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Everything posted by Baedun

  1. Waaaahhhh OMG the game has buuuugs fix it!!! OMGGGGGG! You took my gaaaame down to fiiix it!!! Waaahhhh!! That's all I hear you crybabies saying!
  2. I hear Khem Val hates Sabacc.
  3. No, I am! Oh wait, no I'm not! Or am I......
  4. I predict that I will NOT play Tera OR Guild Wars 2 and will be playing SW:TOR for a loooong time to come!
  5. I was just telling a friend of mine how I thought exiting the ship was odd. I just pretend that's the door to my lounge and that I'm enjoying a cocktail or two while the computer lands my ship.
  6. I do NOT have a "Masters in IT" but I CAN understand plain English! He said they do not use anything like that - /tinfoilhat
  7. Planetside. Hopefully Planetside 2 as well...it's important for an MMO to be able to handle large scale PvP (for those who enjoy it of course).
  8. I'd say more credits and less XP *in general* is a good thing (but yeah it's crazy in space!!).
  9. No we should NOT be able to switch Advanced classes. If you wanna play a tank then roll a tank, if ya wanna be a healer then roll a healer. What's the problem? Why do people keep asking for this?
  10. Yes I will. I have absolutely no interest in GW2, Secret World does look interesting but still cannot trust the devs....
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