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Getting sick of these 2AM system shutdowns.


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hmm, trolling huh? Perhaps I was too harsh in my description of your post since it was simply your "two cents" as you put it?


Let's review.


You came into a thread initiated by a predominantly supported by customers who are communicating their dissatisfaction with an aspect of a product they've paid for and argued that they all have unreasonable expectations. Isn't that an act of a troll?


As for "panties in a twist" (not a troll statement at all), it has in fact had a lot of effect on companies and how they perform. There are many examples outside of this business model that we could look at but if we want to be fair and discuss our vast MMO experiences, let's talk about EvE Online this summer and how thousands of gamers getting their panties in a twist effectively changed the direction of the company.


No one here is asking to eliminate server maintenance which would be silly and unreasonable. They're asking for a more appropriate time.


So I ask what your post in this thread adds aside from trolling?


Well put +1

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Its not all that bad guys. i live in Australia where this game is not even due out untill some time next month. if we're lucky. im just glad i got an import to play. and when these updates do get released its around 6pm here. which means no game time at all for that day. so cheer up it could always be worse.
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I would like to give a huge LOL at all you Americans who are now crying over ther servers going down. you had no respect or sympathy when it happend to the Europeans on Saturday, so yet again....




Ok I had sided with your plight on how the patch times impact EU/AU people in a few posts already and even mentioned how we'd cry if the situation was reversed. All that's out the window now thanks to your assumption of all of us American. Enjoy your Karma with a side a Kleenex! :p

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You US guys have nothing to cry about, downtimes are all planned ackording to your "normal" sleep hours! ;o


And anyway, yes, there is a lot of maintenance, but the game is just a baby yet. Give em some time to get their **** together!


No it's not. Only the east coast and part of the central states are sleeping now. Part of the Central states and most if not all of the Mountain zones and pacific are still up. You can see the evidence by looking at server populations during these times.


4am CST server downtimes are the most logical times to bring servers down. Evidence supports this by looking at the server list and noticing that 90-95% of North American servers are light populations at 4am. At 2am CST they are approximately 70% standard to very heavy.


For Europe, the downtime at 4am CST should also alleviate your downtimes. 4am in Frankfort Germany is 11am. A standard 4 hour downtime would mean the servers would be back up at 3pm Euro and 8am North America. 3pm on Tuesday is the approximate time most kids are getting out of school. Working adults are still about 2 hrs away from going home.

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Its not all that bad guys. i live in Australia where this game is not even due out untill some time next month. if we're lucky. im just glad i got an import to play. and when these updates do get released its around 6pm here. which means no game time at all for that day. so cheer up it could always be worse.


They will never cheer up because they feel that they have more of a right to play then everyone else that lives in different time zone. The downtimes they use are based off an average server load, which means just because your server might be a bit busy, doesn't mean the other 85% of them are.

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They will never cheer up because they feel that they have more of a right to play then everyone else that lives in different time zone. The downtimes they use are based off an average server load, which means just because your server might be a bit busy, doesn't mean the other 85% of them are.


At 2am cst approximately 70% of the servers are still standard or very heavy.


At 2am PST or 4am CST the servers are 90% light.


If you don't believe me check the server lists during these times. There is no logic to having 2am CST down times. And I wouldn't care if they brought them down every night if they only move the time up a simple 2 hours.

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Its not all that bad guys. i live in Australia where this game is not even due out untill some time next month. if we're lucky. im just glad i got an import to play. and when these updates do get released its around 6pm here. which means no game time at all for that day. so cheer up it could always be worse.

A guy gets run over by a car.


The doctor says: "You lost your legs, one arm and you will suffer horrible pain forever"


Someone says from next bed: "It could be worse. You could have died. I wasnt there but i am guessing if i were i would be dead!"


Point: When its released in AU you can complain about the company not been fair with service and maintenance schedule and cancel your account too mate.

People here are not happy with the service BW is giving us.

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Perhaps if people actually tested like they were supposed to and not just rush to see how to level the quickest, it might have been a better launch. Just saying.


