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So Why is Threat Invisible?


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How about we go at this in another direction then.


How can you make threat visible? Would you make it visible by a meter similar to Omen from WoW? Would it be a number designation above their heads showing how much of a lead you'd have percentage wise? Would you make a graphic at their feet, around the targeting reticle?


The point being, we have no insight as to WHY threat is invisible because that was a design choice that BioWare actively made, for whatever reason unbeknownst to us.


Next time, instead of attacking people, rephrase the question so that people CAN understand, not attack their intelligence. Secondly, you might want to look at the fact that if 4 pages of forum posting can't understand what youra sking, our reading comprehension skills aren't to be evaluated, but rather your ability to talk to people.

Edited by Lunasy
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Re-read the thread. Your reading comprehension skills are at fault here. Sorry.


No... You've rejected every answer that opposes what you have established as the right one. Many people are responding to you, all saying the same thing, providing different reasons, yet you continue in your mindless rejection.


You have posted under the false pretense of a fair and educated discussion of a game feature, while providing little to no evidence for your argument, and thus I shall be leaving.


Everyone wants content, which only BW produce. Everyone wants bugs gone, which only BW can fix. A small number of people want a specific tool, which any half decent programmer can write and supplement when the game becomes addon friendly. Guess what BW should be, and is, focusing on?


And good day OP, enjoy not enjoying a game your paying for.

Edited by Lord_of_Stone
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How about we go at this in another direction then.


How can you make threat visible? Would you make it visible by a meter similar to Omen from WoW? Would it be a number designation above their heads showing how much of a lead you'd have percentage wise? Would you make a graphic at their feet, around the targeting reticle?


The point being, we have no insight as to WHY threat is invisible because that was a design choice that BioWare actively made, for whatever reason unbeknownst to us.


Next time, instead of attacking people, rephrase the question so that people CAN understand, not attack their intelligence. Secondly, you might want to look at the fact that if 4 pages of forum posting can't understand what youra sking, our reading comprehension skills aren't to be evaluated, but rather your ability to talk to people.


Probably because the entire point of being a good tank is managing aggro.


The game cant play for you.

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How about we go at this in another direction then.


How can you make threat visible? Would you make it visible by a meter similar to Omen from WoW? Would it be a number designation above their heads showing how much of a lead you'd have percentage wise? Would you make a graphic at their feet, around the targeting reticle?


The point being, we have no insight as to WHY threat is invisible because that was a design choice that BioWare actively made, for whatever reason unbeknownst to us.


Next time, instead of attacking people, rephrase the question so that people CAN understand, not attack their intelligence.


The question is lucid. Here it is again.


Why do we have an invisible game mechanic? It's like not being able to see health or resource bars. What possible reason could there be for this?


Some bad answers I want to head off at the pass: "I can kinda sense where my threat is based on how hard I'm hitting things." Unless you're an robot, no you can't. You just can't. And even the robot would need to know all the threat values anyway, and we just don't have this information. You might have a vague notion of your threat, but this is the whole problem I'm on about. Why not just show us like heath or resources?


"See?! This is why they need to give us mods!" No, they just need to show us the values in game like every other value; health, resources, resolve, cooldowns... again, why is this one value singled out for invisibility?


It's not me, it's folks insisting on turning this into yet another "I'm better than you" moment for boys. Welcome to an MMO forum.

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Guys, guys... he doesnt care about threat mechanics. He only wants a number to stroke his e-peen with. /disregard


To answer to the why questions its simple. Cause its not needed.


Actually, the e-peen waving seems to be with the people who think no one should have a threat meter because they don't see a need for one.


Someone answer this: "In what way does an optional threat meter hinder your (you personally, not some theoretical you) enjoyment of the game?"

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I asked WHY we can't see them.


I never said I desperately needed them.


I never complained that I couldn't play, or that the game was broken without them.


I asked WHY we can't see them.


You insist on talking about ANYTHING BUT THIS. You know why? Because you don't know. So could you please just stop now?


I guess you were unable to infer from the 5 pages of posts that the answer to your question is...we don't need to see it.

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You have posted under the false pretense of a fair and educated discussion of a game feature, while providing little to no evidence for your argument, and thus I shall be leaving.


