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So the newly 50's expect to be treated like royalty because?


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A new 50 wearing greens and orange gear from lvl 30 is just as viable for playing player verses player content as as someone who has put in the time and effort to obtain the highest quality gear possible for their preferred play style. Life teaches us that we should expect to have everything handed to us, that if something is too difficult it should be simplified so we can have it, and that hard work, sweat, and tenacity are not desirable traits and will never reward one with anything tangible.


Effectively, Bioware is now stating they will candor to the poor and disenfranchised with a socialistic mentality, taking from those who have worked hard, and giving to those who have not.


What's next, taxes?


Let's change the name from SWTOR to Robinhood The Socialist Group.


When the hell did the communist invade the galaxy anyway? Did the empire see it coming? Did the republic? Was it JarJar who masterminded it?

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I bet most people here never tried to understand what stats are important in pve and pve. They just want easy wins, free gear.

Time for work now, but I made some interesting SS today. People wearing lvl 40-47 GREENS in lvl 50 WZs, not a single Relic on them. Some of them didn't even had implants.

Just OMG, you get those even from quests for god's sake. What the heck they were doing till now? If they were PvEing they should have AT LEAST lvl 50 blue mods in their gear.If it is so hard, do few space dailies to get 150k credits and then go buy few pieces of purple crafted gear I cannot say much more...

I did it, started to PvP seriously when I dinged 50 (well I enjoyed all PvE quests) now I have full champ (like every slot on my char has Champion in the name), 2 weeks after I started to PvP seriously. I do not play 24/7, I have kids and work and other stuff to do besides playing games.


Maybe so called "fresh 50s" are upset coz they can't faceroll lvl 10 noobs in WZs anymore? Hard to be on the recieving end? Did you feel sorry for those 10-20s you stomped on while you were lvl 48-49? Do you really think they thought it is enjoyable and balanced?


Again, why fresh 50s do not even use stims/adrenals? They are not expensive at all on GTN, you prolly get enough crdits to buy one blue that lasts 120 mins and stays after death even after lost WZ. Wait, you left it in rage coz enemy team scored before yours, right? So you got no medals, no valor, no credits.


You deserve to be obliterated with such attitute! Even if/when they nerf Champion/Battlemaster you whiners will still be owned by good players, no gear is gonna help you. I fail to ralise why people are so blind and don't want to put even lil effort into gearing up.


never gonna look in this thread and similar ones again tbh


What's the purpose of Expertise?


You realise the stat's cancel eachother out don't you?


If two geared battlemasters fight the expertise bonus is the same as them having none at all.


Expertise exists solely to allow PvP grinders to faceroll newbies


Why do you want to be able to harass the newbloods? I have some champ gear and the difference champion alone makes against a fresh 50 is beyond a joke.

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You could learn to play. That seems like your biggest problem.


Yea I better 'learn to play' because I go from being top medal winner on my side 10-49 to being stomped all over at 50.


Logically of course the fact I hit 50 and suddenly get put against people with Battlemaster/Champion gear couldn't at all be the problem. I'm just that crap I'm suddenly playing against all the awesome people who vastly out skill me and I better just keep mindlessly throwing myself at them until I eventually get 'better'.



I'd rather not 'learn to play' and I'll stick to PVP on my low level alt against all the other **** people like me since I seem to stand a chance against them. But thanks for the suggestion.

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A new 50 wearing greens and orange gear from lvl 30 is just as viable for playing player verses player content as as someone who has put in the time and effort to obtain the highest quality gear possible for their preferred play style. Life teaches us that we should expect to have everything handed to us, that if something is too difficult it should be simplified so we can have it, and that hard work, sweat, and tenacity are not desirable traits and will never reward one with anything tangible.


Effectively, Bioware is now stating they will candor to the poor and disenfranchised with a socialistic mentality, taking from those who have worked hard, and giving to those who have not.


What's next, taxes?


Let's change the name from SWTOR to Robinhood The Socialist Group.


When the hell did the communist invade the galaxy anyway? Did the empire see it coming? Did the republic? Was it JarJar who masterminded it?



Most absurd post I have ever read


You do realise Bioware are trying to make money, and pleasing the 5% or less that grind 40 hours a week but pay the same as casuals is not a viable business model.

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Yea I better 'learn to play' because I go from being top medal winner on my side 10-49 to being stomped all over at 50.


Logically of course the fact I hit 50 and suddenly get put against people with Battlemaster/Champion gear couldn't at all be the problem. I'm just that crap I'm suddenly playing against all the awesome people who vastly out skill me and I better just keep mindlessly throwing myself at them until I eventually get 'better'.



I'd rather not 'learn to play' and I'll stick to PVP on my low level alt against all the other **** people like me since I seem to stand a chance against them. But thanks for the suggestion.


so nerf the 10-49 bracket

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What's the purpose of Expertise?


