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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official: Over 1.7 million active subs, 2 + mil sold


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I can't believe how badly people want this game to fail (confused why, don't like it play a different game). Despite everything obviously pointing to it being a big success.


I for one LOVE IT, and subbed for 6 months.

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Oh, good, maybe you can start listening then, and actually learn something.


You're trying to apply the principle that a business is either growing or it isn't, but that's not at play when talking MMO sub numbers. It's at play when discussing how the developer is doing from those subs, but a service-based product like this will only ever retain a certain percentage of first-time users. If you were to rank them from 1 through 5:


1: Never gonna see this guy again. Probably wouldn't have no matter what you did differently, so, doesn't matter.

2: Was looking for something different then what you offered, but if you found a way to meet his needs or desires you might get him back.

3: Reasonably satisfied with service, but there's risk of losing him if conditions changed.

4: Very happy, reasonably committed, you'd have to screw up substantially to lose him long term.

5: You've got this guy for life.


All service based businesses will see at least the first 3, and hope for 4s and 5s (5s are worth insane money). They focus first on converting 3s and 4s into 5s - and if they can make it in, adding some stuff to reel the 2s back in isn't a bad plan. But they'll never plan on perfect retention because anyone who's got a clue about the subject knows they won't get it.

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I cant belive theres an actual argument.


I can't believe you're having this hard of a time understanding the subject.


This isn't a 15% drop in business, this is converting 85% of potential business into actual business. If a retailer made sales to 85% of all people who walked into their store, the only things they'd have to worry about is an unprofitable model or low traffic rates.

Edited by Inarai
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"-- Star Wars®: The Old Republic has generated 1.7 million active subscribers and sold through more than 2 million units in a little over one month."


Massive drop huh?


you do know tht people sometimes buy things and dont use them? I have many still packaged games... but also stores have copies on the shelf...


wow had less than a million at the start.....


this game got more than twice them....


yes this game has issues to work on but given time this game has the potential for years of success....stop trying to turn their positive news around and make BS....


Fact is they are being honest and look at eurpoean prime time servers...half of them are full becasue unlike americans they understand what a mmo means and how to enjoy something without crying about any little thing that pops up.


that may seem insulting to some but a fact is a fact and many americans...yes americans have forgot what a mmo is....


A mmo is a video game that is massive multiplayer online, the pve in this game is amazing and the movie/cinematics is of the highest quality in 10 years! NO VIDEO GAME HAS HAD THIS MUCH LOVE PUT INTO ITS STORY! .... even after 10 years, ffxi still does not have a total cinematics time to the game as this has at release.


Let them do their job, provide your suggestons and constructive bug reports....and enjoy your 15 bcks a month out of the MILLIONS put into this thing you take for granted.


YES I HATE SOME BUGS...but I have also played mmo for 13 years now and understand how to work with it, give up on things until they are fixed and reroll until things are working again...


PVP sucks... take it for what it is, find the fun in it or play another of the 16+ storylines... I say 16+ becasue there is 8 classes on each side, and light/dark as well as changes in choices all around like a pre 90's adventure novel.


Honestly the devs should use an algorythm to check for QQ and move to the review forum for deletion while some poor soul has to check through every QQ thread for constructive comments to help fix things...





PS-... Be thankful or do everyone who loves something a favor and keep your mouth shut.... you may have your things in life you like and you wouldnt like others bad mouthing it where you have to witness it. Negativity is a deadly psychological defect some are unable to overcome.... find the positive or do others a favor and dont post nonsense to take their eyes off the gold.

Edited by Gummiebear
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you do know tht people sometimes buy things and dont use them? I have many still packaged games.


Why do you have many "still packaged games" ?


I have never heard of anyone just going out and buying a bunch of things and not opening them unless they are a hoarder.


Are you a hoarder?

Edited by Tortoises
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Why do you have many "still packaged games" ?


I have never heard of anyone just going out and buying a bunch of things and not opening them unless they are a hoarder.


Are you a hoarder?


Dude, you are dealing with folks who are, apparently, delusional. Dont go there. It's not worth the time or effort.

Edited by Kunra
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I find it hard to believe the numbers are growing, out of 11 of me and my friends that came from rift and wow only 1 is still playing.


they all had an active sub as of when those stats were taken but now we are all unsubbed


You are confusing anecdotes with data. They are not the same.

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Why do you have many "still packaged games" ?


I have never heard of anyone just going out and buying a bunch of things and not opening them unless they are a hoarder.


Are you a hoarder?


a collector, but also look at the other statement.... on shelf sales to stores that have not sold the copy off the shelf

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25 years owning/running a Goodyear tire and auto service store.


So no MMO experience, then.


The usual retention rate for the first month for any MMO with a chance at longeivity is anywhere from 50-90%. Even if you claim that the 85% number is inflated, there's no way you can argue that down below 50%. Now, if there's a 15% drop every month, then we can worry, but at the present we're well ahead of the usual projections for this type of game.

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So no MMO experience, then.


The usual retention rate for the first month for any MMO with a chance at longeivity is anywhere from 50-90%. Even if you claim that the 85% number is inflated, there's no way you can argue that down below 50%. Now, if there's a 15% drop every month, then we can worry, but at the present we're well ahead of the usual projections for this type of game.


HAHAHAHA, thank you, I needed a laugh. :)

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Entirely defeated. You sound angry about something.


I don't sound angry about anything, you on the other hand, sound entirely too defensive of a game that's only one month old.


6months when that number is still relatively high - then you can something. A year plus? Maybe then you can say they've been entirely defeated.


A month after launch when people are probably just subbing to run through another class story or two?



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I don't sound angry about anything, you on the other hand, sound entirely too defensive of a game that's only one month old.


6months when that number is still relatively high - then you can something. A year plus? Maybe then you can say they've been entirely defeated.


A month after launch when people are probably just subbing to run through another class story or two?




You still sound angry.

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