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Crafting Profession Changes in patch 1.1.2


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You are ignorant in your statements but I'll answer anyway.


On the highest raid difficulty every slot in your gear should matter and you should be seeking anything that could give you the edge including the best possible consumables. And whatever you may think the reality (get real) is that those consumables are required by ops leaders.


So 4 hours of serious raiding means 4 times money saved on a consumable. Hope you got it.


There shouldnt be reusuable consumables for anybody. It is nearly impossible for them to balance. If they dont want to use the base green/blue/purple for better effect and secondary effects, they should have gone with green/blue/purple consumables have higher level of charges. Again, they wouldnt last forever.


The point of being a biochem is that it allows you to save tons of money over having to pay for someone elses markup. While I think they should have gone from a perk in consumables to a perk in implants(give you guys aug slots in those just like synth/armormech gain) because things are equal and its hard for anyone to cry nerf there.


Saying that you deserve the best consumable forever, with only 1 startup cost though is bad for the game.

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While I think they should have gone from a perk in consumables to a perk in implants(give you guys aug slots in those just like synth/armormech gain) because things are equal and its hard for anyone to cry nerf there.


Saying that you deserve the best consumable forever, with only 1 startup cost though is bad for the game.


Implants have augument slots. The problem is there are no Rakata implants equivalent to Rakata schematics in other professions.


They could do many things with Biochem to change it / adjust it / make it fair. The thing is they are just nerfing it to death until it becomes completely and entirely useless which will be the case after this patch.


Besides they are contradicting themselves - they say the intended benefit of Rakata stims is saving credits. Even if something that is useless is free you are not saving credits because you don't produce it and don't use it.


This change seems so stupid that I start to wonder if they confused Energized with Exotech. Not that they will admit it now.

Edited by vandana_
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It is our intention to gradually, over multiple patches, reduce the impact of situational consumables on endgame combat resolution and shift the factors which determine the outcome of combat more towards personal skill. As part of this effort, specifically for PvP, we are also working on changes that will reduce the gear related power difference between new characters at level 50 and players in full PvP gear. We feel that at the current time, this difference is too high.



No reason to keep playing the game ... So this go live . 1 i am out of here 2. I just pvp in my rakata gear problem still the same , get A's much HP A's u Can, and no reason to get pvp gear if the nerf it now , 22000 hit points vs 15000 and nerf to Exptise good work BW

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Here's some stuff I'd like to see for crafting (and the GTN?):


1. I want to be able to link my profession to chat so that people can see my schematics and engage my services.


2. I want a search button in the GTN that IS NOT a series of drop downs. Useful as they are, they can be damn annoying. Especially when my companion comes back and the whole thing closes.


3. I'd like to see dyes (life Rift has) to change colours on gear. Biochem or artifice can make it I guess, give them something else to do ;) As nice as all the gear is, it's very "samey".


4. An upper (hidden?) limit on reverse engineering something would be nice. Having to RE 100 blues to get 1 of the purple options is crap and VERY disheartening (can be immensely costly too).


5. More speeder bike recipes for Cybertechs (maybe one we can sell?)


That is all.

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4. While i'm on the subject of armor mech, armor mech needs to be given a way to be useful to lvl 50 players. The only items I have for lvl 50 are BOP, and require raids and hard mode flashpoints. Even making low level armor is pointless as I find most players are just holding onto moddable armor and getting new mods as they level making all the time and money I put into my armormech a complete waste.


This is simply not true. Armormech is useful to level 50 players. I am currently wearing a belt and bracers made by an Armormech that I absolutely love. They are the same rating as Tionese gear but it looks like they are the basic level 49 schematics reverse engineered to purple.


As a cybertech I mod the rest of my gear as I can construct my own purple mods, but there again armormechs have a wide array of orange gear they can make me, and if I really like the look of a piece of orange gear then almost no price is too high.


I think as soon as all of the stats of raid/PVP gear are attached to mods, then armormechs will be entirely balanced.

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As part of this effort, specifically for PvP, we are also working on changes that will reduce the gear related power difference between new characters at level 50 and players in full PvP gear. We feel that at the current time, this difference is too high.



This is ********.....

So now the fresh 50 lvl noob will be equal to hard grinded fully pvp geared player ?

Then i will say - bb another subscription [yes my sub in this case]....


Personally, good riddance to anyone who uses the word noob.


I'm sure they will not take away all of the benefits of having PVP gear vs non-geared players. But if Bioware wants other players to take up PVP at lvl 50, a change has to be made. As it is now, someone who has focused on leveling and questing and is a casual PVPer who walks into a lvl 50 PVP match just gets farmed at the graveyard.

Not only is it unsportsmanlike conduct, but that person won't be going into PVP again.

