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Logitech G13 v Razer Nostromo for SWTOR


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Hey guys,


I am choosing between these two devices for playing SWTOR (I don't play any other game atm). How is your experiences with this devices in SWTOR? What Would you recommend? From my research Razer is winning so far. I read that Logitech has bad support with drivers. (I have mouse Logitech G700 and drivers are terrible.)

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Have the G13 and no complaints whatsoever. 'Course, I also just recently got it before x-mas, and have practically only used it so far on TOR. (did a bit with Witcher 2 pre x-mas)


(well, would be sorta nice if I could hook the joystick up to the game as an analog joystick to control character movement instead of analog, but I can't. I'd suspect that's more an issue that the game isn't expecting anything other than arrow/wasd for movement.)

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Had my G13 for years, the thumbstick is starting to give me issues now, but it's still serviceable. It takes a bit of getting used to (at least it did for me) and caused me to take breaks more frequently until I became accustomed to it. Coupled with my Naga, the only thing I use a keyboard for is chat.


I never actually owned a Nostromo, but from what I gathered of it while looking at the display Best Buy had set up, it felt more comfortable than the G13. The thumbstick was more like a D-Pad underneath so it didn't have as long of a throw as the G13s. It did have fewer buttons though.


Edit : I haven't had any issues with the 7.0 series of the Logitech Gaming Software. Once they dropped the 8.0 it borked my G930 headset. I ended up having to roll back. Not sure if anything else has gone on with the 8.0s but Logitech still hadn't fixed it last I checked. Coupled with several devices I've purchased recently all dying just after the warranty ran out, I'm not eager to buy more logitech stuff yet.

Edited by Merrinset
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I have been using n52te for about 2 years now and i used it in 1-30 in swtor, recently i bought the g13 bcs one of my keys stopped responding on nostromo. And i must say i am loving the change , it is only worth the value if you can imagine yourself using an analog stick to move , which opens around 25 keys for binding . It was quite hard getting used to the new controller , but i am getting better and 2 days after i bought it i can pvp again without any major mixup with the keys . So a little patience goes a long way , i vote g13
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I've used both, and prefer the G13 purely because it has more buttons. I programmed mine so that the "home" row (that my fingers normally rest on) buttons are 1,2,3,4,etc, corresponding to the main quickslot bar. The row above that I set to cntl-1, cntl-2, etc, and so on.


So, in SWTOR I just bound the quickslot keys, and all I have to do is put the right ability in the right quickslot spot and I'm all set.

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I am also looking at buying one of those, so it would be welcome for any feedback. Currently playing on a laptop, and i since its kinda think my arm cant rest comfortably on the keyboard - it would be either a keyboard or a one ot these gadgets.

I was wondering can you bind camera movement ot the d-pad?

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I am also looking at buying one of those, so it would be welcome for any feedback. Currently playing on a laptop, and i since its kinda think my arm cant rest comfortably on the keyboard - it would be either a keyboard or a one ot these gadgets.

I was wondering can you bind camera movement ot the d-pad?



You really need to get your hands on both before you buy, just because one may feel right and the other may not (or both may be horrible for you and another option better).


Personally I think that's more important than the features or drivers, because if it doesn't fit your hand properly it's just going to be uncomfortable.

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You really need to get your hands on both before you buy, just because one may feel right and the other may not (or both may be horrible for you and another option better).


Personally I think that's more important than the features or drivers, because if it doesn't fit your hand properly it's just going to be uncomfortable.


^ This advice is good.


Having 12 more buttons is worthless if your hand position means that you can't reliably or comfortably find/press them.


For me the G13's flat layout and size made it extremely awkward, whereas the (imho poorly built) cyborg pcgu was brilliant - but ymmv.

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I like both but the G13 has issues right now.


Something is making the G13 continuously execute a command until you press that command again.


It happens a lot with my movement keys while activating a skill. I won't stop moving the direction I was last going until I tap that same direction to stop my character from moving. It is very annoying as a melee character.


