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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official: Over 1.7 million active subs, 2 + mil sold


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Half of them paying. That means half of 1.7million (850k for those math challenged) are actual subscribers.


So over 2 million sold and more than a million are walking away. Yep. Successful.


Seriously? Quote the entire clause, at least. "The game has more than 1.7 million subscribers, and more than half of them pay."


This means that at least 850k are paying. Could be anywhere between 850k and the full 1.7 million, and doesn't take into account anyone who hasn't run out their free month yet and so hasn't been billed.

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Seriously? Quote the entire clause, at least. "The game has more than 1.7 million subscribers, and more than half of them pay."


This means that at least 850k are paying. Could be anywhere between 850k and the full 1.7 million, and doesn't take into account anyone who hasn't run out their free month yet and so hasn't been billed.



Frank Gibeau:" We currently have a little over 1.7 million active subscribers. The rest have either not started playing yet or have opted out. "

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At least get your facts right with an article that you yourself post. It says "more than half" which means without a hard number you just pulled 850K out of your rear end.


easy to figure out just look to see how many they sold the first week.





420k in Europe it's first week


810k in the US it's first week


That gives you 1,230,000 its first week


by week 2 or December 31st you get a total of


about 1,500,000 boxes sold.

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Half of them paying. That means half of 1.7million (850k for those math challenged) are actual subscribers.


So over 2 million sold and more than a million are walking away. Yep. Successful.


As other have mentioned, you misquoted the article.


But besides that, even if you were correct, are you insinuating that 850K subs for a MMO is somehow NOT successful?


If so, I think most every MMO developer would like to have a talk with you.

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As other have mentioned, you misquoted the article.


But besides that, even if you were correct, are you insinuating that 850K subs for a MMO is somehow NOT successful?


If so, I think most every MMO developer would like to have a talk with you.


maybe they should have a word with me ill get them a successful mmo

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easy to figure out just look to see how many they sold the first week.





420k in Europe it's first week


810k in the US it's first week


That gives you 1,230,000 its first week


by week 2 or December 31st you get a total of


about 1,500,000 boxes sold.



Frank Gibeau:" We currently have a little over 1.7 million active subscribers. The rest have either not started playing yet or have opted out. "


If they would have said as of December 31st I could agree with you but they said currently

which means 2/1 which means your numbers are incorrect.

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i am though, i was promised a game that i never got again im sick and tired of buying **** mmos that dont even give 50% of what they promise.


most people will agree with me they are sick and tired of these companies taking advantage of us


I dont feel like they took advantage of me. They delivered what I expected. A wow kotor mash up. I expected a rocky launch mmos always have a rocky launch. All in in all it wasn't too bad compared to STO FF14 or AOC. I just dont like end game grinding in my mmos. Whenever I reach 50 on the characters I am playing Ill be done with the game. I will enjoy the well done single player aspect of this game from time to time while I continue to play eve online which caters to my sandboxz taste. And check out GW2 when it comes out to fill my love of leveling new characters in new worlds.


I have had a mostly enjoyable experience playing through the stories. I've run into frustrating bugs but only one truly game breaking bug. And thats since Early access. I would suggest to you if the bugs bother you this much to hold off for a few months after any mmo launch. All in all this one wasn't that bad. And if your one of the people looking at GW2 as your next savior. Please please dont froth on whatever forum when its buggy at launch. Because it will be they all are.


And this IS exactly the game they promised. A kotor wow mashup. If you had bloated expectations that's your own fault. They never really claimed to be making anything other then a kotor wow mashup.

Edited by mezlabor
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I really don't understand a lot of the hate in this thread. I am a player who actually has some complaints about the overall game. I hate working for hours to get flashpoint groups together, I miss HD visuals and I understand that the end-game has very legitimate problems. I also have thorougly enjoyed the leveling process in this game, and love the story and basic gameplay systems.


If the game didn't do well, and suscribers were dropping like flies, it wouldn't proove that Bioware screwed up. Instead, it would simply have meant that a game with a ton of potential to be great was kept from growing. To me, that would have been a shame. MMO's early on are always works in progress. Instead, Bioware has the time and opportunity to both create new content of the type I'm already enjoying, and fix the problems that I have. That's a win/win.