Someone who is shortsighted and selfish might think, 'Well, good, we don't need them'. But the long term effect on pvp match participation is that fewer people will join and it will take longer and longer to get a match going and less people will play because of that.


Bioware has stated they want to make the game skill based - the lower level PVP IS skill based and is a ton of fun for everyone involved. If the lvl 50 geared PVP players are afraid to face other players on a slightly more fair playing board, then they are using their gear as a crutch. I do think that they gear should give an advantage - I agree that it was worked for and effort was spent. But being killed over and over again in 2 seconds if you are ungeared is not even remotely fair.

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Here's some stuff I'd like to see for crafting (and the GTN?):

4. An upper (hidden?) limit on reverse engineering something would be nice. Having to RE 100 blues to get 1 of the purple options is crap and VERY disheartening (can be immensely costly too).


That's a good idea for the REing. I think Purple REing should still be pretty hard - or the market for those items will crash as they become too common. But something like a behind the scenes accumulative increased chance to get a Purple recipe based on how many times you've REed that item. Another way to make this somewhat less costly would be to get more mats back from REing.

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As an artificer, and a primarily solo player, I'd like the opportunity to create some interesting stuff (lightsabers for example) without having to obtain HM/operation-only components. It doesn't have to be BIS (it's pretty obvious that our currently craftable sabers are far from BIS by any measure). It would just be nice to be able to make some orange sabers without having to roll the dice in a PUG over and over, or be forced to join a guild to have a chance of making a saber.


As far as crystals go, I'm fine with leaving the ultra-rare colours (purple, cyan, magenta, etc) very difficult to acquire. That's how it should be.

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That's a good idea for the REing. I think Purple REing should still be pretty hard - or the market for those items will crash as they become too common. But something like a behind the scenes accumulative increased chance to get a Purple recipe based on how many times you've REed that item. Another way to make this somewhat less costly would be to get more mats back from REing.


Getting rid of "You have already learned this recipe" may be enough. In fact it may raise your chance to get the proper version of recipe in solid number of tries.

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I'm an Auction House player. I loved playing the auction house on WOW and have been running max auctions on 3 toons in SWTOR.

Suggestions on GTN Improvements:


Stop Companions from closing the GTN when they return from missions.


Make it easier to open crafting while having the GTN window open.


Allow base searching for an item without having to go through all the drop down menus.


Allow armor to have an additional level of sorting based on the bodypart it is worn on. The inability for players to easily find armor hurts the Armormech and Synthweavers.


Increase 50 auction limit - not sure the reason for this.


Allow Armormechs and Synthweavers to RE dropped armor. This will have the effect of removing more greens from the auctionhouse and make it easier for those professions to sell things.


Slightly increase the stats on Crafted items vs routine Dropped items. Flashpoint and Operation gear should still be just as good or better.


Spread out the Modifications over more tradeskills. Give one from Cybertechs to Armormechs and one from Artificers to Synthweavers. Though I realize this is unlikely due to the investment those folks have already made. But something needs to be done for those crafters to make their items sellable.


Make Cybertech bikes BOE. Though Cybertech seems to have plenty of things to sell, but if you move Armor Mods over to Armormechs, this would help make up for it.


Increase the amount of mats returned from RE instead of increasing the chance for a recipe. That way the value of the purple items won't drop as much due to the commonality of the recipe, but it won't make it as painful for folks to working on it. Will also remove more items from the GTN and increase mat availability.


Tooltip when you mouse over an item to tell you if you have that item, where it is and how many you have of it. Including over your recipe list. Will help crafters to know if they already have an item on the GTN, to see how many mats they have and where they are. (Extra bonus to add how many of the item you've sold, at what price and how many have returned unsold. Also average price you've seen it posted on the GTN for. Dreaming here, but thought I'd put it in)


Fix the Mailbox generic response for sold items. "You sold something to someone" does not help track what you need to restock or to help you determine a good market price.

Also have the mail include the level and quality of the item sold. The names for green and blue quality items is the same when it comes back in the mailbox.

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how about all modifications and enhancements will come with a duration (like 30 days) after which they will have to be replaced. armory mods (those which we cannot switch atm will not get destroyed so the purpose of raiding is still there)


along these changes make most of the stuff craftable but add ressources from raids to the higher ones + recipes drop in raids like now but the products are all tradeable.


raids/instances would be there to get ressources for crafting the high end stuff, armory mods, different style items where we can hopefully fit in all the mods soon.


i think in an itemgrind game like swtor the only way to achieve a real player economy is that most stuff needs to be replaced without destroying the shiny gear you got from raids (therefor the armory mod + the item as a whole would not be affected). the mod system seems to be quite decent for that and would finally add a real player economy to a themepark/itemgrind game.

