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Getting sick of these 2AM system shutdowns.


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when i played swg before all the changes the servers whent down every day at 2am my time, for the longest time, then they went to once a week, gota take'em down for patches sometimes, camplain if they do complain if they don't is a no win for the dev's /sigh
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I think I have a possible resolution that would satisify the SWTOR community.


I checked time zones and the absolute best time is in fact 4am CST to take the servers down.


4 AM CST = 11AM in Frankfurt, Germany. A 4 hour downtime would bring the servers back up here at 8 AM and there 3 PM as the kids are getting off from school.



Again a logical downtime would resolve this issue!

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I think I have a possible resolution that would satisify the SWTOR community.


I checked time zones and the absolute best time is in fact 4am CST to take the servers down.


4 AM CST = 11AM in Frankfurt, Germany. A 4 hour downtime would bring the servers back up here at 8 AM and there 3 PM as the kids are getting off from school.



Again a logical downtime would resolve this issue!


ah the problem is then else where in the world people would be complaining. it an unwinnable situation. they just have to pick the best of a crappy choice and go with it . and hope that it all goes smooth.

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In the interest of fairness, how about BW takes the game down during YOUR peak hours (ie. when you get home and unwind)


You want me to live my life during this time? Dude, Im getting home from work at 12:30am..what is there to do besides go to a bar?

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People complain about everything with this game o.O


Glitches, bugs, patches, textures, content.. Let's talk about politics -_-




I dont complain....for the most part I've enjoyed this game a lot! Hell, I've put in over 8 hours of gameplay on my toon...that is unheard of for me...


I do however get angry that I (and anyone else who works an afternoon shift) gets the shaft on a continuous basis.

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I think I have a possible resolution that would satisify the SWTOR community.


I checked time zones and the absolute best time is in fact 4am CST to take the servers down.


4 AM CST = 11AM in Frankfurt, Germany. A 4 hour downtime would bring the servers back up here at 8 AM and there 3 PM as the kids are getting off from school.



Again a logical downtime would resolve this issue!


What about people working with the OP's time schedule? Then you're confining the EU to pure prime time and if you look further round the world in Moscow they'd be getting back up at 6pm! There would have been a huge amount of thought that went into these downtimes

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I dont complain....for the most part I've enjoyed this game a lot! Hell, I've put in over 8 hours of gameplay on my toon...that is unheard of for me...


I do however get angry that I (and anyone else who works an afternoon shift) gets the shaft on a continuous basis.


guaranteed the vast majority of players this is not peak time


for people like you or that live where i do its a pain.

how ever to quote the other Star franchise the needs of the many out weight the needs of the few :p

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What about people working with the OP's time schedule? Then you're confining the EU to pure prime time and if you look further round the world in Moscow they'd be getting back up at 6pm! There would have been a huge amount of thought that went into these downtimes


I dunno, they brought it down on a Saturday during EU prime hours.


Some one there isn't quite thinking straight.

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Heh, how do you think we feel in Australia? The usual 2am CST - 8am CST is 7pm to 1am here. :(


Edit: I can't complain though as they've already said that it isn't officially released here and that if you connect from outside the official release region they can't guarantee ideal conditions.


I would have thought 2am to be pretty reasonable though. The vast majority of people would be in bed asleep at that stage.

Edited by Palathas
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I dunno, they brought it down on a Saturday during EU prime hours.


Some one there isn't quite thinking straight.


Do you think that was done out of necessity or convenience? I would side with necessity and you'd be foolish to think otherwise.

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I'm European.


Get over it, people.


It's 2 AM. If you really NEED to play the game at 2 AM, you have bigger problems then maintenance. Sorry, but it's true.


What are my issues? My job requires me to work until midnight. Lets say you work until 5pm, and they did maintenance at 7pm....does that give me the right to tell you how to live your life?

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What are my issues? My job requires me to work until midnight. Lets say you work until 5pm, and they did maintenance at 7pm....does that give me the right to tell you how to live your life?


You're in the minority? Do you complain that you can't do your shopping after work? Grow up and learn that sometimes you can't have things when you want them

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Isnt there that syaing about it being Happy Hour somewhere?


In that same vein, its prime time somewhere, to someone, no matter what. You cannot take into account every single person's schedule, otherwise you'd NEVER have mait. You need to use averages when dealing with large populations, not individuals.


The best thing to do is to somehow seperate EU so they can have their own mait time. Night shift people on both continents will need to deal with it, because they are even more of a minority. It sucks, I know, but to split each continent even further into day / night shift would be exponentially hard, considering servers are not designated Day / Night. Only NA / EU

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Alright, let me take a breath here...


I live in Europe. I have a ****ed up schedule, so I have classes in the afternoon and work at night. This places me where I have freetime during the maintenance for Europe.