If growth continues in the short term, the onus will be entirely on Bioware Austin to pick up the pieces and improve their game. Bring out those UI improvements, work on faction imbalances, fix bugs and improve the end-game PVE and PVP.


If they can't manage that, well, maybe Bioware should return to single-player games, if they can, then I am deeply looking forward to playing for years to come.

Edited by Calbeb
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I dont feel like they took advantage of me. They delivered what I expected. A wow kotor mash up. I expected a rocky launch mmos always have a rocky launch. All in in all it wasn't too bad compared to STO FF14 or AOC. I just dont like end game grinding in my mmos. Whenever I reach 50 on the characters I am playing Ill be done with the game. I will enjoy the well done single player aspect of this game from time to time while I continue to play eve online which caters to my sandboxz taste. And check out GW2 when it comes out to fill my love of leveling new characters in new worlds.


I have had a mostly enjoyable experience playing through the stories. I've run into frustrating bugs but only one truly game breaking bug. And thats since Early access. I would suggest to you if the bugs bother you this much to hold off for a few months after any mmo launch. All in all this one wasn't that bad. And if your one of the people looking at GW2 as your next savior. Please please dont froth on whatever forum when its buggy at launch. Because it will be they all are.


Bioware promised as much effort put into pve would be put into pvp, can you honestly say with a straight face this games pvp is anything but terrible its the worst pvp ive done in yrs and yes AOC pvp was better and more fun even in its crappy buggy state.


they are putting 0 effort into pvp whether you believe it or not pvp tends to be very popular at end game in mmos id easily say over 50% of all mmo players pvp.


I can't believe this game was made and released with this stupid response time issue

mirror classes lagging behind others classes like sith warriors and jedi knights having serious balance issues.


its a shame this game could have been something

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So....ppl actually think a company will use q4's number for a q3 report.....??


Jesus christ i wasted so much time


You did. You have been wrong about this all day.


The current sub numbers were in the conference call NOT the report.

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Where are they hiding all these people? Prime time has 50 imperials in Ilum and 20 republic at best. The server capacity is freaking joke, world pvp is basically non-existant and warzones are just huttball after huttball after huttball. This on a server which was heavy/full the first weeks after launch. Well gg, you distributed your players over too many servers and apparently mergers aren't gonna happen anytime soon.


If only people had some sort of incentive to play republic, quite obvious that most would choose sith tbh.


Must be on my server. Just logged after doing three things, fleet, Bel and space. Didn't check the numbers for Fury but at Fleet there were 225 and on Bel 112.

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I've seen Funcom fluff up it's sub numbers just like BW are doing, i'd like to see how many active subs they've got as of the end of feb. You just have to look at all the servers on light/standard to many many people have left. Edited by Evuke
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1: im in australia

2: i have no degrees in anything that would matter


what i do have is more game time than any of their staff in mmos

i know what makes or breaks a mmo.


this ones not going anywhere but the bargain bin.


Still denying the sky is blue I see. :rolleyes:


Clearly, you have zero knowledge of the devs to make such ludicrous statements. Let's take Rich Vogel for example, a guy who had a hand in creating the MMO genre. He helped make Meridian 59, then Ultima Online, then SWG and it's 1st expansion, Jump to Lightspeed.

It helps to know what you're talking about before you open your mouth and place your foot right in it. ;)


Successful game is successful, no matter how much you might personally hate it. Seek validation elsewhere.

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1: im in australia

2: i have no degrees in anything that would matter


what i do have is more game time than any of their staff in mmos

i know what makes or breaks a mmo.


this ones not going anywhere but the bargain bin.


LOL - yup fastest MMO to 1m subs ever...you sure nailed that prediction about the bargain bin.

Edited by Drewser
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1: im in australia

2: i have no degrees in anything that would matter


what i do have is more game time than any of their staff in mmos

i know what makes or breaks a mmo.


this ones not going anywhere but the bargain bin.


Knowing how to play an MMO....


...and knowing how to MAKE an MMO are two very, very different things.

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I dont know what your talking about, ive played mmos since UO ive seen them all

this has to be one of the worst games ive seen id put it on the same level as AOC

for hype and how much actually works.

