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Keep the nerfs coming


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Good job on nerfing assassins pvp OVERPOWERED play style


Hit the sorc bubble next, I can hit it 5 times with my top damage abilities and it will still be up


juggs, force push, leap, force push is way to much cc please nerf'


damage from BH/troopers is way out of hand. I cant run from them i blow up in 3-4 hits


ops/scoundrels I have no trouble with the are easy kills.


buff marauder

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Good job on nerfing assassins pvp OVERPOWERED play style


Hit the sorc bubble next, I can hit it 5 times with my top damage abilities and it will still be up


juggs, force push, leap, force push is way to much cc please nerf'


damage from BH/troopers is way out of hand. I cant run from them i blow up in 3-4 hits


ops/scoundrels I have no trouble with the are easy kills.


buff marauder


Disagree on the bubble.


That, to us Sages and Sorcerers, is one of our key abilities. In fact, it is our most efficient by way of damage prevented if you equate it to what WOULD have had to be healing.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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Good job on nerfing assassins pvp OVERPOWERED play style


Hit the sorc bubble next, I can hit it 5 times with my top damage abilities and it will still be up


juggs, force push, leap, force push is way to much cc please nerf'


damage from BH/troopers is way out of hand. I cant run from them i blow up in 3-4 hits


ops/scoundrels I have no trouble with the are easy kills.


buff marauder


I don't really have any problems with Bounty Hunters, Troopers, Sages, or Sorcerers. I do agree that Marauders need a buff, though, and I don't even play one.

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Disagree on the bubble.


That, to us Sages and Sorcerers, is one of our key abilities. In fact, it is our most efficient by way of damage prevented if you equate it to what WOULD have had to be healing.


Seriously, that one spell is all that stands between us and a swift death.

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So ruin my PVE for the sake of your PVP? No thanks.


Force push, leap, etc... are great fun. Being overpowered is fun- in PVE. Thankfully mobs can't post on the forums.


This is how it goes in every MMO. Some dude gets beat in PVP and he cries a river. It can't be him- oh hell no it can't be them sucking. Gotta be the classes... Derp.


If you want homogenization, if you want bland, if you want e-sports. Then go find a game that is into that like WOW/Rift. Leave my PVE game alone...

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needs to be at least on a 1 minute+ CD


there is no reason other classes can take 3-5 before they die but your GOD bubble give you a free 4-5 hit get out of jail free card.


it needs to be inline with other classes high tier talents so that means it either has to suck like the rest or just dont work at all





I love it players scream for nerfs but cry when its their turn


you reap what you sow

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So ruin my PVE for the sake of your PVP? No thanks.


Force push, leap, etc... are great fun. Being overpowered is fun- in PVE. Thankfully mobs can't post on the forums.


This is how it goes in every MMO. Some dude gets beat in PVP and he cries a river. It can't be him- oh hell no it can't be them sucking. Gotta be the classes... Derp.


If you want homogenization, if you want bland, if you want e-sports. Then go find a game that is into that like WOW/Rift. Leave my PVE game alone...


AMEN! The PVP whiners are the worst! I wish this game did not even have PVP.

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Trooper/Merc isn't as strong as you think. The only time I wreck people is if I pop an Adrenal and my trinket prior and get some lucky crits.


But I bet anyone would wreck someone in the same scenario. We are weak to melee, try and use that little bit of advice to your advantage. Basically Commando/Merc is very similar to an Elemental Shaman in WoW.



As far as Sentinel goes.. I have a level 27 Sentinel that I quit because I felt he was too squishy and not putting out enough damage. If its the same at 50 then by all means buff them.

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I hate pvp nerf whiners. They pretty much ruin every mmo ever made.


However, PvP is a significant part of this game and it always will be.


There will continue to be calls for Nerfs/Buffs as a result.


Personally I am hardcore into PvP and I am having a ton of fun in this game, and am glad that they have a whole team of developers just for putting out PvP content.


(They have another team of developers working on PvE content)


It would be nice if they can satisfy both crowds equally instead of leaving one or the other on the backburner like other MMO's have done.

Edited by Tortoises
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