You realise the stat's cancel eachother out don't you?


If two geared battlemasters fight the expertise bonus is the same as them having none at all.


Expertise exists solely to allow PvP grinders to faceroll newbies


Hmm, not really although it is unfortunately a by product. And they are going to change that.

Its to keep PvPers on a par with PvEers in wz's

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Most absurd post I have ever read


You do realise Bioware are trying to make money, and pleasing the 5% or less that grind 40 hours a week but pay the same as casuals is not a viable business model.


So now its the casuals that are getting pwned? Not my fault you have a life that is more interesting than a video game, unplug and go enjoy.

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Yea I better 'learn to play' because I go from being top medal winner on my side 10-49 to being stomped all over at 50.


Logically of course the fact I hit 50 and suddenly get put against people with Battlemaster/Champion gear couldn't at all be the problem. I'm just that crap I'm suddenly playing against all the awesome people who vastly out skill me and I better just keep mindlessly throwing myself at them until I eventually get 'better'.



I'd rather not 'learn to play' and I'll stick to PVP on my low level alt against all the other **** people like me since I seem to stand a chance against them. But thanks for the suggestion.


So you took advantage of the 1-49 bracket and want the same advantage in the 50's bracket.


I see now.

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You know what, reading about losing constantly to geared 50s doesn't sound fun, but what really makes me want to stay in the 10-49 bracket is reading about players getting told off by their own teams for joining a game. That's really messed up and I could see it driving a lot of people to roll alts or unsub.
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What's the purpose of Expertise?


You realise the stat's cancel eachother out don't you?


If two geared battlemasters fight the expertise bonus is the same as them having none at all.


Expertise exists solely to allow PvP grinders to faceroll newbies


Why do you want to be able to harass the newbloods? I have some champ gear and the difference champion alone makes against a fresh 50 is beyond a joke.


The purpose is evident and clear, to most of us. Work=Reward, and PvP gear provides people that PvP a system of rewards and tiers that we want to achieve so that at the end of the trek we all, who have made the journey, are on equal footing and we may test our skills against one another. For those who didn't bother to do the prerequisites? It's like expecting to be promoted to CEO from the mail office, do you really expect that to happen?


Apparently, some of you do :/

Edited by Ipsemeter
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So you took advantage of the 1-49 bracket and want the same advantage in the 50's bracket.


I see now.


Oh yea of course that's what I just said, I'm taking advantage of that 10-49 bracket right now at level 18 against all those level 40 players. Sucks to be them against my armour and skill advantage.

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So now its the casuals that are getting pwned? Not my fault you have a life that is more interesting than a video game, unplug and go enjoy.


When people like me unplug we unsub and that will hurt the die hard players more than it will hurt me when the developers run out of cash.

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Level 49 v49 sin, never set a foot on illum yet, about to enter 50s brackets with a huge disadvantage here because one way or the other all the time i spent and comms i litteraly wasted during the process didn't make me earn anything usefull gear wise.


I dare you 50 drama queens teeling me i'm not willing to put in the effort and deserve to get crushed soon as i come in.


Something has to be done so the whole 10-49 pvp experience doesn't turn out to be utterly worthless.


Either make the valor rank increase the commendation cap so we can start with a few more bags, either create a starter 50 gear that requires 40-50 valor to be worn.


And while we are at it, make the centurion gear actually require to be centurion, and the champ gear... to be champ.


Come on Bioware, please look at the valor system and give it some meaning, because RNG bags + meaningless valor will eventually drive people out of pre 50 pvp.

This is NO work = reward.

Edited by muscarine
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The purpose is evident and clear, to most of us. Work=Reward, and PvP gear provides people that PvP a system of rewards and tiers that we want to achieve so that at the end of the trek we all, who have made the journey, are on equal footing and we may test our skills against one another. For those who didn't bother to do the prerequisites? It's like expecting to be promoted to CEO from the mail office, do you really expect that to happen?


Apparently, some of you do :/


Please don't use real life analogies involving remuneration for entry level employment, it might lead players to reflect upon the tediousness of certain MMO mechanics in a way that will negatively impact Bioware's bottom line. :p


Here's that sentence in English: We're not getting paid for this, it better damn well not suck as bad as working in a mail room while dreaming of becoming CEO, and if it does suck that bad, we might as well go do something else with our time and money.

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The purpose is evident and clear, to most of us. Work=Reward, and PvP gear provides people that PvP a system of rewards and tiers that we want to achieve so that at the end of the trek we all, who have made the journey, are on equal footing and we may test our skills against one another. For those who didn't bother to do the prerequisites? It's like expecting to be promoted to CEO from the mail office, do you really expect that to happen?


Apparently, some of you do :/



Yes, let's equate A GAME WHICH YOU PAY FOR to work, WHERE YOU GET PAID.




Fail harder, my friend. Please.