I do not have that issue with the Nostro. Nostro may have less buttons but honestly I don't use all the buttons on my G13.

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So I got a razer naga and been using it for a week now. It's a really good mouse, but i am not very impressed by it. I was impressed at how small it is. Before I was using a razer imperator and by far it is one of the most comfortable mouses I've ever used (if not *the* most comfortable). The naga is pretty small - and I don't have large hands - it's comfortable, but I do feel tension when playing for long periods of time. Pressing keys 6, 8 ,9 , 0, - and = is especially hard - I can't keep the mouse stable and press them without quirking my hand in some unnatural positions. The rest of the keys are really enjoyable to use though. If you are upgrading from a bad mouse - go for it. Otherwise, if you have a good one you my stick to it. Or get naga hex - seems more reasonable to use :)
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i have both. I have used the Nostromo n52 for more years than i can remember (i think i started using it at Lineage 2 release) Now I use the G13.


I have large hands, so the n52te fits my hands better with less keys and i was hesitant to switch, however...i was finiding i wanted the extra keys when i was playing Warhammer online.


After some time getting used to the G13, the smaller key size no longer becomes an issue. The thumb stick is much much better on the G13, so now i have the thumb stick programed to WASD plus strafe, freeing up more keys on the actual keypad for the key binds.


Since i have done this new set up , i won't look back to the n52e.


If you have no desire to use the thumb stick for movement, then I'd really say they are a toss up...but once you get used to moving with the thumb, I'd never go back :)

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I have a G13 and a G15 keyboard, and i use both on windows vista x64. My G13 performs flawlessly in all the games i play (LOTRO, DDO, WAR, BF3, MW3). I do need to say that in my MMO's i use its ability to replicate right mouse button down to give me mouselook without having to hold down the button. In SWTOR this would not work exactly right. I do use the latest Logitech gaming software, and what winds up happening is that I have to hit the mouselook button twice to get it to work. Not a deal breaker. I also used to use and still own several N52's, and they are excellent game pads as well. However G13 wins hands down due to having more keys. I also have my profiles set for a push to talk button for Vent. Except for the mouselook issue, I have had no problems with my G13 in SWTOR.


I own many Logitech products and they are my gaming devices of choice. I also own the Razer Naga, and the buttons are very small and close together as the other poster noted. They do have an updated version of the Naga, that has larger buttons (though I think there are fewer of them (6), and they are arranged in a circle, it's called the Naga Hex).


Happy Gaming!

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I have been using a Nostromo since Rift's launch last year & have no issues with it. Just before Christmas I bought a G13, figured I should get used to it before SW:TOR launched, but the games I played (WoW, Guild Wars, etc) started graphically ripping, making them unplayable.


I put the Nostromo back & deactivated the Logitech software & can play with no problems ... so I have continued using my Nostromo & let the G13 gather dust ... I read several gaming forums & it seems Logitech Software is pretty dire & causes many people problems, yet I rarely hear any issues with Razor's software ... although I would much prefer to use the G13, I like the design better & the Joystick over the Nostromo's D-Pad.


Additionally the Nostromo only comes with Blue Backlight & the G13 can have any number of colours ... so I am disappointed with the Logitech G13 due to software - whereas not had any issues with Razor's ... I use the Naga (Molten Special Edition) & even after 5 months I still have problems with the buttons ...

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I've been using a G13 for a couple of years in WoW and made the transition with it to SWTOR with no issues. All I had to do was rebind a couple of my keys to my in-game preferences and I was good to go.


My main suggestion to you is to consider more the feel of the two. They're very different sizes and have different feel under your hands. While the G13 is larger overall, it felt more natural under my hand than the Nostromo did, and while my hands are largeish for a girl, they're on the small end of average when compared to most of the guys I know. The Nostromos seem to have a more pronounced arch to them as well, while the G13 lays a bit lower, allowing your hand to lay more flat over it.


I was fortunate to have a Fry's nearby that had them on display so I could "try" them out before I decided which to buy.

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