I don't give a flying **** either way. Why? Because I'm *********** special, that's why. I have a retarded schedule, so I get smacked around by maintenance. I'm not going to complain about it, because Bioware has the facts, and has said that they perform maintenance when the smallest amount of players are online, across all servers.


Hell, it's a minor amount of maintenance, compared to ANY game. Even Rift, which had a smooth launch with less bugs than any other MMO, ever, had more patches and downtime around launch (several months after, actually) than TOR does in the first two months.


Now, let's look at time:


Maintenance starts at 12-2 and ends at 6-8, for Americans. That's a disaster scenario, because downtime is NEVER 6 hours. For Europe, it starts at 6-7, and ends at 12-1, another disaster scenario.


Most people sleep from 11/12-6/7, and most people go to work from 7/8-5/6. So, statistically speaking, there will be relatively few people playing during maintenance times.


Of course, there are exceptions like me, but they aren't going to change maintenance for a few folks with ****ed schedules. That's like blowing up a building to save a doghouse. They will ALWAYS cater to the massive majority of players. And the massive majority of players don't play during maintenance times.


Furthermore, I'd ask you to suggest a better time than what they already have. One that wouldn't **** Europe or NA, assuming that they both have the same servers, but still different timezones.


Now, you can see that Bioware chose the best times. Even for people like me. Because, in the end, if the majority can't play, the majority might not pay. And if the majority doesn't pay, the minority doesn't play.

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What are my issues? My job requires me to work until midnight. Lets say you work until 5pm, and they did maintenance at 7pm....does that give me the right to tell you how to live your life?


your issues is that you are crying about something that will hopefully make the game better off for everyone. if i gotta not play for a couple hours REGARDLESS of time then so be it.

seriously there are a whole lot worse things in the world to worry about than not playing a game for 2 hours. just put some perspective in before blowing your lid, it really helps with blood pressure trust me

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Isnt there that syaing about it being Happy Hour somewhere?


In that same vein, its prime time somewhere, to someone, no matter what. You cannot take into account every single person's schedule, otherwise you'd NEVER have mait. You need to use averages when dealing with large populations, not individuals.


The best thing to do is to somehow seperate EU so they can have their own mait time. Night shift people on both continents will need to deal with it, because they are even more of a minority. It sucks, I know, but to split each continent even further into day / night shift would be exponentially hard, considering servers are not designated Day / Night. Only NA / EU


On my realm, the servers go down during the entire realm primetime.


Which realm do I play on, you ask? Oh, just THE BIGGEST REALM BY A LONG SHOT CALLED THE SWIFTSURE.

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Well given that it didn't actually fix what it was supposed to fix....


How does the efficiency of the patch have anything to do with the convenience of the time they took it down? Or are we going to start a conspiracy that they actually took it down so they could download 10 years worth of **** via their servers?

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because Bioware has the facts, and has said that they perform maintenance when the smallest amount of players are online, across all servers.


That's laughable. Blizzard, however, has had over 7 years to find out when the smallest amount of players are online, and from what I've seen, Blizzard gets it perfectly right. Bioware doesn't even close.


Blizzard, btw, does maintenance 3 hours later than Bioware.

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On my realm, the servers go down during the entire realm primetime.


Which realm do I play on, you ask? Oh, just THE BIGGEST REALM BY A LONG SHOT CALLED THE SWIFTSURE.


Ouchies, you an Aussie then? Hopefully when they release oceanic servers they'll fiogure a way to get all ya'll over without payment.

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Good lord....


This is horrible!

I'm not sure this game will survive a year with this track record.

sigh...I had such high hopes given 4 to 5 years of development.


Oh well Guild Wars 2 hurry up already.


I'm not even kidding this game is down 1 out of 2 days now. Its pathetic...shame on you Bioware.

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I dont complain....for the most part I've enjoyed this game a lot! Hell, I've put in over 8 hours of gameplay on my toon...that is unheard of for me...


I do however get angry that I (and anyone else who works an afternoon shift) gets the shaft on a continuous basis.

I haven't not worked an afternoon shift in about 6 years. Yup, I get shafted on downtime. Got shafted by downtime on Rift, and WoW, and Age of Conan, and even Guild Wars, too. It sucks, but you just have to take five seconds and think about other people and the fact that, hey, you're playing in off peak hours. Maintenance and patches need to be pushed through, and they are going to have to happen some time. It's better they inconvenience, you, me, and the however many other people are playing at 2 am than to inconvenience ten to twenty times that number by shutting it down at basically any other time.


Also, they're usually scheduled for 6-8 hours, so moving them back two hours to 4 would mean they'd last until 10 to noon, which have a lot more people on than 2 to 8 or 10.


Welcome to MMOs!


You'll get used to it! Or you'll get fed up and never play another MMO for over a couple of months again. One or the other.

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