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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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Have a high level commando (42), and a scoundrel is the high 20's. They come nowhere close to being as good as my Sage. When you can go 6 figures in both healing and dps in a bg something is definitely broke. They have everything. Stuns, blowbacks, shields, heals, ranged dps. It pains me to shelf my commando but sage is FAR superior. Not that my commando was bad...its just my commando has half the tool set of my sage. No wonder well over half of empire is sorc's. Its the poster child class for FotM, the frost mage of SWtoR. Edited by KrustyDog
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Most played numbers usually don't lie in my experience, unless the class has some special popularity tied to it. I've been doing my own little census by hand off and on since release, and the Sage is always the most played by a significant amount.
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Tracer missilie - tracer missile - tracer missile - tracer missile

(or equivalent)


OK, maybe it looks differently in lvl42 but lvl50 troopers / mercs are almost unstoppables.


I have a very good sage. On Voidstar I can deal more than 300.000 damage (I have almost full Champion gear).


And who deals more damage and kill than me at the end of the match?


Mercs/troopers and snipers/operatives.


In rare 1 vs 1 situations BH's are ALWAYS win because of the 1 button tracer missile. I have 15.000 HP, but tracer missiles has 3000-4000 dmg per / hit... this means 9000-12000 damage per cast. If I survive the first attack (because i'm on full HP or my force armor absorbs the first 3000 dmg) - no problem, tracer missile again.


Same with snipers and operatives: they have unstoppable insta-kills.

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Totally disagree. My powertech is awesome in PVP. And in many ways more fun than my Sorc. I like playing both, though.


On the other hand, my sniper is merely meh.


And my Marauder sucks. Maras need a major upgrade in both functionality and overall PVP-worthiness.

Edited by Amdarius
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Have a high level commando (42), and a scoundrel is the high 20's. They come nowhere close to being as good as my Sage. When you can go 6 figures in both healing and dps in a bg something is definitely broke. They have everything. Stuns, blowbacks, shields, heals, ranged dps. It pains me to shelf my commando but sage is FAR superior. Not that my commando was bad...its just my commando has half the tool set of my sage. No wonder well over half of empire is sorc's. Its the poster child class for FotM, the frost mage of SWtoR.


Are you basing the entire performance of a class on the scoreboard at the end of a match? If you are, that's possible the most ridiculous thing I've heard all day.

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you have to also remember that sages/sorc are LIGHT armor so if the other team was smarter they would focus on you and you wouldnt be able to get those numbers so easily

but in pvp lots of people just kill kill kill so easy to hide by a pillar and let loose.

6 figures is easy to get especially in voidstar so dont pretend that its overpowered

dont forget you could also see people with 400k+ in damage or in healing and to me thats more impressive than reaching 6 figures on both heal and damage... ooooh 150k damage 110k heal

Edited by DamsonRhee
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