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Getting sick of these 2AM system shutdowns.


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Cool, let me know when you have a million people playing your game. we will see if you can incorporate a patch with thousands playing at a time.


Ok this made me laugh. What the hell does patching a server running software with many clients logged into the server make it harder when more clients are logged into it?

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Well Server down times need to be shuffled

one series done Tu 12am then the next week Thur 12 pm


And just because some of you are fine with downtime, its because you have too much time to play, or it's on a day you work, you're asleep etc. Just because it works for you, doesn't mean it does for others... so they can implement DT shuffle and if you don't like it, you can "deal with it" sound good?


It is getting ridiculous, getting off work at 10:30 get home at 11 pm and having an hour to play. Yeah server DT is only once a week or supposed to be. So far this week its 3 times, Su TU now Thur. All at times when I can play. And no I'm not playing for free it's 15$ month and it's NOT coming out of my moms wallet.


I play a couple/few hours a night 5 days a week there went 3 of my days. All of you people with grass stains on your knees and BW T's on with you Lucas Arts tats, and saying "you guys are just ************" have no clue at all.


And no! I'm deleting my credits IF I quit.

Edited by Lucidlongevity
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I have an Nvidia 560ti and a 3.3ghz i7, I can easily run this game at 100+fps with everything turned to max but after tuesday's update My screen will randomly freeze for about 1.5 secs.


Something is broken, it isn't because my machine can't handle the game and Bioware needs to fix it.


Grow up and realize that 2 hours of server downtime is way better than many people having an unplayable game for a week after an update breaks something.


I have a Radon 6950 2MB and a 3.3ghz i7, i have not had any freezes or crashes of any sort, so i am gonna say it is your machine. Reformat and reinstall, it is your only option to fix it

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I work until 12am CST, and like to play at night before it shuts down. Why arent these updates done at 4am-6am? Dont give me that crap that it interrupts with the Europeans...make them their own servers then. This is BS and it needs to be addressed!


hahahah.. how selfish can you be.

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....Every online game i have every played = This thread on there forums for Down times

i work at night and i get off normally right when down time starts it sucks but not the end of the world i find something else to do or i go to sleep and play before work


I am sure once they work out the bugs we will see a one night a week shutdown for a few hours unless some major thing breaks and when we get to the point of one night a week shutdowns will still see threads like this about why is it always my time zone why cant they do it in ( insert another random time zone here ) if you don't i will stop my sub and go play

( random game here ) :rolleyes:


Every game has downtime some more then others some have down time for a hour every night some have it once a week for up to eight hours and if you enjoy the game you work around the downtime or you just deal with it :D

Edited by Azezall
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....Every online game i have every played = This thread on there forums for Down times

i work at night and i get off normally right when down time starts it sucks but not the end of the world i find something else to do or i go to sleep and play before work


I am sure once they work out the bugs we will see a one night a week shutdown for a few hours unless some major thing breaks and when we get to the point of one night a week shutdowns will still see threads like this about why is it always my time zone why cant they do it in ( insert another random time zone here ) if you don't ill stop my sub and go play

( random game here ) :rolleyes:


Every game has downtime some more then others some have down time for a hour every night some have it once a week for up to eight hours and if you enjoy the game you work around the downtime or you just deal with it :D


Blah, blah, blah, this issue doesn't bother me so why should it bother you? blah, blah, blah...



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I know, they should hand out free copies of monkey island, so that everyone had something to do while servers is down. Hell maybe people could learn a thing or 2 from the most hilarious pirate that ever lived. If a woodchuck could chuck wood how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood:p
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Blah, blah, blah, this issue doesn't bother me so why should it bother you? blah, blah, blah...




:rolleyes: -1 Troll harder my son


Never said it shouldn't bother someone simply said its the way that it has been in every online game i have every played and getting you panty's in a twist wont do you much good but its your cash so if you want to rage about it go for it i was just throwing in my two cents

Edited by Azezall
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While a lot of people in this thread seem frustrated with this issue, you seem to be on a one man crusade to maintain the status quo.


So what's your agenda here? You run the server farm and want to go to bed early or something? ;)


Actually no, I find it funny how it seems that most of these people that post on the general forums are like 2 steps away from suicide all because of some small downtime. I guess short answer is it tickles my funny bone to see how narrow sighted a majority of them are and have no real life experience in which to associate what BW goes through.