Oh, and /pwned

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Level 49 v49 sin, never set a foot on illum yet, about to enter 50s brackets with a huge disadvantage here because one way or the other all the time i spent and comms i litteraly wasted during the process didn't make me earn anything usefull gear wise.


I dare you 50 drama queens teeling me i'm not willing to put in the effort and deserve to get crushed soon as i come in.


Something has to be done so the whole 10-49 pvp experience doesn't turn out to be utterly worthless.


Either make the valor rank increase the commendation cap so we can start with a few more bags, either create a starter 50 gear that requires 40-50 valor to be worn.


And while we are at it, make the centurion gear actually require to be centurion, and the champ gear... to be champ.


Come on Bioware, please look at the valor system and give it some meaning, because RNG bags + meaningless valor will eventually drive people out of pre 50 pvp.

This is NO work = reward.


Go to the galactic trade market ...if you have been doing warzones you must have cash... atleast more than 200K credits...


Find some nice Purple level 49 implants, earpiece, chest ... get as much as you can... go in a warzone and tell me what you think..... is it gonna be really that hard?

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I'm sorry, I forgot that I'm supposed to be able to 1v8 every warzone. What the hell was I thinking?


But in all seriousness, if you equate losing warzones to a specific player being bad, then there's just no talking to you, since that is completely contrary to reality. Let's not forget the part where, as a fresh level 50 specced fully to tank, I regularly get ripped apart by geared-out level 50s in just a few seconds, rendering me effectively useless for almost any game I queue into.


My "win 3 warzones a day," between being out-geared, out-manned (I'm republic on an Empire-dominant server), and regularly screwed by the bug that doesn't recognize wins against your daily quests, it can take hours to get those wins. Hours that, frankly, I'm not really up to dedicating just to get my *** beat game-in and game-out; not because I'm that bad, but because I decided to take my time and enjoy the game on my way to level 50.


bah, I'm a specced out tank, played tons of wz's against bm 50's, and was always able to get my 3 wins each day.


I took my time, and enjoyed the game too, which is why I've been BM for all of two days now, and now, thanks to all the carebear whining, I learn that I was probably wasting my time.

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When people like me unplug we unsub and that will hurt the die hard players more than it will hurt me when the developers run out of cash.


If you cant put in the time, why play? Probally have something more importaant in life than a video game.


Plus, its easy, Bioware can just apply for a bailout and get the money. Most mmos are in it for the short burst of cash and the jump in stock prices. Most cant sustain a community. Lets see how things are May 1st. Hell even in a week there is another game's beta opening.

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Awww Prinz I expected better from you.


You know me and you know I pvp. My brother and his friends are the people I'm arguing for you've only got a couple of bits more pvp gear than me.

Edited by Gwal
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The purpose is evident and clear, to most of us. Work=Reward, and PvP gear provides people that PvP a system of rewards and tiers that we want to achieve so that at the end of the trek we all, who have made the journey, are on equal footing and we may test our skills against one another. For those who didn't bother to do the prerequisites? It's like expecting to be promoted to CEO from the mail office, do you really expect that to happen?


Apparently, some of you do :/


Except that PvP is supposed to be about player vs. player, not player vs. player's gear. It's supposed to be the part of the game where skill has primacy. Your reward for being good is winning, and for being bad is learning to be good. Otherwise it's about competitive fun. PvP was never supposed to be a trinket war and until WoW came out it never was.

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No, stupid. They do not expect to be treated as royalty across the board.


What they do expect is a much smoother and more balanced gear progression through the pvp tiers.


There is ZERO reason to tell fresh level 50 toons that they cannot have any expertise gear when they're facing players that do 15% more damage to them and they take 15% damage LESS from them.


It's completely moronic to even attempt to justify that as a fair and balanced system.


They should have simply not changed the bag system AT ALL, and just given them the level 50 blue pvp set back so that fresh 50's could at the very least, have a little expertise to help close the gear gap.


The most skilled fresh 50 in the world couldn't beat a BM geared keyboard turning clicker in a 1v1 scenario. That's the problem with the current pvp system.

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Another thing most of you carebears (aka people who think gear trumps skill) don't realize is that this might encourage more people to actually hit 50. This is a good thing because:


1) Don't have to wait in such long queue times

2) If you're so leet, you'll have a premade anyways. More ppl = more pugs for you to stomp.



Oh wait...most of you will lose to pugs if the odds are evened somewhat.

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Clearly, BW is not afraid to make waves. Rather than rewarding the folks that currently put the time in and now have the expertise advantage, they are taking their game in a direction that rewards the majority of people that do not.


This shows that they are listening to the complainers on the forums. I just wonder if this is going to spread to other things that people complain about like Sorcerors, Tracer Missiles, and faction imbalances. I am guessing that it will. Regardless of how you feel, they seem to have plans to changie their game to appease the most vocal groups of people.

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