Hey, guess what!! I've been playing MMO's for that long too, I've seen them all as well. This has to be one of the best games I've seen.


See how opinions work?


How can you spend this much on a game and have little or no endgame stuff

have no combat logs or ui features banks everything that is needed in a new age mmo


have game breaking bugs that leave people sitting there unable to finish their character

Little to no end-game stuff. So 12+ small group instances, 2 raids, 3 instanced PvP zones, 2 open-world PvP zones......this is little to no endgame?


Game breaking bugs that leave certain people sitting there unable to finish their characters for 2 weeks while it gets fixed........as opposed to entire servers crashing and game breaking bugs that allow no one to play anything.


Say it with me. Puff, Puff, PASS. I know that third part is hard. But really, it's pretty necessary.



I'm willing to bet everything i own that within 6months this mmo will be under 1 million subs

6 more months under 500k

I don't want your parent's stuff. And while I may be wrong, I'm pretty sure you've made this bet already, and lost.


im not even guessing its already happening i mentioned 10 of my 11 friends quit i know of much more that have quit and wont come back

And conversely, I convinced 15 friends to join the game, all of which are currently loving it, and have purchased multi-month subscriptions. And I know of many more who have joined and are sticking around as well.


Therefore, my unspecified "many more" cancels out your equally unspecified "much more", and my 15 friends being greater than your 10, we have proof that the game's subscription base is growing. As we have conclusively proven that "it" is not already happening, but rather the opposite of "it" is happening, you can merely move on with your life.



Well say you what you want about WoW. It lost 1.7 mill subs and still have 8 + million more then tor.


Over a span of 7 years. Defensive much?

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LOL - yup fasted MMO to 1m subs ever...you sure nailed that prediction about the bargain bin.


the market is alot bigger now if you compare how many are playing mmos to say 6-7 yrs ago this mmo has broken no records in fact getting even 2 million subs in the first month isnt anything special



keeping them subs is what matters they could have 100000 million subs if they lose them all in a few months wth is the point

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Knowing how to play an MMO....


...and knowing how to MAKE an MMO are two very, very different things.


they arnt different at all.


clearly you have no clue


I cant write code i cant do graphics but i know what needs to be in a game at launch and what needs to continue to come to make it grew


BW have no clue thats why your sitting here defending it

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the market is alot bigger now if you compare how many are playing mmos to say 6-7 yrs ago this mmo has broken no records in fact getting even 2 million subs in the first month isnt anything special



keeping them subs is what matters they could have 100000 million subs if they lose them all in a few months wth is the point


Right...whatever helps you sleep at night.

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the market is alot bigger now if you compare how many are playing mmos to say 6-7 yrs ago this mmo has broken no records in fact getting even 2 million subs in the first month isnt anything special


It isn't?


Name 3 MMO's that have done it. 2 million subs in the first month.


And provide links to back it up please.

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Hey, guess what!! I've been playing MMO's for that long too, I've seen them all as well. This has to be one of the best games I've seen.


See how opinions work?



Little to no end-game stuff. So 12+ small group instances, 2 raids, 3 instanced PvP zones, 2 open-world PvP zones......this is little to no endgame?


Game breaking bugs that leave certain people sitting there unable to finish their characters for 2 weeks while it gets fixed........as opposed to entire servers crashing and game breaking bugs that allow no one to play anything.


Say it with me. Puff, Puff, PASS. I know that third part is hard. But really, it's pretty necessary.




I don't want your parent's stuff. And while I may be wrong, I'm pretty sure you've made this bet already, and lost.



And conversely, I convinced 15 friends to join the game, all of which are currently loving it, and have purchased multi-month subscriptions. And I know of many more who have joined and are sticking around as well.


Therefore, my unspecified "many more" cancels out your equally unspecified "much more", and my 15 friends being greater than your 10, we have proof that the game's subscription base is growing. As we have conclusively proven that "it" is not already happening, but rather the opposite of "it" is happening, you can merely move on with your life.





Over a span of 7 years. Defensive much?



challenge for you and anyone else


Name good things about this mmo that dont involve the single player story quest


I enjoyed space combat thats about it


nothing in this game is any good without the story

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