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Getting sick of these 2AM system shutdowns.


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So, how do you suggest they handle the fact that we're all running the same client, and it needs to be updated too, Mr. Caps?


Pink_Saber, I think WE (yes, the two of us) have been over this before:


1 client = only relevant when patching comes into play!


To quote from the maintenance schedule posts (yes, plural, I think this was in one form or the other in every maintenance schedule posting):


For our new players, this weekly maintenance is done in order to make general improvements and to check performance of the game so that we can continue to provide a consistent, quality experience. Quite often (but not always) after a maintenance period there will be a patch to download. After the maintenance, please login via the launcher to download the latest patch. If your launcher was open during the maintenance, you must close and reopen it for a fresh login.


Let me guess, you don't consider yourself a 'new' player, so you didn't read it?


Well, as you can see BW clearly states that potentially there will not always be a patch in connection with weekly maintenance.


Which, if you think about it, means nothing other than (weekly) maintenance can be done without patching.


And as we have experienced over the last couple of weeks patching can be done outside the weekly maintenance.


This leads to very simple math: Do weekly maintenance whenever best suited for served region + Do patching at globally best served time (least impact on payers) + Try to keep patching short = happy players


And guess what: all using 1 global client :eek:

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So, how do you suggest they handle the fact that we're all running the same client, and it needs to be updated too, Mr. Caps?


It's Simple.

SOE has a system which allows people to access EU and US servers with a single account (i mean 1 cd-key gives access to any server). EQ2 has separate maintenance for US and EU (Splitpaw - EU english server). They apply minor patches at a different days.

FYI - ALL swtor patches so far are minor compared to EQ2's GUs and should be applied at different time in EU and US.

A single GU is like ALL swtor patches combined and some of them even more. GUs are the only patches which require global downtime - happens once in a 2-6 months.


So, how EQ2 player can access US server and EU server on a single client?

You choose region in a launcher. Then launcher downloads update to syncronise server version and client version. See, it's simple. And it was like that since launch of EQ2.


BW can't even copy something useful from competitors.

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More patches is good for US! Dont complain they fix ****, when games like bf3 get made worse with every patch, at least we getting kept upto date, fixes, content ect. All MMO's have this **** at the start, thank god this lot keep us informed!
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It may feel overwhelming for now but things will smooth out once the game is stable. Tues night is the usual maintenance window.


That's once a week, I think we can handle that....


But I'm also really pissed off at Bioware for not figuring out a maintenance time that's outside of the 24 hour day......

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I'd really appreciate it if they would change the time, or keep it to one day a week. This whole being down at pretty much the moment I get off of work thing several times a week THING is a bit vexing.


I can whine about that all I want. The game is fun, but this is ridiculous. 7/10 times I log in it's the same message about having to patch something during the exact time I play. Good times.

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I agree the shut down time is ********. I play with my husband at that time. It wouldn't be that big of a deal if it was only once a week but lately it has been multiple times a week. People are paying to play regardless of when they play or who is actually being effected by the down time EA should be adding game time to everyone's account like World of Warcraft does.
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I agree the shut down time is ********. I play with my husband at that time. It wouldn't be that big of a deal if it was only once a week but lately it has been multiple times a week. People are paying to play regardless of when they play or who is actually being effected by the down time EA should be adding game time to everyone's account like World of Warcraft does.


I agree. Anything outside the "normal" maintenance anyway.

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Would you enjoy having the game go gown every Tuesday and Thursday from 6pm-10pm?


i dont enjoy it. i am working night shift so yeah its been annoying but i also understand that its necessary. when it comes down to it though its for the better. Theres a bigger picture here your not considering.

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EA should be adding game time to everyone's account like World of Warcraft does.


Blizz only does this when the servers go down for extended periods or abnormally long maintenance, and then only rarely.


Too many MMO virgins who've only played WoW crying about downtime of late. This is normal for a new release, especially by a publisher just entering the field.

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I work until 12am CST, and like to play at night before it shuts down. Why arent these updates done at 4am-6am? Dont give me that crap that it interrupts with the Europeans...make them their own servers then. This is BS and it needs to be addressed!


You know, this is perfect argument why EU should have their own maintenance, as they could take US servers down around 4-5 AM easily, which is not possible now :p

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Would you enjoy having the game go gown every Tuesday and Thursday from 6pm-10pm?


for us, it is 16:00-20:00,

we are cool with that only if BW fix our problems,

otherwise, EA should return our money each time when swtor is out of service.

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Waaaahhhh OMG the game has buuuugs fix it!!!


OMGGGGGG! You took my gaaaame down to fiiix it!!! Waaahhhh!!


That's all I hear you crybabies saying! :mad:




It's rarely the same people crying for both. If someone is experiencing game breaking issues they would welcome the downtime as they can't play anyway.


Try thinking things through before you post ignorant immature rants that just make you look silly.


The people who are complaining about the constant downtimes are the majority who is not affected by the bugs.


None of the issues they have "fixed" have ever been a problem for me, yet my game is unplayable 4-8 hours every few days right in the center of my game time.

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You know, this is perfect argument why EU should have their own maintenance, as they could take US servers down around 4-5 AM easily, which is not possible now :p




Besides making the times better for a lot more people if they did the Eu server shut down at separate time... it would give us the option to make an alt on a server that is up during our normal maintenance.


I did that with swg. Because of my work schedule I was sometimes still wide awake at 4am when they shut down so I made an alt on a euro server.


I'd do that here if the had different server shut downs.

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I had a similar post that was closed in favor of this one so I just wanted to offer my support here. As someone whose only time to play is around 10pm-1am PST, it's really annoying that the game's constantly being patched during that period. Most MMOs patch around 2am PST to give late night players a chance to play the game. By starting the constant patches at midnight, you've really cut into what little time I've already paid to play the game. Cam you please schedule the patching to start later in the night? It would be appreciated by many people on the West Coast.


For those people in Europe and even those that live on the East Coast probably don't mind the current patching schedule which is understandable. As someone who lives on the West Coast I can only speak from my experience and for me, it seems like the patches are interrupting my only available playtime very frequently. Even if you aren't affected by the patches, you should still be able to understand the frustration of players that can't play the game they are paying monthly for because of an arbitrary time chosen to do patching. I would love it if they split up Europe and the US server patches, since that would give the Bioware team more flexibility in choosing their patch times.

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For those people in Europe and even those that live on the East Coast probably don't mind the current patching schedule which is understandable. As someone who lives on the West Coast I can only speak from my experience and for me, it seems like the patches are interrupting my only available playtime very frequently.


It's beyond horrible for Europe. 10 am to 2pm for my time zone, twice a week, sometimes on weekend. So if you happent to have day off or otherwise "unusual" hours, restarts will most definetly annoy you.


Why on earth do they have all those servers on "different" timezones if they can't even restart them at different times?

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stuff I am not interested in...


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Defenses against thread: Dragons. Aganothree (HNo3).


Planetary Leadership: Robinson, Master Harper of Pern. Dragon Rider's Lessa (Golden Ramoth's Rider), F'lar (Bronze Mmemeth's rider).


Book Series: The Dragon Riders of Pern

Author: Anne McCaffrey


Just saying.



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