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I felt something like that and re-rolled BH few days ago leaving battlemaster assassin behind.


Feels like easy mode now - heavy armor, more DPS, 30m range.


Subscription expires in 6 weeks (had to activate the game using time card - system rejected my credit card) - can't wait already. Since Ultima Online I've never seen that much stupidity involved into MMO development.

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wow ... really... they nerf hybrid's but dont fix the reason that people did the hybrid in the first place... crappy 31pt madness talent.


I mean come on, if you're gonna take our strong maul away, atleast make creeping terror worth a damn.

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wow ... really... they nerf hybrid's but dont fix the reason that people did the hybrid in the first place... crappy 31pt madness talent.


I mean come on, if you're gonna take our strong maul away, atleast make creeping terror worth a damn.


Protip: The elite talent in Madness is OP when you roll a Madness Sorc.

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nope, everyone knows you are a liar saying an assassin can 3-4 hit people. Try harder 0/10. You remind me of kids here who lie in desperate hope of nerfing Sorc/Sages.


I can honestly say that I've been killed in 4 hits by an Assassin in a WZ before. I don't have a complete set of champ gear (~6.4% expertise) and I am a healing sage. It doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen. I'm of the opinion that it takes a ridiculous amount of gear, trinkets/stims/procs and luck to pull off kills like that so I'm by no means calling for a nerf. Most of the time, one of my friends comes by and pulls one off of me or the person isn't really doing much of anything. Just because you haven't had such luck or gear doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

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WOW, Ive pretty much backed up bioware threw this hole mess of a mmo but now its getting ridiculous, They have said numerous times there making this game for us? Im tempted to belive that they want everyone to leave and quit so they can have all the servers for themselves...


First bugs- Horrible lag with gfx issues-ability delays-slicing?-broken flashpoints i backed them up fully threw this because hey the game was just hitting live


more bugs? ok so biochem is a little overpowered who cares big deal there is always a favorite among players and one is always more usefull then the others they will even it out eventualy


Nerfs- Ok u know operatives and scoundrels can put you on your face and if you dont have cc breaker up youll be dead before you can stand that was a bit op gj bioware you kinda nerfed them that may have been a good thing? oh wait no u reduced the dmg a bit but now im on my face twice as long so ok that did nothing now if i dont have my cc breaker up i still die on my face like before but it just takes .5 seconds longer-- no big deal they will even it out



Nerfs continued- shadows/assasians are killing are main toons and we want to nerf them so that we dont die as much-- ummm **** you BW.. You single handedly made me look like and idot for defending you forever this is the bottom line your making this game for nobody but yourselves and your wallets a god damn chimp could make a better game



PS- Rules of mmo- Making money is important if you want to make money make a good game that alot of people will buy,, IF YOU WANT TO KEEP MAKING MONEY KEEP THOSE ******* PEOPLE HAPPY.

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I think they're trying to prove they don't make decisions based on the forums.


CM: "Well, the Assassin community clearly feels Operatives are overpowered. Maybe you guys should take a look at them?"


Gabe: "Yes. That's... That's what they'd expect us to do. We will nerf them to the ground and then when we have the taste for NERFING we can continue on in a never ending cycle.... just like they do in RIFT?"


CM: "Um... who do we nerf after Op then?"


Gabe: "Well i play a Marauder. So something else to start with."


CM: "Um... Shadow/Assassins."

Gabe: "Brilliant! NERF them! To. The. Ground."


CM: "But... um... no one asked for nerfs for them."


Gabe: "True, but they where the vocal minority in calling for nerfs to other classes so this will be briliant... don't you see? The comunity will be on our side in this one!!! aren't i briliant?


CM: "Wait... are you drunk?"


Gabe: "No not drunk, im off my face. But i digress... it does seem fitting to nerf the nerf criers first doesn't it? Muhahahah"


Fixed it for you :)


Edit: the moral of the story is this:

When Ops needed a slight adjustment there where nerf cries from all quarters, in particular from the Sage/Inq camps, as a seasoned MMO player i and many others knew that once the nerf bat gets swung at one class then it isnt long before all calsses start to feel the pain.