I haven't made an argument. I asked a question, and rejected answers that didn't apply to the question, but applied to other questions altogether.

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Everyone wants content, which only BW produce. Everyone wants bugs gone, which only BW can fix. A small number of people want a specific tool, which any half decent programmer can write and supplement when the game becomes addon friendly. Guess what BW should be, and is, focusing on?


I agree with this. Kinda the same thing with the LFG tool. It's not critically needed, and people are getting along relatively fine without it. Maybe not as well as they're getting along without a threat meter, but well enough.

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Guys, guys... he doesnt care about threat mechanics. He only wants a number to stroke his e-peen with. /disregard


To answer to the why questions its simple. Cause its not needed.

Since when did tanks stroke their epeens with threat numbers? I thought that's what damage meters were for, and I do agree on leaving those out of the game for now.


I've never once seen a tank post his threat percentage to his party members and say "lol, you all suck at threat".

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Since when did tanks stroke their epeens with threat numbers? I thought that's what damage meters were for, and I do agree on leaving those out of the game for now.


I've never once seen a tank post his threat percentage to his party members and say "lol, you all suck at threat".


Lol you suck at threat.

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I guess you were unable to infer from the 5 pages of posts that the answer to your question is...we don't need to see it.


And I guess you weren't able to infer from the dozen times I posted it (with the why) that this isn't an answer to the question.

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I remember tanking Blackwing Liar with no threat meters. Those were fun times. Now, everyone needs a screen full of mods to hold their hands! World First, I would like to thank my healbot mod, my tankbot mod, and my dpsbot mod.
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I haven't made an argument. I asked a question, and rejected answers that didn't apply to the question, but applied to other questions altogether.


THis yet again relates to my earlier posts. You need to stimulate conversation towards where you want it to be then. For the third time, I asked you yet another question, in a way that could reshape the thread, and you, yet again, rejected and shut down the answer.


I'm going to apologize for not being able to properly relate and move on. Good luck with your rejection of other answers... oops i mean your "discussion".

Edited by Lunasy
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Not to jump on the bandwagon, but...


Threat is "invisible" for the same reason that you can't move most UI elements, or have a combat log, or a LFG tool, or any other number of things specific people would like to see in game...


... because bioware hasn't implemented it.


You don't like that answer, but that's the only answer there is.



Will the game support these things in the future? Who knows?


Instead of asking why they're not in the game, try going to the suggestion forums and seeing how much support you can gather to have threat meters added to the game.

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Good luck with your rejection of others... oops i mean your "discussion".


You folks should really look into some introductory logic or philosophy courses while you're all still in school.


I haven't rejected "others." I rejected their nonsensical answers which didn't address my question at all, but other questions entirely that they just made up because they were easier to answer.

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Jesus H. Tap Dancin' Christ I am sick to death of idiots spewing this same idiocy every time they decide they are unable or unwilling to play the game without "special" features being installed.


For the 100th time, no one said they needed it.


Learn to read.

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You folks should really look into some introductory logic or philosophy courses while you're all still in school.


I haven't rejected "others." I rejected their nonsensical answers which didn't address my question at all, but other questions entirely that they just made up because they were easier to answer.


Wow...just wow.


You rejected answers you don't like o further your own incorrect or misguided notion of what you think is correct.

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Probably because the entire point of being a good tank is managing aggro.


The game cant play for you.


The point being that you don't that your not making the game play for you, but it's a useful tool if for the sole purpose of AOE threat.


However, that being said, I don't necessarily think that threat needs to be visible for me personally, as I don't have issue past the occasional DPS who likes to pull. In the case that I find a DPS'er that get's a little trigger happy, I let them tank for me, and I DPS. They usually take the hint pretty quick that they either need to tone down when opening their damage, or they need to attack the mob that I'm attacking.

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And OP, you are coming off as an a** to folks who are just giving you their answer. You posed a question that nobody but BioWare can answer on the general forums where BioWare probably never posts. We don't know why threat is invisible. For now, it just is.

Reposting this since it was an edit and probably wasn't noticed.


There's my answer for that oh-so-elusive "why" question.

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