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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BAH! This class is garbage "In Comperison" to others


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I just can't take it anymore. Everywhere I walk there must be a freaking sorcerer or mercenary around!!!! I get focused and Im dead!! even if I spam all my cds with 405 expertise I die like a fly!!


I thought, perhaps with better gear the problem will be solved, but no.. its still the same!! played both carnage/annihilation.. Annihilation takes to long to setup an attack and carnage hits like a girl..


Im a freaking warrior right? people should fear me coming, instead of laughing at my squishyness and take me down in few sec in a stun if I don't have my trinket ready.


Its really frustrating if your walking in a WZ and an operative/assasin strikes you from behind while a BH or sorcerer is free spamming from range without any worries.


I had better surviveabillity on my alt rogue in world of warcraft who has stealth.. unbelievable and yes i use everything.. like I tab the other target and deadly throw him so he gets rooted and then after roots I use the 90% accuracy thing on him.. I time everything very well..


I want hits to rely on like assasins have free 3k+ from range when needed without rage cost like us and a proc needed+Gore..


I find the design really awfull as Carnage Marauder.. I get focused a lot aswell because I'm screaming for it with the 2 lightsabers on my hand. The spell force scream should be called FOCUS scream from all the freaking focus they put on you and you scream like a girl.


I would have rerolled if I knew all this, but now its to late, because I'm already rank 52 with it and no way I wanna go back do all the leveling and pvp again..


I just want to be a freaking warrior who doesn't have to fear/run away from every moment it get focused by one of the 8 sorcerers in every warzone..


They have to A) change marauders design or B) Nerf Sorcerers for good. Starting by removing auto cast turn, because I cant even make circles around him wile attacking, so he can't land a cast on me.


I'm just not having fun right now with my Marauder, because of the ranged classes only.

If they don't make any changes for the next patch, im unfortunalety /unsubscribing:(

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Each patch since beta breaks animations, the WZ lag was so bad last night for me now not just combat is not worth it neither is focus. Go watchman and watch the tanks and even healers drop. Your burst is gone but you will have steady xp with heals.
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auto cast turn, because I cant even make circles around him wile attacking, so he can't land a cast on me.(


Certainly, this is the CHEESIEST mechanic I have seen in ANY game. Oh I take that back, the glorious DAOC had the infamous /stick mechanic. Soooo much skill ... lol


I have to say though, playing a Gunnery commando alt, just spam Grav Round while spinning around for the win is just too much fun. Well not really, got sick of that pretty quickly and respecc'd full Assault.

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Against other Melee classes, Marauder is comparable....well, against the Warrior class. But, that's about it. Severely limited against ranged types. Either not enough tools to close the distance or to remove stuns/hindurances to allow one to move within melee range of the opponent.


You could leave the above alone and just double the damage output of the class so that WHEN they are in melee range, the opponent knows it and feels it immediately.


Perhaps Sabre block should be an "always on" skill for the warrior class for ranged attacks.

Edited by Nnekk
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some of the best pvp I had was in darkfall. Now even in darkfall it had its cheese no aim spells that pretty much are a hit if shot in your direction which kind of sucked, but it was very skill based when two people of equal level fought.


Melee combat was so much fun because you really had to move around try not to be hit and land your hits.

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Against other Melee classes, Marauder is comparable....well, against the Warrior class. But, that's about it. Severely limited against ranged types. Either not enough tools to close the distance or to remove stuns/hindurances to allow one to move within melee range of the opponent.


You could leave the above alone and just double the damage output of the class so that WHEN they are in melee range, the opponent knows it and feels it immediately.


Perhaps Sabre block should be an "always on" skill for the warrior class for ranged attacks.


Spoken like a marauder who wants his class to be buffed.

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Tips for a Marauder, if you do any of the following you will not play a marauder well....



* Keyboard turn


* Click your abilities


* Can't handle hotkeying 20+ abilities


* Can't pick your fights



A merc/commando or other simple AC's can keyboard turn and click abilities and still do ok.... a marauder simply cannot. That is why a lot of people say they love the class and others hate it.

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They have to A) change marauders design or B) Nerf Sorcerers for good. Starting by removing auto cast turn, because I cant even make circles around him wile attacking, so he can't land a cast on me.



The only thing that auto turns is the channeled or cast time spells...if that's your concern then you shouldn't have much trouble surviving the low damage force lightning, interrupting...or downright destroying the Sorc because he is paper to another 680+ expertise.


Oh wait, I see the problem...


A Sorc with a comparison expertise of 400- doesn't even make it past his own teams goal line in huttball before he is blasted to shreds.

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