Operatives where overnerfed, we all know that.

So now there are two choices:

A) Repeel some of the Operative nerf so they are on a par with other classes and boost their sustained DPS.

B) Nerf other classes gradualy to the level of the first nerfed class then rinse and repeat.


The Devs have gone for option B, expect to see nerfs to every class with every patch from now untill the game dies.

Edited by triangulate
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I can honestly say that I've been killed in 4 hits by an Assassin in a WZ before. I don't have a complete set of champ gear (~6.4% expertise) and I am a healing sage. It doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen. I'm of the opinion that it takes a ridiculous amount of gear, trinkets/stims/procs and luck to pull off kills like that so I'm by no means calling for a nerf. Most of the time, one of my friends comes by and pulls one off of me or the person isn't really doing much of anything. Just because you haven't had such luck or gear doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


I can honestly say that I could 4 hit you. You have half the expertise of a full BM player and you are the squishiest class. It would definitely take my recklessness and trinket anyway though. If I didn't get lucky and crit all my white hits it would definitely need an assassinate as well. Just so we are clear, 2-3 shots is quite far away from 5 shots


2-3 shot = omg what happened to my healer!

5 shots = lol look at that guy, time to kite/cc/grip/taunt/guard

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allrighty, shall we move on to BH/trooper then?


we all know sorc/sages would be the last to get nerfed since they are what? 70% of the playerbase?


what exactly did you people think was going to happend after the Ops/Smuggler nerf?

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allrighty, shall we move on to BH/trooper then?


Unfortunately, now that the "Nerf" ball has started rolling there will be no stopping it.


we all know sorc/sages would be the last to get nerfed since they are what? 70% of the playerbase?


This is true, but they WILL be nerfed eventualy.. and then we go into round 2 of nerfs, and then round 3. This is what happens when forumm QQ reaches fever pitch about a single class and the nerf hammer is swung far too hard


what exactly did you people think was going to happend after the Ops/Smuggler nerf?


Exactly right, but people dont think. If they did then they would have called for nerfs to Biochem first and worked from there instead of sensationalising what was being done by the well geared 10% of the Op community.

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Unfortunately, now that the "Nerf" ball has started rolling there will be no stopping it.




This is true, but they WILL be nerfed eventualy.. and then we go into round 2 of nerfs, and then round 3. This is what happens when forumm QQ reaches fever pitch about a single class and the nerf hammer is swung far too hard




Exactly right, but people dont think. If they did then they would have called for nerfs to Biochem first and worked from there instead of sensationalising what was being done by the well geared 10% of the Op community.


Like i said in another thread,cats out of the bag,people should of held off and gave the 50's bracket some time,but no they complained endlessly and posted vids of non equipped players being beaten down by equipped operatives and old vids with consumeable stacking,but they didnt care and just kept attacking and complaining and outrageous claims,they thought that it would just be us smuggs would get hit then happy days WRONG.

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Only recently BW released a bull-sh*t video from a dev saying that they listen to us, and now they release these nerfs to Assassin/Shadow!?!?!?




You all got dyslexia? Mixed up Sorcs/Sages with Assassins/Shjadows?



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Rly? Wow, You just stated in the blog that all devs play this game! Well what do you play Sorc/mercs/sage/mando? Been getting harrassed in pvp so decide to swing the bat our way!

Thats our role shadow tanks are suppose to be all over the healers/ranged dpsers, its up to the group to support you( the healer or dps) Take that away and we have no role, expcept to be cannon fodder!!

Bravo BW. :/

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Personally I don't play an Assassin so I can't speak to the changes, but I find it interesting that out of every class, Sorcerer / Sage is complained about more than anything else, and it's basically the only class that didn't recieve any changes.


I wonder if that might cause a small flashlight to go on that baseless complaints are completely ignored regardless of their numbers?


E.g. is you think static barrier is overpowered, then you're way undergeared (which is being addressed elsewhere), it goes down in 1 (decent hitting skill) crit or 2 hits from the people i play with including myself, yet there are pages on it.

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