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You US guys have nothing to cry about, downtimes are all planned ackording to your "normal" sleep hours! ;o


And anyway, yes, there is a lot of maintenance, but the game is just a baby yet. Give em some time to get their **** together!

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I get the frequent maintenance for a game this young. What I don't get is why in this day and age you have to take the whole game down to update it. MMO's are not that much different from other games that are up 24x7 with 80 million users, or sites like twitter or facebook that deploy to thousands of servers every week but never take their whole site down. Actually updating code doesn't take that long, even with thousands of servers.


Checking performance is something you do on live servers using analytics, or during load testing, you don't take them down to 'check performance' . They just figure that sounds good so they threw it in, but it's kind of insulting when you know it's just not true.


IMO the days of weekly downtimes being acceptable are over. There is no technical reason for it. It's a left over from days long gone. Game companies need to be held to a higher standard on stuff like this. They get away with it because people have come to regard it as the norm.



Even if the downtime doesn't bother you, it should bother you that they are telling you it's necessary, when it's not. 10 years ago maybe. Today, no way.



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You US guys have nothing to cry about, downtimes are all planned ackording to your "normal" sleep hours! ;o


And anyway, yes, there is a lot of maintenance, but the game is just a baby yet. Give em some time to get their **** together!


Nope..no time deserved. They had beta, which they clearly didnt make use of, and they have a public test server to test **** before putting it live, so this situation doesnt happen. Make use of it and listen.

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Nope..no time deserved. They had beta, which they clearly didnt make use of, and they have a public test server to test **** before putting it live, so this situation doesnt happen. Make use of it and listen.


Perhaps if people actually tested like they were supposed to and not just rush to see how to level the quickest, it might have been a better launch. Just saying.

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I work until 12am CST, and like to play at night before it shuts down. Why arent these updates done at 4am-6am? Dont give me that crap that it interrupts with the Europeans...make them their own servers then. This is BS and it needs to be addressed!


Omg, 1/2 days out of the week you can't play! The horror! What to do!?




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:rolleyes: -1 Troll harder my son


Never said it shouldn't bother someone simply said its the way that it has been in every online game i have every played and getting you panty's in a twist wont do you much good but its your cash so if you want to rage about it go for it i was just throwing in my two cents


hmm, trolling huh? Perhaps I was too harsh in my description of your post since it was simply your "two cents" as you put it?


Let's review.


You came into a thread initiated by and predominantly supported by customers who are communicating their dissatisfaction with an aspect of a product they've paid for and argued that they all have unreasonable expectations. Isn't that an act of a troll?


As for "panties in a twist" (not a troll statement at all), it has in fact had a lot of effect on companies and how they perform. There are many examples outside of this business model that we could look at but if we want to be fair and discuss our vast MMO experiences, let's talk about EvE Online this summer and how thousands of gamers getting their panties in a twist effectively changed the direction of the company.


No one here is asking to eliminate server maintenance which would be silly and unreasonable. They're asking for a more appropriate time.


So I ask what your post in this thread adds aside from trolling?

Edited by vondemon
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I get the frequent maintenance for a game this young. What I don't get is why in this day and age you have to take the whole game down to update it. MMO's are not that much different from other games that are up 24x7 with 80 million users, or sites like twitter or facebook that deploy to thousands of servers every week but never take their whole site down. Actually updating code doesn't take that long, even with thousands of servers.


lmao, you are comparing updating a web interface, which means just loading the new stuff to an MMO? Very silly, both work in completely different ways to the end user.


Also this argument is stupid, no matter what time it is at someone will be affected, thats fking life, deal with it. If you move it along any further then most of EU will be hit, and sorry if you dont like that but its a bit hypocritical if you cry about not being able to play but dont give a *** when another country cant play. Typical American there lol.


Deal with it, the times have been the same, expect it, or get a life, (seriously cant last 2hrs? lmao)

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Omg, 1/2 days out of the week you can't play! The horror! What to do!?





To be fair, some of us don't have as much opportunities as others to play. We make do with what time is allowed, while we're not busy with family/friends/work/etc, which depending on where you live, can cause you to end up playing only several days a week. Additional downtime that could be handled better just adds salt to the wound in a way.

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