An interesting observation...however it fails on two accounts. George Z even said himself in an interview with a magazine that beta testers were there to stress test and that was it. He went on in detail to state (summarization) that they already knew of the bugs we were reporting in thier closed next build alpha stage. Thus they knew of the Taris memory leak..they knew of the various class quests that were bugged...the knew of the companion ky issue. Yet we continued to report. Unless you were there testing, which idk if you were, then you have no idea what happened or what was going on. Besides they did character wipes every build (2-4 weeks) so only in a few build did people actually reach a level higher than 30.


So if you weren't in beta..then your just assuming w/o correct information. I don't need to tell you what you make yourself out to be when you assume. Lol.

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Let's just hope they can get it done quickly like they did last time. It was only down for about 4 hours...


Heck, they're saying this should only last 2 hours...


It would be awesome if they've figured out how to streamline the entire process. If not, keep working at it, BW!

Edited by Kubernetic
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The server downtimes should be planned around the time zones in which the servers are located/designated for. People who imported the game will just need to adjust to a time zone for another country when it comes to downtime. Also given that Bioware is new to all this, I'm sure once the major issues are worked out they will normalize the downtime. Until then be glad they are addressing the issues. ;)
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Freezing? What the hell? Are they nerfing graphics next so people with 8 year old systems can play at 30FPS? Those guys need to stick to Xbox and leave the heavy hitters to the big boys!



Lol heavy hitters trying reading the posts and get a clue u this 5 year old engine runs like crap on state of the art gaming rigs and theres no consistancy on nearly identical systems one will run brilliant the other like crap.

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Find something else to do for a night. They're trying to improve the game as it currently has some really horrible bugs. I'm having to sit there mashing ability buttons over and over to get crucial abilities to work. I can't even pull as a tank in a flashpoint without these abilities-- that's borderline gamebreaking when someone dies due to a bug. It warrants drastic action.


You all knew that playing a newly released MMO would have bugs. Now you're complaining when they fix those bugs.


BTW it took my limited playing time away from me today on my day off. Tough, it's necessary. Go find a book to read.

Edited by kristoffbrujah
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I work until 12am CST, and like to play at night before it shuts down. Why arent these updates done at 4am-6am? Dont give me that crap that it interrupts with the Europeans...make them their own servers then. This is BS and it needs to be addressed!


So BW should arrange there downtime around you lol. Because everyone works the night shift lol.


So stupid.

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Find something else to do for a night. They're trying to improve the game as it currently has some really horrible bugs. I'm having to sit there mashing ability buttons over and over to get crucial abilities to work. I can't even pull as a tank in a flashpoint without these abilities-- that's borderline gamebreaking when someone dies due to a bug. It warrants drastic action.


You all knew that playing a newly released MMO would have bugs. Now you're complaining when they fix those bugs.


BTW it took my limited playing time away from me today on my day off. Tough, it's necessary. Go find a book to read.



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I work until 12am CST, and like to play at night before it shuts down. Why arent these updates done at 4am-6am? Dont give me that crap that it interrupts with the Europeans...make them their own servers then. This is BS and it needs to be addressed!


Welcome to being part of what is by BW considered a minority.


As you Americans always love to say when us Europeans bring up the issue of SWTOR's weekly maintenance schedule not being ideal for us: 'Suck it up!'


Or ask BW if they could make a server just for you :p


But seriously: This has been brought up so many times now in one shape or the other... and BW is according to Stephen Reid looking into solutions...


which may in the end mean that you may have to play on an European server as I'm sure that BW does consider 8 hrs of maintenance starting at 2am CST to have the least impact on NA gamers i.e. is ideal for taking down servers.

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I work until 12am CST, and like to play at night before it shuts down. Why arent these updates done at 4am-6am? Dont give me that crap that it interrupts with the Europeans...make them their own servers then. This is BS and it needs to be addressed!


Blizzard shut their servers down every Tuesday at 3am PST. How did you deal with that? And don't tell me you weren't playing WoW...

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