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Which to choose after Cybertech/Biochem?


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My main and first alt are Biochem and Cybertech, and I'm about to roll a new Operative.

So, what do I choose?


I'm going to be using orange gear for most of my inventory, so Armormech seems half useless. I understand they can craft some orange pieces (?) but I will probably just use the Light social set since it's fast and easy to obtain.


Armstech will only be useful for barrels.


So what's left?

Should I just take Biochem again or what?

Or maybe I should take three gathering skills (Scavenging, Bioanalysis, Slicing) for mats and cash?

Edited by TaintedSquirrel
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I found cybertech to be extremely useful during leveling, as i just got orange gear from FPs and replaced the mods myself. That being said, i immediately switched to biochem at 50 because all other proffesions are complete garbage. You can do what u want though, because credits are not a issue at end game, so pick what u want.
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I don't know that it matters all that much.


Right now, BioChem is hands-down the best at level 50. Everything else is just kind of ... there.


You won't have any problem building wealth even if you take zero crew skills, for example.


So, really, just pick what interests you. Maybe it will get a buff down the line, or maybe not. Cybertech doesn't have much going for it, to be honest, but it's no worse than the rest (that aren't BioChem).

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4 alts here - Took Artifice, Cyber, Biochem and Arms. Can make all the Armoring / Barrels I need, plus all item mods and sweet crystals for guns/sabers for characters and companions


Its all preference, but making money on all 4 currently...

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