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Who would play public games on call of duty months on end?


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seriously who? Who would simply play call of duty months on end just joining random public games and consider this great pvp?


Prolly not many because its BORING past maybe a few weeks of release!!!!


So since warzones is a total ripoff of the FPS style pvp then at least DO IT RIGHT BIOWARE!!!!!



Can we pick our maps

Q more then 4 people for a warzone

have private/guild wars matches with guild rankings



How hard is it to allow guilds to create an entire team Q together and fight another Q'ed guild for ranking on a guild ranking ladder?


Why must PVP on this game be equal to a stripped down version of public room warz on a FPS???

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PVP should never be about a grind!


It should be able winning and rep......


The modern MMO has turned PVP into a carrot on the stick grind where people only do it to obtain gear instead of doing it for fun....


Whats the point of PVP past battlemaster gear under the current system? Nothing because no one cares if they lose past not getting there daily fast anuff. And there is no ranking involved.


I want to clan/guild war!

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I still sub to Xbox live and I still play CoD from time to time and buy the new games. So Microsoft's plan was a success and they didn't have turn me into an e-crackaddict to get my money and interest. I liked unlocking stuff, to be sure, but I never felt like I needed to unlock anything just to kill someone 1v1 in that game. Edited by Abanoth
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They won't add pick your maps, because it will break their queue system and no one will queue this or that.


They won't do much of anything..


Their system design sucks, they programming team sucks... They didnt even polish the small amount of crap they put together, and their game mechanics and engine are flawed..


Sadly there is little hope of anything, which is why you hear NOTHINg, you don't see UI fixes or anything, why you see teasers out there of **** that was already being worked on, just never finished because its broken and you may or may not ever see it.



Until you see a development team say what they are doing, show you what is planned, discuss the state of the game, trust me aint nothing going on...


In short, there's no miracle patch and PvP is on the bottom of their list


Add to the fact, you see their "cliche" speeches of how the team is great at doing this, and why its slow at doing that... Is obviously a sign the game is showing a internal lack of care, so it probably has been abandoned by many employees already and they could be looking for patchers (employee fill ins) to this problem, but that just means your screwed for years to come, cuz no one can just walk in and fix things

Edited by Shrug
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seriously who? Who would simply play call of duty months on end just joining random public games and consider this great pvp?


Prolly not many because its BORING past maybe a few weeks of release!!!!


So since warzones is a total ripoff of the FPS style pvp then at least DO IT RIGHT BIOWARE!!!!!



Can we pick our maps

Q more then 4 people for a warzone

have private/guild wars matches with guild rankings



How hard is it to allow guilds to create an entire team Q together and fight another Q'ed guild for ranking on a guild ranking ladder?


Why must PVP on this game be equal to a stripped down version of public room warz on a FPS???


10 million copies of Battlefield 3 sold. 20+million of COD sold. ~2 million SWTOR sold.... Seems like peoples wallets disagree with you

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COD offers private matches and has a system in effect that allows clan wars. COD multpleplayer is perfect....


I'm simply pointing out that without clan wars even the best FPS games get old quickly. Most of the hardcore COD crowd are into clanwars and ladder sites like gamebattles ect.... They play it competitively.


TOR pvp system is designed to only allow public room style matches,

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whats the point of even being in a guild at this point in the game?


You can only make a group of 4 for warzones unless you make two groups of 4 and happen to get into the same warzone. Whats the point of even Q'ing up together when half the people you will play will just quit the game earlier and refuse to play you.


If they had a good private match setup people would want to have the best pre-made and it would make warzones fun.

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