Edited by xenom
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I hope they change the requirement for the biometric crystal alloy in the high end biochem recipes, cause I don't fancy having to do hardmore flashpoints for several weeks, hoping for a drop and then winning the roll, to be competitive in PVP.
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I personally love and I mean LOVE the customized appearance items. Right now we can't use them for end game which to me defeats the purpose of this wonderful feature. If you worry about mods being too available, make patterns as hard to acquire as comparable gear.
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Here's some stuff I'd like to see for crafting (and the GTN?):


1. I want to be able to link my profession to chat so that people can see my schematics and engage my services.

I do not see the point in this what so ever...



2. I want a search button in the GTN that IS NOT a series of drop downs. Useful as they are, they can be damn annoying. Especially when my companion comes back and the whole thing closes.

Now this too i would like, a blanket search field that doesnt require a bunch of drop down boxes


3. I'd like to see dyes (life Rift has) to change colours on gear. Biochem or artifice can make it I guess, give them something else to do ;) As nice as all the gear is, it's very "samey".

this is just a "meh" idea, EQ did it, and it wasnt all that great really, the armor looked the same type but just different color, i would much rather see appearance type tabs like EQ2 has in place for those that want a total different look but keep on the best gear.


4. An upper (hidden?) limit on reverse engineering something would be nice. Having to RE 100 blues to get 1 of the purple options is crap and VERY disheartening (can be immensely costly too).

i think instead of dumbing down crafting like a limit, instead they could add something like datacrons for companions that increase their crit chance, or perhaps quests that can raise that ability.


5. More speeder bike recipes for Cybertechs (maybe one we can sell?)

why not add a crafting ship building too??? yes its rather sarcastic but there are plenty of speeder choices, maybe speeder enhancements :).. i.e like a better hover engine that reduces falling damage.. or a booster that enables faster travel for say 5-10 seconds..


That is all.


theres my 2 credits worth anyways

Edited by Cbrinegar
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4. An upper (hidden?) limit on reverse engineering something would be nice. Having to RE 100 blues to get 1 of the purple options is crap and VERY disheartening (can be immensely costly too).


By this do you mean a limit to the amount of times you can RE before receiving the next tier schematic or a limit to the number of purple schemetics you can RE?


I say no either way.


I remember how long it took me to get my first purple 390 cybertech schematic. (The 400 took no time at all because it dropped off the first EV boss I ever killed.) While it took ages, the feeling of accomplishment afterward was great. These things are MEANT to be difficult. Because of how difficult they are to achieve, few other cybertechs of the purple schematics that I do, and I don't have a lot of the ones they do. It adds value to what I can create.


But if we were to add a limit to the number of purple schematics we can have, then it would have me not REing as I over-analyse which purple schematics I really want. If I learned I had a purple schematic in an item they was low demand or useless it would even tempt me to delete my cybertech skill and start over. I don't consider that fun, I consider it game-breaking.

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Fair concerns... but nobody said anything about nerfs for PvP gear just yet.


There are many ways of achieving our intended goal, from stabilizing early gear acquisition through diminishing/removal of the random factor to the introduction of new gear over time... and a dozen other methods in-between.


To spell it out: We currently have no intention to modify the stats on existing PvP gear downwards (which I assume you mean by 'nerf'). Nobody has talked about eliminating the gap between old level 50s and new level 50s either.


-- Georg


I honestly hope you don't nerf the difference between pvp gear.. Currently the difference is so small it actually needs a bump. Each Valor milestone 50,60,70 and so on needs to be about a 5% difference. They way it is now it's not even 1% which is sad.


It seems to me you want to cater to the cry,cry whine crowd and punish the the players that strife for more.

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Major changes are currently on schedule for the next major content patch, such as extractable basemods (armoring, barrel, etc.) from purple items, critical crafting successes on orange outfits, more bind-on-equip schematic drops for artifice and other professions, increased relevance of augments, better reverse engineering chance, and other improvements. We want to create significant incentive for players to engage in the crafting economy – as provider of goods or supplier - without requiring players to take up a specific profession as a ticket into endgame.


Awesome news! Orange gear with augment slots would be great. RE chances surely need improving as it is super expensive to get purple schems atm. Augments certainly need more relavance. The GTN needs to have some massive usability improvements!

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So... when is artifice going to be able to craft assassin tanking off hands?


I'm glad for these other changes/improvements, but you have 0 schematics to allow artifices to make assassin tanks willpower focus off hands (with shields).

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What should be done is a way to know what you can reverse engineer. Like a side-branching family tree. For instance when RE a green armor you can see what you have a possibility of RE. When you click on the green item, it would then show the blues in grey, then when you RE a blue it would show the purples you can RE. Minus the mastercrafts and criticals of course. But this way you can have an idea of what you CAN RE instead of being in the dark about it. So for people who may want to take the time and learn every schematic can know what they need to learn and from what items they need to learn it from. Even if this idea isn't the way to go, there should still some way of showing what you can RE.
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