I'm actually still pondering on why would a Commando even use Elara?


I thought, for usefulness sake;


Commando = Jorgan for more DPS/Forex for tanking.


Vanguard = Elara (heals, obviously).


I geared Jorgan and we focus down Elites amazingly.


She basically reduces downtime to zero, and Forex takes way too much dmg, has no out of combat regen and cant use any of your hand me downs so he's not really much use unless you want to spend your time healing him instead of killing stuff.

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I know exactly what the Op is referring to and it's not pulling packs of normal mobs.


His problem is in class missions when you reach the person you need to talk to and the conversation ends with "attack" or some sort you load out of the conversation with a small swarm of mobs coming at you and if you don't react quickly you can die.


OP - You just need to anticipate the fight starting as you have the conversation so you know what abilities to use. i expect you are panicking as you come our of the conversation and when you start to heal find yourself on the backfoot and unable to regain control. If you have a bunch a melee stright on you use your knock back to get some breathing room and use concussion charge on the silver. Then you can pop your shield and mortar closeby to knockk the melee over and mop up from there.


If it's spaced out range again concuss the silver/gold and then nuke down your enemies 1 at a time. Watch Elara's health and if she is tanking one due to using her blaster decide if you need to attack that mob or let her tank him for a bit while you whittle down the others.


The main thing is not to panic and you I'm sure you will be fine.

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I know exactly what the Op is referring to and it's not pulling packs of normal mobs.


His problem is in class missions when you reach the person you need to talk to and the conversation ends with "attack" or some sort you load out of the conversation with a small swarm of mobs coming at you and if you don't react quickly you can die.



He is claiming to be 6 levels above the mobs in question, and they usually consist of 1 elite/strong and 4 normals.


So I stand by the fact that the OP is either


1. Mashing the keyboard with his forehead.


2. Trolling.

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Ignore all the uber warriors on here. They've all soloed a world boss whilst naked, using one ability and never popping a medpack. Then mom calls them down for breakfast or they'll be late for skool.



Elara doesnt do well under fire at all so I know exactly where you are coming from. If you can't pull aggro off of her, kills the squishies fast. If you go for the strongest first then she'll be taking the most amount of fire for the longest period of time. Cyro grenade the strong if you need to, blast the normals and weak. Have some form of self healing on hand to use. Pop your ability that heals both you and elara. If this is a problem mainly in boss fights than the 20 minutes cool down isnt an issue.


Tatooine is the first planet where there is a noticable increased in mob strength so where you might have walked through people before you need better stats and you'll need to play a little smarter.


Maybe think about using forex instead in boss fights. There are times when a different companion is advisable. This means keeping all your companions geared up. I made the mistake of just using one companion and when I needed someone else they stuggled as their gear was 20 levels to low. This is important for later on as certain companions are needed to complete a certain class mission,.

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I literally soloed every single class quest with that setup once I got Elara; except for some random one on corellia, because I was questing with a Jedi Knight that day (I only mention this for honesty's sake) - NOT because I needed help.


Gunnery with Elara healing is OP for soloing - you're just doing it wrong/your Elara isn't in healing stance/ you're not CCing.

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Commando is the single easiest class to play for a new player.


I agree with this. I am new to MMO's and I tried a Jefi at first and it was complicated. I find when you get to Tatooine Elara is not as useful as she was in previous planets. But it is about managing. Managing what she is doing, what you're doing, etc.

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I literally soloed every single class quest with that setup once I got Elara; except for some random one on corellia, because I was questing with a Jedi Knight that day (I only mention this for honesty's sake) - NOT because I needed help.


Gunnery with Elara healing is OP for soloing - you're just doing it wrong/your Elara isn't in healing stance/ you're not CCing.



Same. I've solo'd every single class quest, with the single exception of the first one. I just happened to be questing with a smuggler, when we entered this one. I am not going to claim to have solo'd any heroics but I can see where a heroic 2 or 2+ would be doable. Gunnery is easy, with Elara healing, its simple...shot it until it dies.


As another poster said, concussive shot the elite or champion, kill the add's and then blitz down the cc'd target. Not hard.


Personally I am thinking we have three pages of responses and haven't heard from the OP since the original post, so TROLL.

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I totally know where your coming from and had the same issue for the longest time. I'm specd gunnery and have only ever used M1-4X once, all other times I've used Elara but still died. Eventually i found that i hybridized, which was bad, didn't have a good rotation, which was worse and lastly I didnt properly utilize my buffs and such. Basically until level 35 I was in trouble until i respecd and worked to fix the issue. Whichever companion you use you should have no issue as long as they have gear on par with yours, though I love Elara because my health rarely drop below half.

All i can say is recharge and reload between every fight, carefully plan your path in order to pickup as little agro as possible, if you are having trouble with silvers then cuncossion then, and then take out the other guys, medpack and then graveround the silver and hib demo round full auto. dont let your ammo drop too low and if your near a cliff, knock em off it with a conussion charge. btw its the cheapest but my favorite pvp move. Im 44 and can solo near on anything in my level range and can handle 2 players at once with ease, so trust me, it gets better.

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